[go: nahoru, domu]


The FS-Duenna flight validator for the Microsoft Flight Simulator

The FS-Duenna (archive.org) is a small tool to help validate flights during the RTW-Race FlightSim vs Avsim vs Sim-Outhouse. It was found that the integrated Flight-Analysis-Window in FS2004 did not provide sufficient information to validate flights and that it sometimes displayed flights as invalid although everything was done correctly. This tool will check for specific conditions before, during and after a flight. It will create a validation-graphic which may be posted in the forum as a proof of validation.

CE_FSHost_Watch - Watch online players on a FSHost-Server on your Pocket-PC

Description This little program will show you where the online-players on a FSHost-Server are currently located. The players will be either listed or shown on a small map (with Name, Heading, Groundspeed-data). As long as they’re in Switzerland, it will also display a small map from Schindi (www.schindis-sky.com (archive.org)). The online data is currently proxied on one of my servers and locked for my FSHost-Server. Screenshot with a Pocket-PC Emulator Find your friends faster online!

Making a screenshot with a custom backdrop in the MS Flight-Simulator

I ran out of room on my server, so here’s the german text + some pictures :) Nach diesem einem schönen Bild von Max haben sich in meinem Kopf Rädli in Bewegung gesetzt… Das Bild wurde im September disqualifiziert, da es nachbearbeitet wurde - ich glaubte jedoch, dass man es auch so im FS machen kann. Irgendwie hatte ich es auch satt, dass nur diejenigen mit Switzerland-Prof. richtig schöne Screenshots hatten (ok, dieses Mal ausnahmsweise nicht ;)) - das muss doch auch ohne teueren Addons machbar sein…