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Adding a Viz to a Vizpad

Ramya Priya Updated by Ramya Priya

To add a Viz (chart widget) to a Vizpad,

"actionType": "addToVizpad",
"vizpadAndTabs": [{ //optional field
"vizpadId": "ID_of_Vizpad",
"tabIds":: ["t1", "t2"], //optional field
"vizpadId": "ID_of_Vizpad",
}], //optional field
"newVizpadTitle": "abc", //optional field
"viz": viz object that has to be saved in the vizpad
}, "*");

To add the Viz in a new Vizpad, the field vizpadAndTabs need not be specified.
  • vizpadAndTabs - It is an optional field. It is an array that consists of objects vizpadID and tabIDs.
  • vizpadID - ID of the vizpad where the viz has to be added.
  • tabID - It is an optional field, and it's an array of strings that accepts tabIDs of the Vizpad. If not specified, the Viz will be added to the first tab of the Vizpad.
  • newVizpadTitle - It is an optional field, and it mentions the title of the new Vizpad to be created.
newVizpadTitle and vizpadAndTabs should not be used together.

Viz follows the same structure as the response from the web socket call. 

Sample code using newVizpadTitle


In the following code, vizpadID is not specified, but newVizpadTitle is included. So, a new Vizpad is created, and the Viz is added to the newly created Vizpad.

"actionType": "addToVizpad",
"viz": {
"vizpad": {
"reportLevelColumns": [
"vizType": "kpi",
"tooltips": {
"yAxis": [{
"filter": {
"valueFilters": {
"operator": "and",
"negate": false,
"id": "ID_of_Viz",
"args": [{
"value": "2012",
"id": "ID_of_Viz",
"condition": "=",
"column": {
"name": "Order_ID"
"columnName": "Profit",
"aggregation": "sum"
"filter": {
"valueFilters": {
"operator": "and",
"negate": false,
"id": "ID_of_Viz",
"args": [{
"value": "2014",
"id": "ID_of_Viz",
"condition": "=",
"column": {
"name": "Order_ID"
"columnName": "Profit",
"aggregation": "sum"
"title": "Percentage change in total Profit for Order_ID 2012 compared to 2014",
"theme": {
"vizBackground": {
"transparency": "0.9",
"image": "img/test",
"color": "white"
"name": "dark",
"color": "black"
"size": {
"width": 200,
"height": 100
"placement": {
"yDistance": 20,
"xDistance": 10
"metadata": {
"language": "english",
"format": {
"title": {
"font": {
"weight": "normal",
"size": "16",
"color": "#000000"
"enabled": true
"numberFormats": {
"numberFormats": {
"suffix": "%"
"lastColumn": "Profit",
"enabled": true
"legend": {
"font": {
"weight": "normal",
"size": "14",
"color": "#78909c"
"enabled": true
"colorPaletteInfo": {
"colors": ["#1565C0", "#F57F17", "#558B2F", "#BF360C", "#5E35B1", "#00838F", "#C62828", "#827717", "#E65100", "#5D4037", "#AD1457", "#6A1B9A", "#1976D2", "#F9A825", "#689F38", "#D84315", "#673AB7", "#0097A7", "#D32F2F", "#9E9D24", "#EF6C00", "#6D4C41", "#C2185B", "#7B1FA2", "#42A5F5", "#FFEB3B", "#9CCC65", "#FF8A65", "#9575CD", "#4DD0E1", "#EF5350", "#C0CA33", "#FF9800", "#8D6E63", "#EC407A", "#AB47BC", "#64B5F6", "#FFF176", "#AED581", "#FFAB91", "#B39DDB", "#80DEEA", "#E57373", "#D4E157", "#FFB74D", "#A1887F", "#F06292", "#BA68C8", "#90CAF9", "#FFF59D", "#C5E1A5", "#FFCCBC", "#D1C4E9", "#B2EBF2", "#EF9A9A", "#DCE775", "#FFCC80", "#BCAAA4", "#F48FB1", "#CE93D8"]
"background": {
"enableGrid": false,
"color": "#FFFFFF"
"axes": {
"yAxis": {
"enabled": true
"xAxis": {
"enabled": true
"font": {
"weight": "normal",
"size": "14",
"color": "#78909c"
"dualAxis": true,
"colorPalette": "ID_of_colorPalette"
"id": "ID",
"chartType": "simpleCount",
"businessViewId": "ID_of_Business_View",
"axes": {
"yAxis": [{
"format": {
"type": "number",
"suffix": "%",
"display": true
"expression": {
"right": {
"name": "Profit",
"filter": {
"valueFilters": {
"operator": "and",
"negate": false,
"id": "ID_of_Viz",
"args": [{
"value": "2014",
"id": "ID_of_Viz",
"condition": "=",
"column": {
"name": "Order_ID"
"aggregation": "sum"
"operator": "/",
"left": {
"right": {
"name": "Profit",
"filter": {
"valueFilters": {
"operator": "and",
"negate": false,
"id": "ID_of_Viz",
"args": [{
"value": "2014",
"id": "ID_of_Viz",
"condition": "=",
"column": {
"name": "Order_ID"
"aggregation": "sum"
"operator": "-",
"left": {
"name": "Profit",
"filter": {
"valueFilters": {
"operator": "and",
"negate": false,
"id": "ID_of_Viz",
"args": [{
"value": "2012",
"id": "ID_of_Viz",
"condition": "=",
"column": {
"name": "Order_ID"
"aggregation": "sum"
"expressionType": "percentage"
"columnName": "Profit_PERCENTAGE_CHANGE",
"aggregation": ""
"isMultipleAxes": false
}, "*");


Once successfully saved, the following response will be sent to the embedding app from Tellius. This structure is followed when vizpadID is not used.

Here, tabID and vizpadID refer to the tab and the Vizpad in which the Viz is added.

"message":"Viz successfully saved to vizpad",

Sample code using vizpadAndTabs



"newVizpadTitle":"New Vizpad - KPIs",
"title":"Total Profit",













"title":"Total Profit",



"name":"Tab 1",




}, "*");

"message":"Viz successfully saved to vizpad",
"message":"Invalid vizpad",
"message":"Viz successfully saved to vizpad",
"message":"Invalid tabId",

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