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Parser for PHYLIP distance matrix files #1724

peterjc opened this issue Jul 5, 2018 · 3 comments · May be fixed by #3836

Parser for PHYLIP distance matrix files #1724

peterjc opened this issue Jul 5, 2018 · 3 comments · May be fixed by #3836


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peterjc commented Jul 5, 2018

Migrated from https://redmine.open-bio.org/issues/2034 which I filed in 2006-06-27.
Cross reference #292 which added output in this format.

This is a slightly updated version of the code I posted to the mailing list here:


This code is offered to BioPython, and should it (or a derived
version of it) be included in BioPython it would be available under
the BioPython License.

If the code is not used in BioPython, it may not be redistributed
without my prior permission.

I hope it proves useful in getting similar functionality included in BioPython.

# Copyright: Peter Cock, 27 June 2006
# http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/fac/sci/moac/currentstudents/peter_cock/
# This code is offered to BioPython, and should it (or a derived version of it) be
# included in BioPython it would be available under the BioPython License.
# If the code is not used in BioPython, it may not be redistributed without my prior
# permission.
class distanceMatrix :
    """Store a symmetrix distance matrix with zero diagonal entries, and read and writes
    to Phylip distance matrix format

    Needs proper splicing support.
    Could try using Numeric/Numpy internally for more speed/less memory"""
    def __init__(self, names=None, distances=None, n=None) :
        """Create a distance matrix.

        If names is ommitted, names will be automatically assigned
        If distances are ommitted, zero will be assummed.
        If both are missing, then an n by n or empty matrix is returned.

        The distance can be a normal array, in which case we check for
        symmetry and zero diagonals.

        Also, a lower triangular form may be used, e.g. for a 3x3 case:
        [[], [x], [y, z]] or including the diagonal, [[0], [x, 0], [y, z, 0]] 
        rather than the fully symmetric version [[0, x, y], [x, 0, z], [y, z, 0]]

        if names and distances :
            assert len(names) == len(distances)
        if names :
            assert n is None
            self._names = names
            n = len(names)
        elif distances :
            assert n is None
            self._names = ["Name %i" % (i+1) for i in range(0,len(distance))]
            n = len(distance)
        elif n > 0 :
            self._names = ["Name %i" % (i+1) for i in range(0,n)]
        else :

        for i in range(0, n) :
            self._data.append([0.0 for j in range(0,i)])

        if distances :
            for i in range(0, len(distances)) :
                if len(distances[i]) < i :
                    print "Warning: Missing data from %s row" % (self._names[i])
                for j in range(0, min(i,len(distances[i]))) :
                    assert i > j, "Expected %i > %i" % (i,j)
                    self.set_distance(i, j, distances[i][j])
                for j in range(i, min(n, len(distances[i]))) :
                    assert i <= j
                    if i < j :
                        #print "Checking (%i,%i)==(%i,%i)" % (i,j,j,i)
                        assert distances[i][j]==distances[j][i], "Non symmetric distance"
                    else :
                        #print "Checking (%i,%i)==zero" % (i,j)
                        assert 0.0 == float(distances[i][j]), "Non zero diagonal"

    def add(self, name, distances=None, allowDuplicateNames=True) :
        """Add an additional row/column to distance matrix.

        If the matrix currently N by N, then then 'distances' should be a list of
        N distances (or N+1 including a final zero distance for this entry to itself)"""
        if name in self._names :
            if allowDuplicateNames :
                #print "WARNING entry %i is a repeated name: %s" % (len(self)+1,name)
            else :
                raise ValueError("Repeated name: " + name)

        if not distances : distances = [0] * len(self)
        if len(distances) == len(self)+1 :
            assert float(distances[-1])==0.0
            distances = distances[:-1]
        assert len(self) == len(distances), "Have %i entries already, got %i new distances " % (len(self), len(distances))
        self._data.append(map(float, distances))

    def name(self, index) :
        return self._names[index]

    def names(self) :
        """Returns a COPY of the the list of names"""
        return self._names[:]

    def __len__(self) :
        """Returns the number of rows/cols/names in the distance matrix"""
        assert len(self._names) == len(self._data)
        return len(self._names)

    def shape(self) :
        """The array-like property shape returns the tuple (n,n) when n is the number of rows/cols/names"""
        l = len(self)
        return (l,l)

    def array(self) :
        """Returns a COPY of the distance matrix as a list of lists of floats

        e.g. To convert to a Numeric array of floats, use Numeric.asarray(s.array(),'f')"""
        return [self.row(i) for i in range(0,len(self))]
    def get_distance(self, i, j) :
        """Read distances from the matrix

