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Delve into the physical components of Apple devices, including processors, memory, storage, and their interaction with the software.






How to implement NVMESMARTLib for USB-NVMe bridge chip?
Many USB storage devices are NVMe devices accessed through a USB-NVMe bridge chip, such as those by JMicron and Asmedia. These chipsets do not forward SMART data requests to the devices, but do have the capability to forward raw NVMe commands to the devices using vendor specific requests. How can we provide access to SMART data for NVMe devices accessed through a bridge chip like this? Many people used the OSX SAT SMART kext driver to provide access to SMART data for devices using USB-SATA chips, but it is a kext and doesn't support NVMe. See https://binaryfruit.com/drivedx/usb-drive-support#install-instructions Would we need to implement a kext like that to make this work? Is there a DriverKit way to do this?
My phone just keeps crashing, screen turns off and the iphone just reboots himself. It happend now 6-7 times in 1,5 hours. I have a Iphone 15 Pro (IOS 18.0) what can i do?
Reading Files from USB-C Storage on iOS Devices
Hello, We are currently developing a device with a USB-C drive, and we want to connect it to iOS devices to import the stored files into our app. I have a few questions regarding this: MFi Certification Requirement We believe that MFi certification is not necessary for USB-C connections. Is this understanding correct? Implementation Method We prefer not to use standard components like UIDocumentPickerViewController. Are there any methods to access the file system directly, or any other suitable approaches you can recommend? If anyone has experience with this, your advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.
My battery health keeps dropping fast!
My battery health has dropped from 98% to 93% in the last 5 months. I bought my iphone 15 pro max last september, it hovered at 98% till january and then has been dropping at a rate that makes me feel uncomfortable and has reached 93% now. Is this normal or am I being paranoid? is there anything i can do to slow this down?
Access NVMe SMART on iPad
When using external NVMe devices on iOS / iPadOS I cannot tell how to access the disk SMART data. On macOS I can use NVMeSMARTLibExternal.h to access this information but the same system does not seem to work on iPadOS (even with Thunderbolt NVMe devices). When using M series iPads with professional Thunderbolt storage this woudlbe very useful.
Unable to send Mifare commandos on iOS
I have created a Flutter application to scan Mifare DESFire cards on Android and iOS. I have tried using both flutter_nfc_kit and nfc_manager which both use CoreNFC. On both platforms, I can get the basic information on the card. However, only on Android, I can read data from the card by using Mifare commands. On iOS I am getting a 0B response. I have the following configuration inside my Runner.entitlements: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd"> <plist version="1.0"> <dict> <key>com.apple.developer.nfc.readersession.formats</key> <array> <string>TAG</string> </array> </dict> </plist> I have added the following keys inside my Info.plist file: <dict> <key>NFCReaderUsageDescription</key> <string>Access NFC</string> <key>com.apple.developer.nfc.readersession.iso7816.select-identifiers</key> <array> <string>D2760000850100</string> </array> ... </dict> However, I have noticed that I will get a different response if I add the D2760000850100 key in the Info.plist file. When I have this key added I get an error when executing a Mifare command: PlatformException(500, Communication error, Tag response error, null) So for that reason, I decided to remove the key altogether. Now everytime, I execute a Mifare command I end up with the response of 0B. Which does not tell me anything because it is not an official response. The Mifare command I am using is the select application command: 5A123456 where 123456 is the application ID. As mentioned before this works perfectly on Android. The only response I can get from the Mifare DESFire card is with an ISO7816 command: 00A4040006D2760000850100. Which is the select application command according to the ISO7816 standard. However, after executing this command I need to authenticate, which requires a complex algorithm. Is it necessary on iOS to first execute ISO7816 commands, before you can execute Mifare commands?
Device not discoverable by AccessorySetupKit
I set up my app very similar to the sample app, putting the Service UUID in the plist and descriptor, I am able to see the picker but when my device is advertising, it doesn't seem to be responding to it. I see it stuck on "Discovering" and then it times out saying "Make sure the accessory is nearby and ready to connect". I also noticed that when I remove the ASK code but leave in the ASK fields in the info plist, my CBManagerAuthroization state is always "not determined". Can anyone help me troubleshoot these 2 issues? Perhaps they are related?
