[go: nahoru, domu]


Redirecting from Blogger with JavaScript

While it’s possible to redirect a whole site from Blogger to the exact same URLs, redirecting to similar URLs is hard. Let’s say you want to redirect: from: https://yoursite.blogspot.com/2012/01/blogpost-name.html to: https://newsite.com/blogpost-name The way to do this is to drop a snippet of JavaScript into your Blogger site’s template. Adding a redirect like this also makes it impossible for you to view your blog, so be careful :-). Also, adding a redirect like this means you won’t be able to edit your site’s theme using the simple tools (you’ll need to edit the HTML) - usually that’s no big deal since you want the old site to disappear, right?


HTTPS & HSTS: 301, 302, or 307? If the combination of these letters & numbers mean anything to you, you might be curious to know why Chrome shows you a 307 redirect for HSTS pages. In the end, it’s pretty easy. After seeing the HTTPS URL with the HSTS header (for example, with any redirect from the HTTP version), Chrome will act like it’s seeing a 307 redirect the next time you try to access the HTTP page.

A search-engine guide to 301, 302, 307, & other redirects

It’s useful to understand the differences between the common kinds of redirects, so that you know where to use them (and can recognize when they’re used incorrectly). Luckily, when it comes to Google, we’re pretty tolerant of mistakes, so don’t worry too much :). In general, a redirect is between two pages, here called R & S (it also works for pages called https://example.com/filename.asp , or pretty much any URL). Very simplified, when you call up page R, it tells you that the content is at S, and when it comes to browsers, they show the content of S right away.

HTTPS Migrations

Planning on moving to HTTPS? Here are 13 FAQs! What’s missing? Let me know in the comments and I’ll expand this over time, perhaps it’s even worth a blog post or help center article. Note that these are specific to moving an existing site from HTTP to HTTPS on the same hostname. Also remember to check out our help center at https://support.google.com/webmasters/answer/6073543 (archive.org) # Do I need to set something in Search Console?

The website hack you'd never find

Warning: do not try the URLs here unless your system is locked down properly. I suggest using a “virual machine” (I use VMware) to test things like this. The hack itself is complicated, the system is simple - skip the complicated part if you’re in a hurry. It all started with a posting (archive.org) like this: When I do a google search for [Jonathan Wentworth Associates] the first result is: _Jonathan Wentworth Associates, LTD Welcome to Jonathan Wentworth Associates, a respected resource for world-class orchestral soloists, conductors, opera, chamber music, chamber orchestras, .

Twitter indexing peculiarities

This post has one main reason: popular sites don’t always get it right. You can also turn that around: you don’t have to get everything right in order to be popular. Never do something on your site just because a large site does it like that. Combine web 2.0 with a search engines, what do you get? Lots of rel=nofollow links (archive.org) :), heh. You’d assume that they could get a few things right with regards to search engine optimization though.