
public class ImageMetadata

Provides access to metadata from the camera image capture result.

For details on individual keys, see the reference information for the similarly named constant in the NDK Camera documentation.


int BLACK_LEVEL_LOCK Whether black-level compensation is locked to its current values, or is free to vary.
int COLOR_CORRECTION_ABERRATION_MODE Mode of operation for the chromatic aberration correction algorithm.
int COLOR_CORRECTION_GAINS Gains applying to Bayer raw color channels for white-balance.
int COLOR_CORRECTION_MODE The mode control selects how the image data is converted from the sensor's native color into linear sRGB color.
int COLOR_CORRECTION_TRANSFORM A color transform matrix to use to transform from sensor RGB color space to output linear sRGB color space.
int CONTROL_AE_ANTIBANDING_MODE The desired setting for the camera device's auto-exposure algorithm's antibanding compensation.
int CONTROL_AE_EXPOSURE_COMPENSATION Adjustment to auto-exposure (AE) target image brightness.
int CONTROL_AE_LOCK Whether auto-exposure (AE) is currently locked to its latest calculated values.
int CONTROL_AE_MODE The desired mode for the camera device's auto-exposure routine.
int CONTROL_AE_PRECAPTURE_TRIGGER Whether the camera device will trigger a precapture metering sequence when it processes this request.
int CONTROL_AE_REGIONS List of metering areas to use for auto-exposure adjustment.
int CONTROL_AE_STATE Current state of the auto-exposure (AE) algorithm.
int CONTROL_AE_TARGET_FPS_RANGE Range over which the auto-exposure routine can adjust the capture frame rate to maintain good exposure.
int CONTROL_AF_MODE Whether auto-focus (AF) is currently enabled, and what mode it is set to.
int CONTROL_AF_REGIONS List of metering areas to use for auto-focus.
int CONTROL_AF_STATE Current state of auto-focus (AF) algorithm.
int CONTROL_AF_TRIGGER Whether the camera device will trigger autofocus for this request.
int CONTROL_AWB_LOCK Whether auto-white balance (AWB) is currently locked to its latest calculated values.
int CONTROL_AWB_MODE Whether auto-white balance (AWB) is currently setting the color transform fields, and what its illumination target is.
int CONTROL_AWB_REGIONS List of metering areas to use for auto-white-balance illuminant estimation.
int CONTROL_AWB_STATE Current state of auto-white balance (AWB) algorithm.
int CONTROL_CAPTURE_INTENT Information to the camera device 3A (auto-exposure, auto-focus, auto-white balance) routines about the purpose of this capture, to help the camera device to decide optimal 3A strategy.
int CONTROL_EFFECT_MODE A special color effect to apply.
int CONTROL_MODE Overall mode of 3A (auto-exposure, auto-white-balance, auto-focus) control routines.
int CONTROL_POST_RAW_SENSITIVITY_BOOST The amount of additional sensitivity boost applied to output images after RAW sensor data is captured.
int CONTROL_SCENE_MODE Control for which scene mode is currently active.
int CONTROL_VIDEO_STABILIZATION_MODE Whether video stabilization is active.
int EDGE_MODE Operation mode for edge enhancement.
int FLASH_MODE The desired mode for the camera device's flash control.
int FLASH_STATE Current state of the flash unit.
int HOT_PIXEL_MODE Operational mode for hot pixel correction.
int JPEG_GPS_COORDINATES GPS coordinates to include in output JPEG EXIF.
int JPEG_GPS_PROCESSING_METHOD 32 characters describing GPS algorithm to include in EXIF.
int JPEG_GPS_TIMESTAMP Time GPS fix was made to include in EXIF.
int JPEG_ORIENTATION The orientation for a JPEG image.
int JPEG_QUALITY Compression quality of the final JPEG image.
int JPEG_THUMBNAIL_QUALITY Compression quality of JPEG thumbnail.
int JPEG_THUMBNAIL_SIZE Resolution of embedded JPEG thumbnail.
int LENS_APERTURE The desired lens aperture size, as a ratio of lens focal length to the effective aperture diameter.
int LENS_FILTER_DENSITY The desired setting for the lens neutral density filter(s).
int LENS_FOCAL_LENGTH The desired lens focal length; used for optical zoom.
int LENS_FOCUS_DISTANCE Desired distance to plane of sharpest focus, measured from frontmost surface of the lens.
int LENS_FOCUS_RANGE The range of scene distances that are in sharp focus (depth of field).
int LENS_INTRINSIC_CALIBRATION The parameters for this camera device's intrinsic calibration.
int LENS_OPTICAL_STABILIZATION_MODE Sets whether the camera device uses optical image stabilization (OIS) when capturing images.
int LENS_POSE_ROTATION The orientation of the camera relative to the sensor coordinate system.
int LENS_POSE_TRANSLATION Position of the camera optical center.
