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Releases: twbs/bootstrap


20 Feb 15:19
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  • Fixed a breaking change introduced with color modes where it was required to manually import variables-dark.scss when building Bootstrap with Sass. Now, _variables.scss will automatically import _variables-dark.scss. If you were already importing _variables-dark.scss manually, you should keep doing it as it won't break anything and will be the way to go in v6.
  • Fixed a regression in the selector engine that wasn't able to handle multiple IDs anymore.

Color modes

  • Badges now use the .text-bg-* text utilities to be certain that the text is always readable (especially when the customized colors are different in light and dark modes).
  • Fixed our color-modes.js script to handle the case where the OS is set to light mode and the auto color mode is used on the website. If you copied the script from our docs, you should apply this change to your own script.
  • Fixed color schemes description in the color modes documentation to show that color-scheme() only accept light and dark values as parameters.


  • Allowed <dl>, <dt> and <dd> in the sanitizer.
  • Dropped evenly items distribution for modal and offcanvas headers.
  • Fixed the accordion CSS selectors to avoid inheritance issues when nesting accordions.
  • Fixed the focus box-shadow for the validation stated form controls.
  • Fixed the focus ring on focused checked buttons.
  • Fixed the product example mobile navbar toggler.
  • Changed the RTL processing of carousel control icons.


  • #37508: Use child combinators to avoid inheriting parent accordion's flush styles
  • #38719: Fix focus box-shadow for validation stated form-controls
  • #38884: fix border-radius on radio-switch
  • #39294: Tests: update navbar in visual modal test
  • #39373: refactor css: modal and offcanvas header spacing
  • #39380: Fix Sass compilation breaking change in v5.3
  • #39387: docs: fix typo
  • #39411: Optimize the accordion icon
  • #39497: Fix a typo
  • #39536: Changed RTL processing of carousel control icons
  • #39560: Drop --bs-accordion-btn-focus-border-color and deprecate $accordion-button-focus-border-color
  • #39595: CSS: Fix the focus ring on focused checked buttons

☕️ JavaScript

  • #39201: Selector Engine: fix multiple IDs
  • #39224: Fix edge case in color-mode.js
  • #39376: Allow dl, dt and dd in sanitizer

📖 Docs

  • #39200: Typo Fix
  • #39214: Doc: use .text-bg-{color} for all badges
  • #39246: Docs: fix for example code blocks have unnecessary 30px right-margin
  • #39249: Doc: consistent rendering of 'Heads up!' callouts
  • #39281: Fix getOrCreateInstance() doc example
  • #39293: Update background.md
  • #39304: Doc: add expanded accordion explanation
  • #39320: Drop .table-light from table foot example
  • #39340: Doc: add dispose() to Offcanvas methods
  • #39378: Docs: fix sentence in modal
  • #39417: Fix color schemes description in Sass customization documentation
  • #39418: Docs: change vite config path import in vite guide
  • #39435: Docs: add shift-color() usage example in sass customization page
  • #39458: Docs: enhance .card-img-* description
  • #39503: Minor image compression improvements
  • #39519: Docs: use consistent HTML elements in Utilities -> Background page
  • #39520: Docs: drop unused .theme-icon class
  • #39528: docs: clean up example.html
  • #39537: Docs: fix desc around deprecated Sass mixins for alerts and list groups
  • #39539: Update links on get-started page
  • #39592: Update vite.md
  • #39604: Fix typo in 'media-breakpoint-between' in migration docs
  • #39617: Docs: add missing comma in native font stack code source in Content -> Reboot
  • #39663: updated table to be responsive

🛠 Examples

  • #39657: Fix product example mobile navbar toggler
  • #39585: Docs: Add missing type="button" to Cheatsheet nav buttons

🏭 Tests

  • #39294: Tests: update navbar in visual modal test

🧰 Misc

  • #39096: CI: stop running coveralls in forks
  • #39501: CI: switch to Node.js 20

📦 Dependencies


14 Sep 14:26
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  • Passing a percentage unit to the global abs() is deprecated since Dart Sass v1.65.0. It resulted in a deprecation warning when compiling Bootstrap with Dart Sass. This has been fixed internally by changing the values passed to the divide() function. The divide() function has not been fixed itself so that we can keep supporting node-sass cross-compatibility. In v6, this won't be an issue as we plan to drop support for node-sass.
  • Using multiple ids in a collapse target wasn't working anymore and has been fixed.

