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Releases: shenwei356/seqkit

SeqKit v2.8.2

17 May 15:52
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Please cite:

  1. Wei Shen*, Botond Sipos, and Liuyang Zhao. 2024. SeqKit2: A Swiss Army Knife for Sequence and Alignment Processing. iMeta e191. doi:10.1002/imt2.191.
  2. Wei Shen, Shuai Le, Yan Li*, and Fuquan Hu*. SeqKit: a cross-platform and ultrafast toolkit for FASTA/Q file manipulation.
    PLOS ONE. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0163962.


  • SeqKit v2.8.2 - 2024-05-17 Github Releases (by Release)
    • seqkit amplicon:
      • Fix a big introduced in v2.7.0. When more than one pairs of primers are given, only the last one is used. #457
    • seqkit translate:
      • Add option -e/--skip-translate-errors to skip translate error and output empty sequence. #458
    • seqkit split:
      • Add flag -I/--ignore-case for -i/--by-id. #462


OS Arch File, 中国镜像 Download Count
Linux 32-bit seqkit_linux_386.tar.gz,
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Linux 64-bit seqkit_linux_amd64.tar.gz,
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Linux arm64 seqkit_linux_arm64.tar.gz,
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macOS 64-bit seqkit_darwin_amd64.tar.gz,
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macOS arm64 seqkit_darwin_arm64.tar.gz,
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Windows 32-bit seqkit_windows_386.exe.tar.gz,
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Windows 64-bit seqkit_windows_amd64.exe.tar.gz,
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  • please open an issuse to request binaries for other platforms.
  • run seqkit version to check update !!!
  • run seqkit genautocomplete to update shell autocompletion script !!!

SeqKit v2.8.1

07 Apr 09:14
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Notice: I forgot to update the version number, so seqkit version will return 2.8.0.


  • SeqKit v2.8.1 - 2024-04-07 Github Releases (by Release)
    • seqkit sana:
      • Add support for FASTQ files with IDs in the separator (+, 3rd) lines.. #446, #429, #408
    • seqkit subseq:
      • Add some docs to show how to keep the original order of sequences when extracting with BED: compress the input FASTA file. #451

SeqKit v2.8.0

11 Mar 19:57
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  • SeqKit v2.8.0 - 2024-03-11 Github Releases (by Release)
    • seqkit stats:
      • Add column N50_num, an alias of L50, #15.
    • seqkit seq/locate/fish/watch:
      • Removing the flag -V/--validate-seq-length. Now the whole sequence will be checked if -v/--validate-seq is given.
    • seqkit amplicon:
      • Fix the speed problem, introduced in v2.7.0. #439.
      • Slightly faster by reusing objects.
    • seqkit seq:
      • Change the threshold sequence length for parallelizing complement sequence computation, 1kb->1Mb.

SeqKit v2.7.0

31 Jan 22:02
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Current Version

  • SeqKit v2.7.0 - 2024-01-31 Github Releases (by Release)
    • seqkit:
      • Grouping subcommands in help message, which is intuitive for beginners.
    • seqkit grep:
      • New flag: -D/--allow-duplicated-patterns for outputting records multiple times when duplicated patterns are given. #427
    • seqkit subseq:
      • Use the ID regular expression from the option --id-regexp to create FASTA index file. This solves the panic happened for sequences containing tabs in the headers. #432
    • seqkit split/sort/shuffle:
      • When using the two-pass mode (-2/--two-pass), replace possible tabs in the sequence header.
    • seqkit rmdup:
      • Write an empty file of duplicate numbers and lists of IDs even if there's no duplicates when using -D/--dup-num-file. #436
    • seqkit stats:
      • New flag -S/--skip-file-check to skip input file checking when given files or a file list. It's very useful if you run it with millions of files.

SeqKit v2.6.1

18 Nov 08:53
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  • SeqKit v2.6.1 - 2023-11-18 Github Releases (by Release)
    • seqkit:
      • fix panic of nil pointer introduced in v2.6.0, which happens when handling multiple input files and some of them have file sizes of zero.
    • seqkit seq:
      • fix panic (close of closed channel) when using -v to checking sequences.

