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Keep, remove, drill sections

Ramya Priya Updated by Ramya Priya

On right click of any chart in a Vizpad, you will get three options:

  • Keep (refers to maintaining a section)
  • Remove (refers to removing a section)
  • Drill (drilling down to get insights)
Keep or remove filters

Keeping a section of chart

actionType: "filterBySelection",
vizId: vizId,
selectionPointType: "single", // single or multiple
values: value,
filterType: "Keep",
columns: columnName
}, "*");

Removing a section of chart

actionType: "filterBySelection",
vizId: vizId,
selectionPointType: "single", // single or multiple
values: value,
filterType: "Remove",
columns: columnName
}, "*");

selectionPointType refers to single or multiple point selection with the filter on a particular data value or multiple data values respectively. The values can be either be “single” or “multiple”.

Drilling a Viz

We can drill down a viz by:

  1. Column Name
  2. Hierarchy
  3. Across another vizpad
Drill by column name
actionType: "drillByColumn",
vizId: "0d4abe5e-0758-4bdd-a71c-14e5f9d9a2b0",
drillByColumn: "Gender",
filters: [{
value: "Desktop",
column: "Device_Type",
operator: '='
value: "Direct",
column: "Source",
operator: '='
}, "*");

Drill by hierarchy
actionType: "drillByHierarchy",
vizId: "0d4abe5e-0758-4bdd-a71c-14e5f9d9a2b0",
drillByColumns: ["county_name", "state_name"],
filters: [{
value: "Desktop",
column: "Device_Type",
operator: '='
value: "Direct",
column: "Source",
operator: '='
}, "*");

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