Color modes

  • Increased color contrast of form range track background in light and dark modes.
  • Fixed table state rendering for color modes with a focus on the striped table in dark mode to increase color contrast.
  • Allow <mark> color customization for color modes.



  • #38816: Use box-shadow CSS variables shadow utilities
  • #38955: Fix radios looking like ellipse on responsive mode
  • #38976: Use box-shadow CSS vars instead of Sass vars in assets and variables
  • #39030: Fix dart-sass deprecation warning
  • #39033: Color mode: fix table state rendering
  • #39095: Make form range track background more contrasted
  • #39119: New Sass var $btn-link-focus-shadow-rgb to allow customization
  • #39141: New Sass variable to handle <mark> dark mode bg color

☕️ JavaScript

  • #38989: Collapse: Fix multiple ids calls
  • #39046: Dropdown: reuse variable

📖 Docs

  • #38873: Discord reddit bootstrap
  • #38970: docs: add BootstrapVueNext to docs
  • #38977: Docs: Add missing form elements in focusable elements
  • #38978: Docs: Fix popover template role error
  • #38995: introduction: drop details element
  • #39037: Further improve image compression with oxipng and the latest jpegoptim
  • #39054: Docs: Remove incorrect mention of .left- and .right- utilities from migration guide
  • #39060: Migration: add back v5.0.0 heading
  • #39145: Docs: add warning callout to add a workaround when jsDelivr is not available
  • #39177: Fix: make theme selector tick icon visible when active in examples layout
  • #39179: download: Reword CDN paragraph

🛠 Examples

  • #38994: examples: update 3rd-party packages
  • #39086: Correct grammar error in examples/starter-template

🌎 Accessibility

  • #38978: Docs: Fix popover template role error
  • #39095: Make form range track background more contrasted

🧰 Misc

  • #38983: Improve change-version script
  • #38984: Convert build scripts to ESM
  • #39021: CI: update permissions for calibreapp-image-actions.yml

📦 Dependencies


26 Jul 08:01
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  • Color modes:
    • Increased color contrast for dark mode by replacing $gray-500 with $gray-300 for the body color
    • Added our color mode switcher JavaScript to our examples ZIP download
  • Components:
    • Improved disabled styling for all .nav-links, providing .disabled and :disabled for use with anchors and buttons
    • Add support for Home and End keys for navigating tabs by keyboard
    • Added some basic styling to toggle buttons when no modifier class is present
    • Fixed carousel colors in dark mode
  • Forms:
    • Fixed floating label disabled text color
  • Utilities:
    • .text-bg-* utilities now use CSS variables
  • Sass:
    • Add new $navbar-dark-icon-color Sass variable
    • Removed duplicate $alert Sass variables
    • Added a new variable for $vr-border-width to customize the vertical rule helper width
  • Documentation:
    • Added search to our homepage
    • Improved responsive behavior on Dashboard example
    • Improved dark mode rendering of Cheatsheet examples


  • #38913: Floating labels: fix disabled with text inside
  • #38772: .text-bg-* helpers now use theme CSS variables
  • #38886: New Sass variable to change vertical rule width
  • #38851: Fix Sass properties order for newer stylelint-config-recess-order
  • #38815: Increase contrast in dark-mode (#38525)
  • #38774: Generalize disabled nav links CSS rules
  • #38673: Add $navbar-dark-icon-color
  • #38674: Remove duplicate $alert-*-scale Sass vars