        Note object.get_distance(i,j) == object[i,j] however get_distance is
        slightly faster."""
        assert 0 <= i < len(self._names)
        assert 0 <= j < len(self._names)
        if i > j :
            return self._data[i][j]
        elif i < j :
            return self._data[j][i]
        else :
            return 0.0

    def set_distance(self, i, j, dist) :
        """Set distances in the matrix

        Note that in addition to object.set_distance(i,j, dist) you can also
        use object[i,j]=dist however set_distance is slightly faster."""
        assert 0 <= i < len(self._names)
        assert 0 <= j < len(self._names)
        if i > j :
            self._data[i][j] = float(dist)
        elif i < j :
            self._data[j][i] = float(dist)
        else :
            assert dist==0

    def row(self, index) :
        """Returns a COPY of that row/column of the symmetric distance matrix"""
        return [self.get_distance(i,index) for i in range(0, len(self._names))]

    def col(self, index) :
        """Returns a COPY of that row/column of the symmetric distance matrix"""
        return self.row(index)

    def __getitem__(self, index):
        """Read a distance from the matrix; NOT SPLICE AWARE

        Recommended syntax is object[i,j] which returns a single distance.
        Using object[i] returns a COPY of that row/column of the symmetric
        distance matrix, thus object[i][j] == object[i,j] but involves
        creating a temporay list.

        Note that object.get_distance(i,j) is slightly faster than object[i,j]"""
        try :
        except TypeError:
            #Happens for integers
        if n==1 :
            return self.row(index)
        elif n==2 :
            return self.get_distance(index[0],index[1])
        else :
            raise IndexError("Invalid number of dimensions")

    def __setitem__(self, index, value):
        """Set a distance in the matrix; NOT SPLICE AWARE

        Use the syntax object[i,j]=dist but note that object.set_distance(i,j,dist)
        is slightly faster."""
        try :
        except TypeError:
            #Happens for integers

        if n==1 :
            raise IndexError("Not supported")
        elif n==2 :
            return self.set_distance(index[0],index[1], value)
        else :
            raise IndexError("Invalid number of dimensions")

    def __str__(self) :
        lines = []
        name_length = max(map(len, self._names))
        for (i,name) in enumerate(self._names) :
            name = name + " "*(name_length-len(name))
            lines.append("%s [%s]" % (name, ", ".join(["%0.3f" % d for d in self.row(i)])))
        return "\n".join(lines)

    #def __repr__(self) :
    #    return str(self.__class__) + "\n" + str(self)

    def __eq__(self, other) :
        """Are two distance matrices equal?

        The must have the same names, in the same order.  Plus, of course, the same distances."""
        #First, the easy quick test
        if self._names <> other._names : return False
        #Another quick test
        if len(self) <> len(other) : return False
        #Next, the hard test
        return self._data == other._data

    def fuzzy_compare(self, other, floatCutoff=1e-5, matchTruncatedNames=True) :
        """This test if more lienient than the == operator"""
        if len(self) <> len(other) : return False
        if matchTruncatedNames :
            #Only compare the first 10 characters of each name
            if [name[0:10] for name in self._names] <> [name[0:10] for name in other._names] : return False
        else :
            #Compare full names
            if self._names <> other._names : return False

        #Now check the distances...
        for i in range(0, len(self)) :
            for j in range(i, len(self)) :
                if abs(self.get_distance(i,j) - other.get_distance(i,j)) > floatCutoff : return False
        #Close enough
        return True

    def __ne__(self, other) :
        """Are two distance matrices non-equal?"""
        return not (self == other)

    def asphylip(self, lowerTriangular=False, truncateNames=True, ambiguousWarning=False, sep="\t") :
        """Returns a string representing the distance matrix in PHYLIP format.

        If lowerTriangular=True, then only a lower triangular matrix is output - the diagonal
        and all upper triangular entries are ommitted.  This roughly halves the resulting filesize.

        If lowerTriangular=False (the default) a full symmetrix matrix is generated.

        If truncateNames=True (the default) then names are truncated and space filled to exactly 
        ten characters only, in strict agreement with the PHYLIP definition.

        If truncateNames=False, then names are space filled to the length of the longest
        name (or 10 if longer), as done by Clustalw.