Issue with Background Serial Communication Using Type-C on iPad Pro
Hello, I am experiencing an issue with background serial communication on my iPad Pro when using a Type-C connection to an external device. Specifically, when the app is inactive, in low power mode, or when the screen is locked (i.e., not active), the communication with the external device is interrupted. However, this problem does not occur when using a Lightning cable on my iPad Mini. In that setup, the background serial communication works seamlessly under the same conditions. Has anyone encountered a similar issue or have any insights into why the behavior differs between Type-C and Lightning connections? Any suggestions or workarounds would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
USB Hub and iPhones failing to connect to MacBook left USB-C port after macOS Sequoia restore
I was trying to use my MacBook Air M1's left USB port to connect to my USB hub setup (including a DisplayLink hub and regular powered USB hub), but they would only work on the right USB port (unless I have it plugged in from a cold boot). I also found out that I can plug my charger into the port and it would work correctly, and connect my iPhone to the port and have it charge out to the phone correctly (but cannot transfer data between devices). These issues seemed to have started happening when I did a clean restore of macOS Sequoia (so there is a chance that I might try reinstalling Sonoma instead to see if that fixes the issue). Has anyone else encountered this sort of issue?
Significant drop in a IMU data results in session interruption
Since moving up to IOS18 lat week I am getting an indication that there was a significant drop in IMU data being sent. Using the search capability, I can find very little information in the Developer Documentation that will tell me what the cause is and how to remedy it. Is there some documentation repository like Tech Notes that will tell me what I need to know to get going again? What additional sources of documentation are available for developers? The Search engine used for Developer documentation just does not cut it because it delivered a lot of useless entries that have no obvious relevance to my search terms. "2024-06-20 19:27:00.669334-0500 RoomPlanExampleApp[902:299709] [Technique] ARWorldTrackingTechnique &lt;0x104bf6d80&gt;: SLAM error callback: Error Domain=Slam Error Code=7 "Non fatal error occurred due to significant drop in a IMU data" UserInfo={NSDescription=Non fatal error occurred due to significant drop in a IMU data, NSLocalizedFailureReason=SlamEngineNodeGroup Failure: IMU issue: gyro data stream verification failed [Significant data drop]. Failed on timestamp: 53902.785827, Last known timestamp: 53901.416828, Delta: 1.368999, System timestamp: 53902.786251, Delta between system and frame: 0.000423. }"
Screen time crashing
So I updated my phone to ios18 beta and ever since then my phone will always crash when I enter screen time but any other application nothing will happen, my phone has gotten so much slower and heats up faster. Lags so much! I dont know what else to do. I have 107gb and my max is 128gb so I don’t see that as the issue. Especially since I can’t enter into my screen time. I waited it out for almost two or one week. it hasn’t changed. restarted my phone and everything. please help asap!!!
AccessorySetupKit: Usage of manufacturer data blob
We want to use AccessorySetupKit to pair our BLE accessories. However, currently all our products announce the same BLE service UUID. The manufacturer data is different for every product. I try to pair our products with ASK and create the ASDiscoveryDescriptor with the expected manufacturer data: let descriptorA = ASDiscoveryDescriptor() descriptorA.bluetoothServiceUUID = CBUUID("CE1EB45C-1BD2-45BE-8163-ACC88BE94CB2") // same descriptorA.bluetoothManufacturerDataBlob = Data([0xd2, 0x0a, 0x00, /* A */ 0x2a, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]) // different descriptorA.bluetoothManufacturerDataMask = Data([0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff]) let descriptorB = ASDiscoveryDescriptor() descriptorB.bluetoothServiceUUID = CBUUID("CE1EB45C-1BD2-45BE-8163-ACC88BE94CB2") // same descriptorB.bluetoothManufacturerDataBlob = Data([0xd2, 0x0a, 0x00, /* B */ 0x2b, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]) // different descriptorB.bluetoothManufacturerDataMask = Data([0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff]) However, it seems random which device is found, as if the service UUID is the primary key to handle things in ASK. My questions are: Is it possible to use only manufacturer data to distinguish between different products with the same service UUID? How do I use bluetoothManufacturerDataMask properly? I assume that internally some filtering like this is done: DataBlob & DataMask == ReceivedManufacturerData & DataMask. Because of that I have set all bits of the mask to 1. Should this e done differently?