☕️ JavaScript

  • #38498: Support Home and End keys in tabs

📖 Docs

  • #38958: Examples: improve spinner buttons accessibility
  • #38947: Fix postcss plugin options
  • #38885: Docs: Update float responsive examples
  • #38946: Docs: remove v4 reference on homepage
  • #38948: Fix some typos in Customize > Sass doc
  • #38840: Docs: fix carousel carousel colors of carousel examples in dark mode
  • #38604: Add dropdown alignment options to button group example
  • #38894: Docs: add blank target and noopener rel to footer external links
  • #38902: Fix tooltip generated markup documentation
  • #38883: Docs: Fix incorrect class name on migration guide
  • #38708: add a base class style display for toggle buttons
  • #38827: Docs: add missing aria-disabled='true' to disabled anchors
  • #38844: Fix for text-reset example class name
  • #38838: JS/SCSS shortcodes: Add new feature to remove nested calls inside.
  • #38850: Add docs search to homepage
  • #38872: Docs: Improve Text Alignment Example
  • #38865: Fix custom-radio class name on migration guide
  • #38786: Explicitly add missing opacity-0 helper class example for clarity.
  • #38707: Update bottom border on dark navbar example
  • #38726: Update flex utilities link in navs docs
  • #38734: Minor fixes for Docs Versions page
  • #38745: Fix stack examples
  • #38751: Docs (tooltips): Fix "them" typo in markup section
  • #38688: Fix missing word issue on nav-tabs page
  • #38681: Docs: consistency between custom buttons, popovers and tooltips
  • #38600: collate distribution interval
  • #38632: docs(spinners): improve buttons examples accessibility
  • #38583: Docs: add more details on accessibility tips
  • #38554: Doc: fix 'Events' JS example
  • #38592: docs(forms): switch to aria-describedby
  • #38542: Use .d-none instead of inline styling
  • #38616: Add 'Issues assignment' section to the Contributing Guidelines
  • #38528: Adding a link to clearfix
  • #38538: Update Sass docs to mention compiling and including
  • #38623: Fix disabled element tooltip StackBlitz

🛠 Examples

  • #38958: Examples: improve spinner buttons accessibility
  • #38952: dashboard: fix offcanvas md display
  • #38840: Docs: fix carousel carousel colors of carousel examples in dark mode
  • #38905: Fix dark mode rendering of Cheatsheet examples
  • #38711: Fix link colors in Sidebars example

🌎 Accessibility

  • #38958: Examples: improve spinner buttons accessibility
  • #38498: Support Home and End keys in tabs
  • #38827: Docs: add missing aria-disabled='true' to disabled anchors
  • #38850: Add docs search to homepage
  • #38774: Generalize disabled nav links CSS rules
  • #38632: docs(spinners): improve buttons examples accessibility
  • #38583: Docs: add more details on accessibility tips
  • #38592: docs(forms): switch to aria-describedby

🧰 Misc

  • #38747: Add color-modes.js to bootstrap-x.y.z-examples.zip

📦 Dependencies


30 May 15:23
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Release v5.3.0 (#38657)

* Bump version to 5.3.0

* Dist


03 Apr 07:31
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v5.3.0-alpha3 Pre-release
  • Fixed wrong interpolated variables with node-sass/Hugo.
  • Added a check for interpolated variables to catch compilation errors with Node Sass when using Sass variables in calc() functions.
  • Started using --bs-border-radius variables across more components.
  • Added .d-inline-grid utility class.
  • Fixed .tooltip-inner placement when using variations in fallbackPlacements.
  • Fix selectors for dark mode carousel overrides when compiling with $color-mode-type: media-query.
  • Updated the styling of floating labels when "floated" to include a background-color to help with multiple lines of text in textareas. This also fixes the colors when form elements are disabled in floating forms.
  • Updated RFS to v10.0.0.

Full Changelog: v5.3.0-alpha2...v5.3.0-alpha3


24 Mar 14:35
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v5.3.0-alpha2 Pre-release

🚀 Features

  • #33126: Add .nav-underline modifier class
  • #37762: Add new link utilities, icon link helper, and update colored link helpers
  • #38199: Docs: Better scroll


