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yuvipanda (yuvipanda)
Serious business title

Projects (6)


  • Clear sailing ahead.


  • Clear sailing ahead.


  • Clear sailing ahead.

User Details

User Since
Oct 30 2014, 8:28 PM (506 w, 5 d)
IRC Nick
MediaWiki User
Yuvipanda [ Global Accounts ]

Recent Activity

Mar 26 2024

yuvipanda added a comment to T360718: Relicense Wikibugs from MIT to GPL-3.0-or-later after approval by all substantive contributors.

I approve!

Mar 26 2024, 3:04 AM · User-bd808, Software-Licensing, Wikibugs

May 25 2023

Yuvi Panda <yuvipanda@gmail.com> committed rOSKUe35d06fd17e5: Update kube2dns usage flags.
Update kube2dns usage flags
May 25 2023, 11:53 PM
yuvipanda committed rOSKUf0c50512013e: Fix verify-flags lists to account for flag changes.
Fix verify-flags lists to account for flag changes
May 25 2023, 11:33 PM
yuvipanda committed rOSKUcd23dcee3412: Use pflag instead of flag in kube2dns.
Use pflag instead of flag in kube2dns
May 25 2023, 11:33 PM
yuvipanda committed rOSKU12a677876634: Update skynd RC template to use GNU style flags.
Update skynd RC template to use GNU style flags
May 25 2023, 11:33 PM
yuvipanda committed rOSKU1751bcf1e199: Update hack/verify-flags/exceptions.txt.
Update hack/verify-flags/exceptions.txt
May 25 2023, 11:33 PM
yuvipanda committed rOSKU8938d75cc10b: Add uidenforcer admission controller.
Add uidenforcer admission controller
May 25 2023, 11:09 PM
yuvipanda committed rOSKU5cad640395fe: Add a registry enforcer + tests.
Add a registry enforcer + tests
May 25 2023, 11:09 PM
yuvipanda committed rOSKUd16c091cdb30: Add 'hostautomounter' admission controller.
Add 'hostautomounter' admission controller
May 25 2023, 11:09 PM
yuvipanda committed rOSKU021aa3fd3293: Add hostpathenforcer admission controller.
Add hostpathenforcer admission controller
May 25 2023, 11:09 PM
yuvipanda committed rENBVafd4c23468e0: Add .gitignore.
Add .gitignore
May 25 2023, 6:54 PM
yuvipanda committed rENBVf2b19a300010: Add .gitreview.
Add .gitreview
May 25 2023, 6:54 PM
yuvipanda committed rENBVac36cde7fade: Initial commit.
Initial commit
May 25 2023, 6:54 PM
yuvipanda committed rODIT7a2a60adf7b1: Add toollabs base container.
Add toollabs base container
May 25 2023, 6:54 PM
yuvipanda committed rODIT97baf09070f7: Add base PHP container & php web container.
Add base PHP container & php web container
May 25 2023, 6:54 PM
yuvipanda committed rODITac178d000ea6: Add a simple builder script.
Add a simple builder script
May 25 2023, 6:54 PM
yuvipanda committed rODITe75ade71c549: Add a java base + web container.
Add a java base + web container
May 25 2023, 6:54 PM
yuvipanda committed rODITd4bf2d7b7bcb: Switch to using wikimedia-jessie as base container.
Switch to using wikimedia-jessie as base container
May 25 2023, 6:54 PM
yuvipanda committed rODIT82cf036d05f6: Make web templates inherit from correct base templates.
Make web templates inherit from correct base templates
May 25 2023, 6:54 PM
yuvipanda committed rODIT28e903c66a1f: Remove xdebug from base php container.
Remove xdebug from base php container
May 25 2023, 6:53 PM
yuvipanda committed rODIT7ef71ec54a36: Add python (aka python3) images.
Add python (aka python3) images
May 25 2023, 6:53 PM
yuvipanda committed rODIT832a9307db18: Add golang images.
Add golang images
May 25 2023, 6:53 PM
yuvipanda committed rODITaef7a116b179: Add nodejs base + web images.
Add nodejs base + web images
May 25 2023, 6:53 PM
yuvipanda committed rODITeb6c5d9b2b68: Add python2 base + web image.
Add python2 base + web image
May 25 2023, 6:53 PM

