
public class ArCoreApk

Static methods for managing the status of ARCore on the device.

Nested Classes

enum ArCoreApk.Availability Describes the current state of ARCore availability on the device. 
enum ArCoreApk.InstallBehavior Controls the behavior of the installation UI. 
enum ArCoreApk.InstallStatus Indicates the outcome of a call to requestInstall()
enum ArCoreApk.UserMessageType Controls the message displayed by the installation UI. 

Public Methods

checkAvailability(Context applicationContext)
Determines if ARCore is supported on this device.
checkAvailabilityAsync(Context applicationContext, Consumer<ArCoreApk.Availability> callback)
Asynchronously determines if ARCore is supported on this device.
static ArCoreApk
Returns the singleton instance of ArCoreApk.
requestInstall(Activity applicationActivity, boolean userRequestedInstall)
Initiates installation of ARCore when needed.
requestInstall(Activity applicationActivity, boolean userRequestedInstall, ArCoreApk.InstallBehavior installBehavior, ArCoreApk.UserMessageType messageType)
Initiates installation of ARCore when needed, with configurable behavior.

Inherited Methods

Public Methods