  • #33125: Focus ring helper and utilities
  • #33126: Add .nav-underline modifier class
  • #35857: Add dark mode support
  • #36029: Add SCSS testing of the utilities API
  • #36143: Fix Android Chrome input date dimensions
  • #36831: Rework progress bar markup and styles
  • #37526: Fix var --bs-body-font-family. Keep quotes in the font stack.
  • #37533: Visually-hidden: Remove position: absolute for captions
  • #37617: CSS: $prefix to the whole assets
  • #37621: Fix --bs-form-check-bg definition
  • #37644: list-group-border-width variables
  • #37687: Fix Sass compilation when $color-mode-type is set to media-query
  • #37720: Improve consistency of navbar icon declaration
  • #37731: Update color contrast formula with new constant from WCAG 2.2
  • #37734: Add color-scheme to dark root selector
  • #37759: Darken some text emphasis and syntax colors
  • #37760: Fix selector for dark mode navbar toggler SVG change
  • #37761: Docs: enhance callouts links on dark mode
  • #37762: Add new link utilities, icon link helper, and update colored link helpers
  • #37777: Fix cards color for contextual color mode
  • #37781: Fix code color in callouts
  • #37784: Change nav focus to focus-visible
  • #37785: Update code syntax colors to use Bootstrap colors
  • #37788: Change stylelint property-blacklist to property-disallowed-list
  • #37800: Fix heading colors in dark mode
  • #37804: CSS: rename some variables to be consistent
  • #37809: Fix duplicate --bs-emphasis-color set value
  • #37816: Remove unused comment in scss/_maps.scss
  • #37817: Docs: remove some CSS from .highlight-toolbar def
  • #37820: Remove duplicate definition of --bs-highlight-bg in scss/_root.scss
  • #37822: Switch from none keyword value to a fake shadow for btn-link
  • #37823: Docs: fix .btn-clipboard and .btn-edit link hover color
  • #37824: Drop unused .bg-body-emphasis
  • #37832: Keep shadows black regardless of color mode
  • #37833: Update colored links, add new .link-body-emphasis helper
  • #37835: Remove obsolete comment from _variables.scss
  • #37843: Add theme maps specific to dark mode
  • #37844: Reduce bootstrap-grid.css content
  • #37857: Drop duplicate --bs-body-bg-rgb declaration + reorder props
  • #37868: Remove outdated comment from $input-border-color variable
  • #37888: List group: Better use of CSS var
  • #37893: Fix .form-control in dark mode
  • #37905: CSS: Proposal to add a border utility
  • #37907: CSS: Proposal to rename the CSS and Sass variables for .*-text-emphasis
  • #37936: Remove color picker borders on Chromium based browsers
  • #37953: Theme color improvements
  • #37955: Rewrite selector to help Parcel compiler
  • #37956: Remove list-style reset on .carousel-indicators
  • #37998: Use color mode adaptive color for disabled dropdown menu items
  • #37999: Avoid inheritance issues on border-width utilities
  • #38003: fix alert-color in v5.3.0-alpha2
  • #38008: Fix list group colors by using *-text-emphasis CSS vars in Sass loop
  • #38037: Fix $grid-breakpoints SCSS unit tests init
  • #38038: Remove comments from scss/_nav.scss
  • #38044: Update form validation styles to use new CSS variables for color and border-color
  • #38059: Remove -moz-padding-start from .form-select
  • #38060: Drop duplicate $btn-close-focus-shadow definition
  • #38083: Drop duplicate $nav-link-disabled-color declaration
  • #38086: Fix shadow of .btn-link
  • #38088: Fix navbar-nav link styling
  • #38095: Drop unused --bs-focus-ring-box-shadow and add documentation for --bs-focus-ring-{x|y|blur}
  • #38104: Remove useless comment from scss/_utilities.scss
  • #38115: Fix button visibility issue on dark theme
  • #38123: Fix dropdown toggle visible focus in headers example
  • #38144: Examples: color mode enhancement
  • #38176: Fix missing modifications when --bs-{color}-text was changed to --bs-{color}-text-emphasis
  • #38181: Remove comments from scss/_utilities.scss
  • #38201: Sass: remove useless import inside bootstrap-grid
  • #38209: fix data-bs-theme="dark" on component carousel itself
  • #38236: Docs: use core mixins in a couple of places

☕️ JavaScript

  • #37590: fix live toast demo
  • #37836: Remove autofocus on theme switch when page is loaded
  • #38025: unify offcanvas keydown event logic with modal
  • #38034: Minor fix to avoid creating void elements in tooltip test file
  • #38071: Bump Chart.js from 2.9.4 to 4.2.1 in dashboard examples
  • #38223: Fix wrong generation of aria-labelledby in tab navigation
  • #38233: Remove empty script tag in js/tests/visual/input.html
  • #38294: Remove version comment from JavaScript src files
  • #38302: Remove version from index.{esm,umd}.js too