        Finally, 'sep' is the field separator and defaults to a tab.  This is not explicitly
        specified in the file format definition.
        #TODO - Option to specify the number of decimal places used for the distances?
        output_names = []
        if truncateNames :
            name_length = 10
        else :
            name_length = max(10, max(map(len, self._names)))
        for i in range(0, len(self)) :
            #Truncate name:
            name = self._names[i][0:name_length]
            #Space pad:
            name = name + " "*(name_length - len(name)) + sep
            if ambiguousWarning :
                if not warning :
                    warning = name in output_names

            if lowerTriangular :
                data = self._data[i][0:i]
            else :
                data = self.row(i)
            output.append(name + sep.join(["%f" % d for d in data]))
        if ambiguousWarning and warning : print "Warning - resulting file has repeated names"
        return "\n".join(output)

def read_phylip_distance_matrix(handle, allowDuplicateNames=True) :
    """Will read a Phylip format file

    NOTE - Will only look at the LOWER triangular entries generating a symmetrix matrix.
    It is ASSUMED that the matrix in the file is symmetric as it should be.  If a full
    matrix file is supplied, we do check for a zero diagonal."""

    #handle = open(filename,"rU")
    line = handle.readline().rstrip("\n").rstrip("\r").strip()
    n = int(line)

    s = distanceMatrix()

    for line in handle.readlines() :
        parts = line.split()
        if parts :
            #Include the diagonal entry (if present) so we can check it is zero.
            #The add function will convert the strings to floats.
            s.add(parts[0], parts[1:(i+1)], allowDuplicateNames)
    assert i==n, "Number of line,s %i, did not match header %i" % (i,n)
    return s

def read_phylip_distance_matrix_from_file(filename, allowDuplicateNames=True) :
    """Will read a Phylip format file

    NOTE - Will only look at the LOWER triangular entries generating a symmetrix matrix.
    It is assumed that the matrix in the file is symmetrix as it should be.  If a full
    matrix file is supplied, we do check for a zero diagonal."""
    return read_phylip_distance_matrix(open(filename,"r"), allowDuplicateNames)

if __name__ == "__main__" :
    print "Running self tests..."
    from StringIO import StringIO

    def test_write_read(s, truncateNames=True) :
        assert s == read_phylip_distance_matrix(StringIO(s.asphylip(lowerTriangular=True,  truncateNames=truncateNames, ambiguousWarning=False))), \
               "Write/read in lower triangular form failed"
        assert s == read_phylip_distance_matrix(StringIO(s.asphylip(lowerTriangular=False, truncateNames=truncateNames, ambiguousWarning=False))), \
               "Write/read in full symmetric form failed"

    # Build matrix using lower triangular input #
    s = distanceMatrix()
    assert str(s) == "a [0.000, 0.100, 0.200]\nb [0.100, 0.000, 0.500]\nc [0.200, 0.500, 0.000]"

    print "Simple 3x3 example:"
    print s

    # Build matrix using lower triangular input with diagonal #
    s2 = distanceMatrix()
    assert s == s2

    # Test construction with distances #

    #Set up a few 3x3 distance matrix inputs...
    distance_expressions = [
        [[0, 0.1, 0.2],[0.1, 0, 0.5], [0.2, 0.5, 0]], # full symmetric
        [[0,],[0.1, 0], [0.2, 0.5, 0]],               # lower triangular with zero diagonal
        [[],[0.1], [0.2, 0.5]]                        # lower triangular

    try :
        import Numeric
        d = Numeric.array([[0, 0.1, 0.2],[0.1, 0, 0.5], [0.2, 0.5, 0]])
    except ImportError:
        print "Not testing loading from a Numeric array"

    for d in distance_expressions :
        assert s == distanceMatrix(["a","b","c"], d)
        assert s.fuzzy_compare(s2, floatCutoff=0, matchTruncatedNames=False)
        assert s.fuzzy_compare(s2, floatCutoff=0, matchTruncatedNames=True)