May 23 2023

Dzahn awarded T76203: Make ircecho run as its own user a Love token.
May 23 2023, 3:16 PM · IRCecho, SRE

May 7 2023

Don-vip awarded T127367: [toolforge,jobs-api,webservice,storage] Provide modern, non-NFS log solution for Toolforge webservices and bots a Hungry Hippo token.
May 7 2023, 12:54 PM · cloud-services-team, Epic, Toolforge

Dec 6 2022

Halfak awarded T169452: Replace Quarry with an installation of Superset a Like token.
Dec 6 2022, 3:23 AM · cloud-services-team (FY2023/2024-Q3-Q4), superset.wmcloud.org, Quarry

Dec 5 2022

web3 awarded T169452: Replace Quarry with an installation of Superset a Like token.
Dec 5 2022, 3:52 PM · cloud-services-team (FY2023/2024-Q3-Q4), superset.wmcloud.org, Quarry

Mar 7 2022

yuvipanda committed rPAWS627aa1685547: Enable realtime collaboration.
Enable realtime collaboration
Mar 7 2022, 11:27 AM

Jan 11 2022

srodlund awarded T91509: Re-organize wikitech:Help:Toolforge documentation a Love token.
Jan 11 2022, 3:59 PM · Epic, Documentation, Toolforge

Dec 1 2021

yuvipanda committed rPAWS19e8133fac75: Add lsof to the user image.
Add lsof to the user image
Dec 1 2021, 11:20 AM

Jun 25 2021

yuvipanda committed rPAWS572845043dcc: Add visualization + app building packages.
Add visualization + app building packages
Jun 25 2021, 3:11 PM

May 31 2021

yuvipanda updated the task description for T284028: Setup experimental ssh interface to PAWS.
May 31 2021, 8:33 PM · PAWS
yuvipanda created T284028: Setup experimental ssh interface to PAWS.
May 31 2021, 8:28 PM · PAWS
yuvipanda added a comment to T283443: Access request for admin on PAWS for Yuvipanda.

Yay, awesome. I can ssh in now - thanks @Majavah!

May 31 2021, 8:23 PM · cloud-services-team (Kanban), PAWS

May 30 2021

yuvipanda added a comment to T283984: Expose lsof to PAWS.

I made a PR! https://github.com/toolforge/paws/pull/76

May 30 2021, 7:16 PM · PAWS

May 26 2021

yuvipanda added a comment to T136265: Develop evaluation criteria for comparing Platform as a Service (PaaS) solutions.

I just saw @Bstorm's awesome response to earlier comments, and am very happy with the way things have gone. THANK YOU!

May 26 2021, 12:06 PM · cloud-services-team (Kanban), Kubernetes, Community-Tech-Tool-Labs, Tools-Kubernetes, Toolforge
yuvipanda added a comment to T190769: Notebook machine to double as RStudio Server?.

PAWS now supports rstudio: https://hub.paws.wmcloud.org/hub/user-redirect/rstudio

May 26 2021, 12:03 PM · Data-Engineering, Data-Engineering-Jupyter

May 24 2021

yuvipanda added a comment to T283443: Access request for admin on PAWS for Yuvipanda.

I'm fine letting it wait for a week :)

May 24 2021, 5:23 PM · cloud-services-team (Kanban), PAWS
yuvipanda added a comment to T283443: Access request for admin on PAWS for Yuvipanda.

I'm fine letting it wait for a week :)

May 24 2021, 5:23 PM · cloud-services-team (Kanban), PAWS
yuvipanda added a comment to T194767: Set up OpenRefine on Cloud VPS.

Not sure what phab etiquette is anymore - should this have a PAWS tag now? Or?

May 24 2021, 4:00 PM · OpenRefine, Wikimedia-Hackathon-2018, Wikidata
yuvipanda added a comment to T194767: Set up OpenRefine on Cloud VPS.

There's a 3G memory limit per user on PAWS with a guarantee of 1G. I hope that's enough for most openrefine - although it's possible we need to explicitly tell OpenRefine how much RAM it can use. JVM apps can be a bit picky like that.