📖 Docs

  • #33428: Use scrollspy on docs pages
  • #34647: Improve readability in docs flex page
  • #36831: Rework progress bar markup and styles
  • #37275: Docs: add explanation of the base .btn class
  • #37354: Docs: rewrite/reorganise carousel docs page
  • #37400: Docs: change some title containing '&' to bypass Algolia issue
  • #37535: Docs: Fix Thirteenth typo on Navbars example
  • #37538: Docs: Add black text/background examples
  • #37553: Docs: fix "Usage -> Enable dark mode" code example
  • #37562: Docs: display examples based on the docs current color mode
  • #37568: Remove title from check2 SVG icon
  • #37570: code-examples.js: switch to firstElementChild
  • #37590: fix live toast demo
  • #37608: Drop logo on homepage on mobile
  • #37615: Add new team member to the Teams page
  • #37616: Accessibility: Minor fixes
  • #37617: CSS: $prefix to the whole assets
  • #37625: Few miscellaneous docs fixes
  • #37628: Rewrite some callouts to remove most headings and reduce their content
  • #37658: docs: move color-mode script
  • #37670: Docs: Fix typo in guide
  • #37671: Docs: replace twbs/bootstrap-npm-starter by twbs/examples/tree/main/icons-font
  • #37676: Docs: fix typo for Sass vars references in Customize > Color modes > Building with Sass
  • #37694: Docs: fix overflow:auto horizontal scrollbars covering last line of code blocks
  • #37698: Remove some unused SVGs in Dropdowns example
  • #37717: docs: improve social image partial
  • #37738: Docs: handle light/dark mode in Algolia search modal
  • #37740: Update navbar color-schemes to v5.3
  • #37741: Reduce size of guide dev server images
  • #37742: Fix CSS variables mentioned in our docs
  • #37757: Docs: remove .btn-*-dark from Button group docs to avoid issues in dark mode
  • #37763: Include twbs/examples repo examples in the Examples page
  • #37766: Docs: Remove unnecessary id/aria-labelledby from accordion examples
  • #37772: Docs: enhance Focus ring example section desc
  • #37779: Docs: remove remnants of Twitter / bump dates
  • #37780: Docs: Make theme switcher accessible
  • #37781: Fix code color in callouts
  • #37782: Docs: add CSS variables section in close button section
  • #37796: Add webpack build to webpack guide
  • #37798: Docs: fix accordion flush description
  • #37802: Docs: fix headings color in light/dark mode
  • #37803: Docs: Small enhancements
  • #37811: Docs: enhance colors description table
  • #37817: Docs: remove some CSS from .highlight-toolbar def
  • #37823: Docs: fix .btn-clipboard and .btn-edit link hover color
  • #37829: Docs: missing deprecated callout for list-group-item-variant() mixin
  • #37836: Remove autofocus on theme switch when page is loaded
  • #37839: Docs: add .fw-medium utility class example
  • #37848: Docs: fix typo in migration guide
  • #37855: docs: updates .text-*-left changes
  • #37859: Docs: fix broken links in Color modes page
  • #37861: Mention deprecated classes for color mode on offcanvas
  • #37862: Migration guide changes for v5.3.0-alpha2
  • #37863: Docs: update progress markup in Color modes page
  • #37869: Docs: changed popover to tooltip
  • #37871: Docs: Move form-text paragraph to Form control page
  • #37890: Docs: Deprecate the Sass var and remove any occurence of the .text-muted
  • #37894: Add docs callout for utilities that don't respond to color modes
  • #37895: Include variables-dark in the import stacks, plus a customize overview fix
  • #37896: Small color mode docs CSS fixes
  • #37897: Sass docs updates
  • #37898: Docs: Doc Scrollspy correction
  • #37899: Docs: Harmonize the flex doc
  • #37900: Docs: Enhancement proposal
  • #37918: fix typo in gutters doc
  • #37921: Docs: add overflow and text color info to progress bar page
  • #37923: Docs: tweak icon link and callouts
  • #37926: Docs: add scroll-margin-top for keyboard navigation
  • #37965: Attempt to fix focus ring being cut off in table of contents
  • #37994: Docs: remove redundant space in forms/validation.md
  • #38004: Remove unused partials and add some way to automatically detect it
  • #38006: Docs: Use ESM Popper CDN reference in 'Using Bootstrap as a module'
  • #38014: Docs: Progress fix + proposal
  • #38032: Remove debug references from DocSearch v2
  • #38040: Docs: uniformize disabled nav links for underline nav
  • #38057: More updates to migration guide
  • #38074: Fix console error in examples pages due to no theme switcher
  • #38087: Docs: Drop unused .focused style
  • #38095: Drop unused --bs-focus-ring-box-shadow and add documentation for --bs-focus-ring-{x|y|blur}
  • #38103: Docs: drop unused icons
  • #38112: Fix code indentation in homepage JavaScript plugins section
  • #38123: Fix dropdown toggle visible focus in headers example
  • #38130: Icon link: envariable + enhance the documentation
  • #38131: Utilities: Add one value for link-underline-opacity
  • #38151: Docs: replace 'popover' by 'tooltip' in tooltip's page's options section
  • #38152: Docs: rollback some modification about .text-muted deprecation messages
  • #38153: Docs: `.text-body-secon...
Read more