Pairing with MatterSupport framework
In my RequestHandler.swift, this is extension of MatterAddDeviceExtensionRequestHandler After commission device is completion. I call getBaseDevice method in the MTRDeviceController. func controller(_ controller: MTRDeviceController, commissioningComplete error: Error?, nodeID: NSNumber?) { if error != nil { os_log(.default, "TrinhVM: commissioningComplete error -> \(error!.localizedDescription)") } else { os_log(.default, "TrinhVM: commissioningComplete ->\(nodeID)") chipController.getBaseDevice(1, queue: DispatchQueue.main, completionHandler: { chipDevice, error in if chipDevice == nil { os_log(.debug, "Status: Failed to establish a connection with the device") } else { os_log(.error, "Status: Success to establish a connection with the device: \(chipDevice?.description ?? "")") let chipDevice, endpointID: 1, queue: DispatchQueue.main) // Send the "on" command to the device onOff?.on { error in let resultString: String if let error = error { resultString = String(format: "An error occurred: 0x%02lx", error._code) } else { resultString = "On command success" } debugPrint(resultString) } } }) } } It's working well, the status is always "Status: Success to establish a connection with the device". And I can control the lightbulb here with chipDevice (chipDevice is MTRBaseDevice). But, after the commission device has finished in the extension, get back the application scheme. I call method: chipController.getBaseDevice(1, queue: DispatchQueue.main, completionHandler: { chipDevice, error in if chipDevice == nil { os_log(.debug, "Status: Failed to establish a connection with the device") } else { os_log(.error, "Status: Success to establish a connection with the device: \(chipDevice?.description ?? "")") let chipDevice, endpointID: 1, queue: DispatchQueue.main) // Send the "on" command to the device onOff?.on { error in let resultString: String if let error = error { resultString = String(format: "An error occurred: 0x%02lx", error._code) } else { resultString = "On command success" } debugPrint(resultString) } } }) It's always show timeout error . Mdns: Resolve failure (src/platform/Darwin/DnssdImpl.cpp:476: CHIP Error 0x00000074: The operation has been cancelled) OperationalSessionSetup[1:0000000000000015]: operational discovery failed: src/lib/address_resolve/AddressResolve_DefaultImpl.cpp:119: CHIP Error 0x00000032: Timeout Creating NSError from src/lib/address_resolve/AddressResolve_DefaultImpl.cpp:119: CHIP Error 0x00000032: Timeout (context: (null)) "Failed to establish a connection with the device Optional(Error Domain=MTRErrorDomain Code=9 \"Transaction timed out.\" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Transaction timed out.})" I don't know why the same method, works in RequestHandler.swift but not in AppScheme. Any support for this issue. Thank and best regards.
Get time it took to complete HMCharacteristic.writeValue()
I'm working on an app that uses HomeKit-enabled accessories such as wall plugs to control a photographic enlarger in a darkroom. This requires precise timing when toggling the power state of the plug. For example, the timer in my app might be set to 5 seconds, so I turn on the plug using writeValue() on the plugs power state characteristic, wait 5 seconds, then turn it off again. I want to be able to measure if the plug actually responded to the command and if there was any delay in the plug actually turning on/off so I can display a warning to the user if network latency resulted in the plug being on for longer than the set time. Does writeValue() (in my case, the async/await version) only return when the plug has been turned on, or does it return as soon as the command has been sent, regardless of if it has been received/acted on? Is there a way I can (a) quickly verify that the plug has been turned on/off, and (b) measure how long it took for the plug to act on the request, that is, the time elapsed between when writeValue() is called and when the plug actually updates to the corresponding value?
FIDO2 not working with External Security Key
Tried to implement the code snippets based on : https://developer.apple.com/documentation/authenticationservices/public-private_key_authentication/supporting_security_key_authentication_using_physical_keys security key. The Sign In UI did popup but after which is either it timed-out or i cancelled the operation. The performRequest function doesn't seems to trigger my external security key. Not sure if FBSSystemApp / coreauthd are part of the logs i should be looking out to see where the issue(s) is/are?