SeqKit v2.6.0

09 Nov 16:15
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  • SeqKit v2.6.0 - 2023-11-09 Github Releases (by Release)
    • seqkit:
      • add the shortcut -X for the flag --infile-list.
    • seqkit common:
      • add a new flag -e/--check-embedded-seqs for detecting embedded sequences.
      • for matching by sequences: reduced the memory occupation and corrected numbers in the log. #416
    • seqkit stat:
      • add a new column AvgQual for average quality score. #411
    • seqkit split2:
      • fix the panic for invalid input.
    • seqkit subseq:
      • add a new flag -R/--region-coord for appending coordinates to sequence ID for -r/--region. #413
    • seqkit locate:
      • add a new flag -s/--max-len-to-show to show at most X characters for the search pattern or matched sequences.
    • seqkit seq:
      • change the nucleotide color theme. #412

SeqKit v2.5.1

09 Aug 02:28
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  • SeqKit v2.5.1 - 2023-08-09 Github Releases (by Release)
    • seqkit stats:
      • fix a concurrency bug (file name error) introduced in v2.5.0. #405
    • seqkit subseq:
      • sequence/chromosome IDs are case-sensitive now. #400

SeqKit v2.5.0

16 Jul 03:16
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  • SeqKit v2.5.0 - 2023-07-16 Github Releases (by Release)
    • new command seqkit merge-slides: merge sliding windows generated from seqkit sliding. #390
    • seqkit stats:
      • added a new flag -N/--N for appending other N50-like stats as new columns. #393
      • added a progress bar for > 1 input files.
      • write the result of each file immediately (no output buffer) when using -T/--tabular.
    • seqkit translate:
      • add options -s/--out-subseqs and -m/--min-len to write ORFs longer than x amino acids as individual records. #389
    • seqkit sum:
      • do not remove possible '*' by default and delete confusing warnings. Thanks to @photocyte. #399
      • added a progress bar for > 1 input files.
    • seqkit pair:
      • remove the restriction of requiring FASTQ format, i.e., FASTA files are also supported.
    • seqkit seq:
      • update help messages. #387
    • seqkit fxtab:
      • faster alphabet computation (-a/--alphabet) with a new data structure. Thanks to @elliotwutingfeng #388
    • seqkit subseq:
      • accept reverse coordinates in BED/GTF. #392

SeqKit v2.4.0

17 Mar 09:05
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  • SeqKit v2.4.0 - 2023-03-17Github Releases (by Release)
    • seqkit:
      • support bzip2 format. #361
      • support setting compression level for gzip, zstd, and bzip2 format via --compress-level. #320
      • the global flag --infile-list accepts stdin (-) now.
      • wrap the help message of flags.
    • seqkit locate:
      • do not remove embeded regions when searching with regular expressions. #368
    • seqkit amplicon:
      • fix BED coordinates for amplicons found in the minus strand. #367
    • seqkit split:
      • fix forgetting to add extension for --two-pass. #332
    • seqkit stats:
      • fix compute Q1 and Q3 of sequence length for one record. #353
    • seqkit grep:
      • fix count number (-C) for matching with mismatch (-m > 0). #370
    • seqkit replace:
      • add some flags to match partly records to edit; these flags are transplanted from seqkit grep. #348
    • seqkit faidx:
      • allow empty lines at the end of sequences.
    • seqkit faidx/sort/shuffle/split/subseq:
      • new flag -U/--update-faidx: update the FASTA index file if it exists, to guarantee the index file matches the FASTA files. #364
      • improve log info and update help message. #365
    • seqkit seq:
      • allow filtering sequences of length zero. thanks to @penglbio.
    • seqkit rename:
      • new flag -s/--separator for setting separator between original ID/name and the counter (default "_"). #360
      • new flag -N/--start-num for setting starting count number for duplicated IDs/names (default 2). #360
      • new flag -1/--rename-1st-rec for renaming the first record as well. #360
      • do not append space if there's no description after the sequene ID.
    • seqkit sliding:
      • new flag -S/--suffix for change the suffix added to the sequence ID (default: "_sliding").

SeqKit v2.3.1

22 Sep 09:25
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  • SeqKit v2.3.1 - 2022-09-22 Github Releases (by Release)
    • seqkit grep/locate: fix bug of FMIndex building for empty sequences. #321
    • seqkit split2: fix bug of splitting two FASTA files. #325
    • seqkit faidx: --id-regexp works now.