24 Dec 16:39
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v5.3.0-alpha1 Pre-release

🚀 Highlights

  • #35566: Properly escape IDs in getSelector() to handle weird IDs (#35565)
  • #35857: Add dark mode support
  • #36854: Use explicit imports in our JavaScript source files

🚀 Features

  • #36540: Add new border-radius utilities
  • #36781: add font-weight-medium (500) / fw-medium
  • #37317: Add z-index utilities, .z-*


  • #36095: Added CSS variables for breakpoints
  • #36456: Add color CSS variables for .alert-link
  • #36457: Add color CSS variables for .btn-close
  • #36511: Add parameters to caret-related mixins
  • #36540: Add new border-radius utilities
  • #36781: add font-weight-medium (500) / fw-medium
  • #36815: Add new CSS variables for Offcanvas
  • #36831: Rework progress bar markup and styles
  • #36848: Add utilities for overflow and object fit
  • #36979: Add support for customizing a card title color
  • #37125: Floating labels: Add an artificial background to label
  • #37252: Add $enable-important-utilities condition in colored links
  • #37257: Remove duplicate CSS variable
  • #37299: Fix disabled floating labels and add some examples of it in the docs
  • #37317: Add z-index utilities, .z-*
  • #37344: Use --bs-border-width for some components
  • #37350: Prevent extraneous whitespace around date time inputs in WebKit
  • #37356: fix negative border-width on inputgroup and buttongroup
  • #37408: Fix disabled floating labels color
  • #37413: Grid Gap Updates
  • #37526: Fix var --bs-body-font-family; keep quotes in the font stack
  • #37617: CSS: $prefix to the whole assets
  • #37621: Fix --bs-form-check-bg definition
  • #37644: list-group-border-width variables
  • #37687: Fix Sass compilation when $color-mode-type is set to media-query

☕️ JavaScript

  • #35566: Properly escape IDs in getSelector() to handle weird IDs
  • #36027: Move getElementFromSelector & getSelectorFromElement
  • #36652: Boost execute function, being able to handle arguments
  • #36854: Use explicit imports in our JavaScript source files
  • #37438: refactor getSelector not to be exported
  • #37473: fix: change replaceAll usage introduced in #35566
  • #37482: Use Object.entries in more places
  • #37483: hydrateObj: use default param
  • #37484: ESLint: enable prefer-template rule

📖 Docs

  • #36523: Update navbars example to include a centered nav with utilities
  • #36831: Rework progress bar markup and styles
  • #37247: Docs: Minor grammatical fixes for Form validation page
  • #37250: Fix typo in documentation for hiding elements
  • #37255: Markdownlint fixes
  • #37267: Rename examples CSS/JS files for consistency
  • #37271: Docs: Slightly improve tooling setup description
  • #37277: Doc: add Sass vars for switches
  • #37279: Improve example of .flex-wrap and -reverse
  • #37282: Docs: standardize usage of <kbd>
  • #37299: Fix disabled floating labels and add some examples of it in the docs
  • #37301: docs: fix text buttons to match behavior
  • #37318: Home imports
  • #37320: Organize callouts in partials
  • #37341: Docs: use 'added' page information to display a tag on top of the pages
  • #37354: Docs: rewrite/reorganize carousel docs page
  • #37361: Font style utilities did not contain "-style-" in BS4
  • #37397: Change title of color-background.md page
  • #37399: Only show added in page badge if relevant
  • #37406: Update input-group.md with form text example
  • #37432: Docs: use <button> for dropdown/popover examples, explain preference over <a> for dropdowns, tweak collapse prose
  • #37491: Make added-in badge page-level for z-index utilities
  • #37492: Docs: add margin between buttons in tooltip examples
  • #37493: Docs: fix margins between cards in examples
  • #37498: Fix accessibility of examples buttons
  • #37535: Docs: Fix Thirteenth typo on Navbars example
  • #37538: Docs: Add black text/background examples
  • #37553: Docs: fix "Usage -> Enable dark mode" code example
  • #37568: Remove title from check2 SVG icon
  • #37570: code-examples.js: switch to firstElementChild
  • #37615: Add new team member to the Teams page
  • #37617: CSS: $prefix to the whole assets
  • #37658: docs: move color-mode script
  • #37670: Docs: Fix typo in guide
  • #37676: Docs: fix typo for Sass vars references in Customize > Color modes > Building with Sass