May 24 2021, 4:00 PM · OpenRefine, Wikimedia-Hackathon-2018, Wikidata
yuvipanda added a comment to T194767: Set up OpenRefine on Cloud VPS.

Users need to authenticate with their SUL accounts to login to PAWS, and this actually generates authentication that can be accessed from inside the apps that run inside it! The following environment variables are set:

May 24 2021, 3:57 PM · OpenRefine, Wikimedia-Hackathon-2018, Wikidata

May 23 2021

yuvipanda added a comment to T283443: Access request for admin on PAWS for Yuvipanda.

Yeah, so far I can primarily think of GitHub and quay.io access. And SSH / kubectl as well?

May 23 2021, 3:07 PM · cloud-services-team (Kanban), PAWS
yuvipanda committed rPAWS81c96fee72c3: Install voila for dashboards.
Install voila for dashboards
May 23 2021, 1:25 PM
yuvipanda added a comment to T193341: Install Sparql kernel in PAWS.

Closed via https://github.com/toolforge/paws/pull/69. Thanks for the merge, @Bstorm

May 23 2021, 2:59 AM · PAWS
yuvipanda committed rPAWSb2db87632c38: Add SPARQL Kernel.
Add SPARQL Kernel
May 23 2021, 1:09 AM
yuvipanda committed rPAWSb894471cc19c: Install sparqlkernel with other kernels.
Install sparqlkernel with other kernels
May 23 2021, 1:09 AM
Chicocvenancio awarded T283443: Access request for admin on PAWS for Yuvipanda a Love token.
May 23 2021, 12:02 AM · cloud-services-team (Kanban), PAWS
yuvipanda added a comment to T253134: Find an alternative solution for the mysql-proxy in PAWS.

What happened to this?

May 23 2021, 12:01 AM · PAWS

May 22 2021

bd808 awarded T283443: Access request for admin on PAWS for Yuvipanda a Love token.
May 22 2021, 11:48 PM · cloud-services-team (Kanban), PAWS
yuvipanda added a comment to T283443: Access request for admin on PAWS for Yuvipanda.

I'm pretty sure that this request from the inventor of PAWS would be hard to say no to.

@yuvipanda do you remember if you signed the volunteer NDA when you were off-boarding from your tenure as a Foundation employee?

May 22 2021, 11:46 PM · cloud-services-team (Kanban), PAWS
Fuzheado awarded T283443: Access request for admin on PAWS for Yuvipanda a Like token.
May 22 2021, 11:40 PM · cloud-services-team (Kanban), PAWS
yuvipanda created T283443: Access request for admin on PAWS for Yuvipanda.
May 22 2021, 11:37 PM · cloud-services-team (Kanban), PAWS
yuvipanda added a comment to T274897: Create a PAWS notebook tutorial to help users get started with using databases with PAWS.

https://github.com/toolforge/paws/pull/66 adds nbgitpuller, which is heavily used outside for distributing tutorial content. Will be very helpful here I think :)

May 22 2021, 8:44 PM · Documentation, PAWS
yuvipanda closed T268923: Upgrade R on PAWS to version 3.6 or newer as Resolved.

https://github.com/toolforge/paws/pull/62 bumps it to 4.0, and https://github.com/toolforge/paws/pull/64 adds RStudio! You can check out RStudio from https://hub.paws.wmcloud.org/hub/user-redirect/rstudio

May 22 2021, 8:40 PM · PAWS
yuvipanda added a comment to T194331: [Epic] Build out PAWS as an alternative to Toolforge.

With https://github.com/yuvipanda/jupyterhub-ssh, you can get 'real' ssh access to your JupyterHub instance, via your JupyterHub access token. This means anyone with a SUL login can then login to PAWS, get a token that'll let them *ssh* in. SFTP is also supported.

May 22 2021, 8:39 PM · Epic, PAWS
yuvipanda closed T227863: Jupyterlab build fails as Resolved.