    # Test readling fully symmetric PHYLIP format #

    #Uses mixture of tabs and spaces to be as evil as possible!
    test_file_data = """     8
    V_Harveyi_PATH             0.000  0.524  0.697  0.710  0.643  0.700  0.671  0.734 
    B_subtilis_YXEM            0.524  0.000  0.672  0.663  0.671  0.692  0.639  0.729 
    B_subtilis_GlnH_homo_YCKK  0.697  0.672  0.000  0.516  0.622  0.710  0.664  0.749 
    YA80_HAEIN                 0.710  0.663  0.516  0.000  0.639  0.739  0.654  0.769   
    FLIY_ECOLI                 0.643  0.671  0.622  0.639  0.000  0.699  0.647  0.716  
    E_coli_GlnH                0.700  0.692  0.710  0.739  0.699  0.000  0.702  0.724  
    Deinococcus_radiodurans    0.671  0.639  0.664  0.654  0.647  0.702  0.000  0.663 
    HISJ_E_COLI                0.734  0.729  0.749  0.769  0.716  0.724  0.663  0.000"""
    from StringIO import StringIO
    s = read_phylip_distance_matrix(StringIO(test_file_data))

    print "Small 8x8 example with non-truncated names:"
    print s

    test_write_read(s, truncateNames=False)

    #Now compare results of writing and reading a truncated matrix...
    s_truncated = read_phylip_distance_matrix(StringIO(s.asphylip(lowerTriangular=False,  truncateNames=True,  ambiguousWarning=False)))

    print "Small 8x8 example with truncated names:"
    print s_truncated

    test_write_read(s_truncated, truncateNames=True)
    test_write_read(s_truncated, truncateNames=False)

    #This uses two spaces as the separator, has no white space before the size in the header
    #AND has some blank lines at the end.
    test_truncated_file_data = """8   
    V_Harveyi_  0.000000  0.524000  0.697000  0.710000  0.643000  0.700000  0.671000  0.734000
    B_subtilis  0.524000  0.000000  0.672000  0.663000  0.671000  0.692000  0.639000  0.729000
    B_subtilis  0.697000  0.672000  0.000000  0.516000  0.622000  0.710000  0.664000  0.749000
    YA80_HAEIN  0.710000  0.663000  0.516000  0.000000  0.639000  0.739000  0.654000  0.769000
    FLIY_ECOLI  0.643000  0.671000  0.622000  0.639000  0.000000  0.699000  0.647000  0.716000
    E_coli_Gln  0.700000  0.692000  0.710000  0.739000  0.699000  0.000000  0.702000  0.724000
    Deinococcu  0.671000  0.639000  0.664000  0.654000  0.647000  0.702000  0.000000  0.663000
    HISJ_E_COL  0.734000  0.729000  0.749000  0.769000  0.716000  0.724000  0.663000  0.000000

    assert s_truncated == read_phylip_distance_matrix(StringIO(test_truncated_file_data))
    #When comparing these two, the names won't match unless truncated
    assert s <> s_truncated
    assert not s.fuzzy_compare(s_truncated, floatCutoff=0, matchTruncatedNames=False)
    assert     s.fuzzy_compare(s_truncated, floatCutoff=0, matchTruncatedNames=True)

    # Test element access #
    def element_check(s) :
        for i in range(0,len(s)) :
            assert s[i][i] == s[i,i] == 0
            assert s[i] == s.row(i) == s.col(i)
            for j in range(0,len(s)) :
                assert s[i][j] == s[i,j] == s.get_distance(i,j) == s.get_distance(j,i)


    #Note this behavour:
    s[0][1]=0.6666 #For now, this has no effect!!!
    assert s[0,1]==0.3333

    print "Tests passed"

At the time I was unsure where this might fit in Biopython, perhaps under Bio.phylo which didn't exist at the time?

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Member Author
peterjc commented Jul 5, 2018

@etal might this fit under Bio.phylo? It would need some style updates and converting the test to use unittest.

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etal commented Jul 6, 2018

Yes, this would be nice to have under Bio.Phylo and would fit well alongside TreeConstructor.

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Member Author
peterjc commented Jan 6, 2022

Looking at the Bio.Phylo.TreeConstructor module, this can probably load a distance matrix into an instance of class DistanceMatrix - so my old code will need some restructuring.

It might be simplest to add this functionality to file Bio/Phylo/TreeConstruction.py rather than adding a new module (and relocating the existing distance matrix definitions).

peterjc added a commit to peterjc/biopython that referenced this issue Jan 6, 2022
Based on my own code from June 2006, but reworked
for the TreeConstruction module DistanceMatrix.
See issue biopython#1724
@peterjc peterjc linked a pull request Jan 6, 2022 that will close this issue
3 tasks
peterjc added a commit to peterjc/biopython that referenced this issue Jan 7, 2022
Based on my own code from June 2006, but reworked
for the TreeConstruction module DistanceMatrix.
See issue biopython#1724
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Successfully merging a pull request may close this issue.

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