🛠 Examples

  • #36523: Update navbars example to include a centered nav with utilities
  • #37123: Fix button hover color in the cover example
  • #37267: Rename examples CSS/JS files for consistency
  • #37502: Fix grid and alignment in examples/features

🌎 Accessibility

  • #36831: Rework progress bar markup and styles
  • #37354: Docs: rewrite/reorganize carousel docs page
  • #37432: Docs: use <button> for dropdown/popover examples, explain preference over <a> for dropdowns, tweak collapse prose
  • #37498: Fix accessibility of examples buttons

🏭 Tests

  • #37248: Rename some variables in tab unit tests for consistency

🧰 Misc

  • #36325: CI: Add GitHub token permissions for workflows
  • #37348: Update authors and copyright to match npm, add repository reference
  • #37459: CI: remove git credentials after checkout
  • #37461: CI: switch to Node.js 18 LTS
  • #37481: Update CodeQL workflow
  • #37485: Update site/.eslintrc.json
  • #37486: CodeQL: ignore dist folder

📦 Dependencies


22 Nov 07:47
Choose a tag to compare



  • #37377: Import root in bootstrap-utilities
  • #37425: Fix deprecation warning with sass 1.56.0
  • #37266: Carousel: Fix RTL translate() direction

☕️ JavaScript

  • #37235: fix tooltip/popper disposal inconsistencies


03 Oct 07:50
Choose a tag to compare


  • Accordion
    • Use Sass variable for the accordion color instead of an invalid CSS variable
  • Buttons
    • Undo changes to .btn:hover from v5.2.1. We now explicitly target .btn-check styles instead.
  • Dropdowns
    • Restore the ability for dropdowns to work without an explicit data attribute (will be removed again in v6)
  • Modals
    • Improve modal event listeners
    • Use <h1> for all .modal-title instances in our docs
  • Tables
    • Don't redefine $border-color in table-variant() mixin
  • Tabs
    • Tabs no longer autofocus and cause pages to jump on tab.show()
    • Fix .active class toggling of tabs within dropdowns
  • Toasts
    • Properly set toast z-index on .toast-container as opposed to individual .toasts that don't receive any other positioning
  • Tooltips
    • Fix tooltip selectors with title attribute on dynamically created elements


  • #37118: Set toast z-index variable in the correct spot
  • #37165: Explicitly target .btn-check and undo :hover
  • #37182: Use Sass variable for accordion color
  • #37239: Don't redefine $border-color in table-variant mixin

☕️ JavaScript

  • #36914: Fix tooltip selector usage
  • #37128: Fix modal event listeners
  • #37146: Drop tabs auto-focus
  • #37151: Fix active class toggling of tabs within dropdown
  • #37189: Enrich Tab Test for keyboard handler
  • #37190: Dropdown: fix case with invalid markup
  • #37200: Ensure Tab keyboard functionality after #37146

📖 Docs

  • #36899: Slightly improve image compression
  • #37142: Add informative note for Tooltip/Popover selector option
  • #37145: Docs: minor fix for Navbar > Offcanvas examples
  • #37153: Fix typo in docs - Configure Vite section
  • #37199: Replace Webpack and Vite PNGs by SVGs
  • #37210: Use <h1> for all modal-title examples/uses
  • #37214: Docs: Change view in GitHub links inside main

🌎 Accessibility

  • #37200: Ensure Tab keyboard functionality after #37146
  • #37210: Use <h1> for all modal-title examples/uses

🏭 Tests

  • #36915: Use ES6 on visual tests
  • #37189: Enrich Tab Test for keyboard handler

🧰 Misc

  • #35079: Add PR template
  • #36421: NuGet: Use license expression
  • #37186: Add eslint-plugin-html to lint JS in HTML files