int LENS_RADIAL_DISTORTION The correction coefficients to correct for this camera device's radial and tangential lens distortion.
int LENS_STATE Current lens status.
int NOISE_REDUCTION_MODE Mode of operation for the noise reduction algorithm.
int REQUEST_PIPELINE_DEPTH Specifies the number of pipeline stages the frame went through from when it was exposed to when the final completed result was available to the framework.
int SCALER_CROP_REGION The desired region of the sensor to read out for this capture.
int SENSOR_DYNAMIC_BLACK_LEVEL A per-frame dynamic black level offset for each of the color filter arrangement (CFA) mosaic channels.
int SENSOR_DYNAMIC_WHITE_LEVEL Maximum raw value output by sensor for this frame.
int SENSOR_EXPOSURE_TIME Duration each pixel is exposed to light.
int SENSOR_FRAME_DURATION Duration from start of frame exposure to start of next frame exposure.
int SENSOR_GREEN_SPLIT The worst-case divergence between Bayer green channels.
int SENSOR_NEUTRAL_COLOR_POINT The estimated camera neutral color in the native sensor colorspace at the time of capture.
int SENSOR_NOISE_PROFILE Noise model coefficients for each CFA mosaic channel.
int SENSOR_ROLLING_SHUTTER_SKEW Duration between the start of first row exposure and the start of last row exposure.
int SENSOR_SENSITIVITY The amount of gain applied to sensor data before processing.
int SENSOR_TEST_PATTERN_DATA A pixel [R, G_even, G_odd, B] that supplies the test pattern when ACAMERA_SENSOR_TEST_PATTERN_MODE is SOLID_COLOR.
int SENSOR_TEST_PATTERN_MODE When enabled, the sensor sends a test pattern instead of doing a real exposure from the camera.
int SENSOR_TIMESTAMP Time at start of exposure of first row of the image sensor active array, in nanoseconds.
int SHADING_MODE Quality of lens shading correction applied to the image data.
int STATISTICS_FACE_DETECT_MODE Operating mode for the face detector unit.
int STATISTICS_FACE_IDS List of unique IDs for detected faces.
int STATISTICS_FACE_LANDMARKS List of landmarks for detected faces.
int STATISTICS_FACE_RECTANGLES List of the bounding rectangles for detected faces.
int STATISTICS_FACE_SCORES List of the face confidence scores for detected faces See Android NDK Docs for details.
int STATISTICS_HOT_PIXEL_MAP List of (x, y) coordinates of hot/defective pixels on the sensor.
int STATISTICS_HOT_PIXEL_MAP_MODE Operating mode for hot pixel map generation.
int STATISTICS_LENS_SHADING_MAP The shading map is a low-resolution floating-point map that lists the coefficients used to correct for vignetting and color shading, for each Bayer color channel of RAW image data.
int STATISTICS_LENS_SHADING_MAP_MODE Whether the camera device will output the lens shading map in output result metadata.
int STATISTICS_SCENE_FLICKER The camera device estimated scene illumination lighting frequency.
int SYNC_FRAME_NUMBER The frame number corresponding to the last request with which the output result (metadata + buffers) has been fully synchronized.
int TONEMAP_CURVE_BLUE Tonemapping / contrast / gamma curve for the blue channel, to use when ACAMERA_TONEMAP_MODE is CONTRAST_CURVE.
int TONEMAP_CURVE_GREEN Tonemapping / contrast / gamma curve for the green channel, to use when ACAMERA_TONEMAP_MODE is CONTRAST_CURVE.
int TONEMAP_CURVE_RED Tonemapping / contrast / gamma curve for the red channel, to use when ACAMERA_TONEMAP_MODE is CONTRAST_CURVE.
int TONEMAP_GAMMA Tonemapping curve to use when ACAMERA_TONEMAP_MODE is GAMMA_VALUE See Android NDK Docs for details.
int TONEMAP_MODE High-level global contrast/gamma/tonemapping control.
int TONEMAP_PRESET_CURVE Tonemapping curve to use when ACAMERA_TONEMAP_MODE is PRESET_CURVE See Android NDK Docs for details.

Public Methods

getByte(int key)
Retrieves the scalar byte value for a specific key.
getByteArray(int key)
Retrieves the byte array value for a specific key.
getDouble(int key)
Retrieves the scalar double value for a specific key.
getDoubleArray(int key)
Retrieves the double array value for a specific key.
getFloat(int key)
Retrieves the scalar floating point value for a specific key.
getFloatArray(int key)
Retrieves the float array value for a specific key.
getInt(int key)
Retrieves the scalar integer value for a specific key.
getIntArray(int key)
Retrieves the integer array value for a specific key.
Returns the list of all metadata keys available for this image.
getLong(int key)
Retrieves the scalar long value for a specific key.
getLongArray(int key)
Retrieves the long array value for a specific key.
getRational(int key)
Retrieves the scalar Rational value for a specific key.
getRationalArray(int key)
Retrieves the Rational array value for a specific key.

Inherited Methods


Public Methods