📦 Dependencies


07 Sep 15:35
Choose a tag to compare

🚀 Highlights

  • Accordion
    • Update color value to use the $accordion-button-color Sass variable instead of our color contrast function
  • Buttons
    • Added a transparent default hover border color CSS variable for buttons to fix a visual regression
    • .btn-link no longer has a gradient when $enable-gradients is set to true
  • Forms
    • Input groups have updated z-index values to ensure proper rendering of validated form fields
    • Floating labels now reset their text-align to ensure consistent styling
  • List Groups
    • Horizontal list groups with only one child now render the correct border-radius
    • Modified the list-group-item selectors to better support nested imports of Bootstrap's CSS
  • Modals
    • Fixed modal event listeners during dismiss click, allowing you to once again click scrollbars without dismissing the modal
  • Pagination
    • Fixed incorrect border-radius values inside pagination components
  • Scrollspy
    • Scrollspy threshold option is now configurable
  • Tooltips
    • Reverted some tooltip plugin updates to prevent issues with selector, dynamic content, and disposed tooltips using title

🚀 Features

  • #36750: ScrollSpy: make the threshold option configurable


  • #36507: v5/docs: reintroduce outline for docs code samples, buttons when :not(:focus-visible)
  • #36593: flush variant of accordion border radius
  • #36663: fix #36662 List-group-item margin-top is offset when importing sass in a nested class
  • #36694: Docs: add grid-row-columns variable
  • #36791: Remove a unused sass parameter from banner mixin
  • #36828: Fix pagination page items border radius
  • #36849: Define correctly $popover-header-color
  • #36873: Fix floating labels under .text-center
  • #36874: Floating labels in input group: Border fix
  • #36921: Accordion color should use $accordion-color
  • #36986: bugfix undefined border color variable for btn #36938
  • #37017: List group: Fix horizontal when only one child
  • #37021: Scss: Adding missing z-index CSS variables.
  • #37026: Rework button focus/active styling, with extra changes for checks/radios
  • #37027: Search modal: Set cursor on auto
  • #37034: More consistency for CSS/Sass vars doc for components with dark variants
  • #37059: Fix input group z-index focus + validation
  • #37078: Remove gradient from .btn-link
  • #37079: Add workarounds for postcss values parser error
  • #37080: btn-group draws first input margin #36794
  • #37093: Fix accordion button color

☕️ JavaScript

  • #36750: ScrollSpy: make the threshold option configurable
  • #36751: Re-set tooltip title on disposal
  • #36863: Fix modal event-listeners during dismiss click
  • #37011: Multiple dropdowns: Fix when inside same tag
  • #37019: Docs: Fix js options to what is really inside js
  • #37072: Docs: Put methods in table
  • #37086: Fix tooltip manual toggling

📖 Docs

  • #36493: Docs: Replace wrong mobile OS Windows with iOS
  • #36587: Document how to extract CSS, SVG for strict CSP
  • #36694: Docs: add grid-row-columns variable
  • #36771: Fix typos after #36762
  • #36804: Simplify social images and add ability to set per-page images
  • #36812: Fix broken url
  • #36819: Rename scrollspy to toast in toasts.md
  • #36824: Move DocSearch out of offcanvas to always show it on mobile
  • #36825: Remove Slack from site and repo docs
  • #36827: Redirect users to different templates of issues rather than an empty one
  • #36829: Docs: correct heading levels in features example
  • #36836: Docs: use added-in shortcode in Offcanvas
  • #36838: Docs: Missing added-in shortcode
  • #36839: Docs: Fix markdown link error
  • #36850: Add navbar image alt text
  • #36867: Docs: expand popover custom container explanation
  • #36871: Fix docs typo of .form-checkbox -> .form-check
  • #36877: Add default select example in cheatsheet
  • #37019: Docs: Fix js options to what is really inside js
  • #37027: Search modal: Set cursor on auto
  • #37034: More consistency for CSS/Sass vars doc for components with dark variants
  • #37047: Docs: Minor fixes in tables.
  • #37048: Docs: improve cards image overlays markup
  • #37056: Docs: Manage the dark offcanvas slightly differently
  • #37064: Fix padding on starter template
  • #37067: Make docs clearer by dropping precompiled for compiled
  • #37070: Improve language around vertical grid gutters
  • #37072: Docs: Put methods in table

🛠 Examples

  • #36660: Added new example in examples/features page.
  • #36829: Docs: correct heading levels in features example
  • #36877: Add default select example in cheatsheet
  • #37064: Fix padding on starter template

🌎 Accessibility

  • #36507: v5/docs: reintroduce outline for docs code samples, buttons when :not(:focus-visible)
  • #36829: Docs: correct heading levels in features example
  • #37026: Rework button focus/active styling, with extra changes for checks/radios

📦 Dependencies