Solved by https://github.com/toolforge/paws/pull/62

May 22 2021, 8:37 PM · PAWS, Jupyter-Hub
yuvipanda committed rPAWS753c24559fc0: Add nbgitpuller to PAWS.
Add nbgitpuller to PAWS
May 22 2021, 8:23 PM
yuvipanda committed rPAWS15b17f051552: Don't run flake8 on notebook config file.
Don't run flake8 on notebook config file
May 22 2021, 6:12 PM
yuvipanda committed rPAWS75e54feb4077: Run black on our config file.
Run black on our config file
May 22 2021, 6:12 PM
yuvipanda committed rPAWSbcf086379b9e: Setup OpenRefine on PAWS.
Setup OpenRefine on PAWS
May 22 2021, 6:12 PM
yuvipanda committed rPAWS78d974b4bcd9: Add missing openrefine logo.
Add missing openrefine logo
May 22 2021, 6:12 PM
yuvipanda committed rPAWS94f03f3fd7a7: Add RStudio to the base image.
Add RStudio to the base image
May 22 2021, 6:10 PM
yuvipanda committed rPAWSc6ade7ad1deb: Upgrade user image.
Upgrade user image
May 22 2021, 4:53 PM

May 3 2021

yuvipanda added a comment to T190769: Notebook machine to double as RStudio Server?.

Pretty well supported with github.com/jupyterhub/jupyter-rsession-proxy/, although you need to be running inside a container (or something with network namespace isolation) for it to work.

May 3 2021, 5:05 PM · Data-Engineering, Data-Engineering-Jupyter
yuvipanda added a comment to T224658: Newpyter - SWAP Juypter Rewrite.

There are still some child tasks of this Newpyter parent task, but as of today I think we can call the 'Newpyter' project done.

May 3 2021, 5:04 PM · Analytics-Kanban, Analytics

Apr 20 2021

yuvipanda committed rPAWSe6e2a08609bd: Remove cull_idle_server from hub image.
Remove cull_idle_server from hub image
Apr 20 2021, 11:21 PM

Jul 20 2020

aborrero awarded T102367: Migrate tools.wmflabs.org to https only (and set HSTS) a Love token.
Jul 20 2020, 1:01 PM · User-bd808, User-QEDK, Patch-For-Review, cloud-services-team (Kanban), Traffic, SRE, HTTPS, Toolforge

Jun 11 2020

Bstorm awarded T127367: [toolforge,jobs-api,webservice,storage] Provide modern, non-NFS log solution for Toolforge webservices and bots a Love token.
Jun 11 2020, 10:53 PM · cloud-services-team, Epic, Toolforge

Jul 9 2019

Bmueller awarded T87001: Provide basic page view metrics for individual tools on toolforge a Meh! token.
Jul 9 2019, 4:12 PM · Wikimedia-Hackathon-2024, Tool-toolviews, cloud-services-team, Toolforge

Jun 25 2019

Samwilson awarded T68623: Setup an easy to use logrotate based system for rotating tools logs a Like token.
Jun 25 2019, 1:50 AM · Community-Tech-Tool-Labs, Cloud-Services, Toolforge

Feb 7 2019

yuvipanda committed rMSCA5408ce78209d: Make scap do things as www-data user instead of apache user.
Make scap do things as www-data user instead of apache user
Feb 7 2019, 12:10 PM
yuvipanda committed rMSCA799d4c94e7be: Make scap do things as www-data user instead of apache user.
Make scap do things as www-data user instead of apache user
Feb 7 2019, 12:10 PM

Nov 7 2018

Gerrit Code Review <gerrit@wikimedia.org> committed rORESWHEELSc33b7feb4576: Initial empty repository (authored by yuvipanda).
Initial empty repository
Nov 7 2018, 7:19 PM
Gerrit Code Review <gerrit@wikimedia.org> committed rORESWHEELSf03e0baa8fa8: Initial empty repository (authored by yuvipanda).
Initial empty repository
Nov 7 2018, 6:34 PM

Jun 11 2018

Gerrit Code Review <gerrit@wikimedia.org> committed rODIT0c1b88744515: Update patch set 2 (authored by yuvipanda).
Update patch set 2
Jun 11 2018, 11:37 AM
Gerrit Code Review <gerrit@wikimedia.org> committed rODIT956701e363a1: Create patch set 2 (authored by yuvipanda).
Create patch set 2
Jun 11 2018, 11:37 AM
Gerrit Code Review <gerrit@wikimedia.org> committed rODITcc72bd1dc75f: Update patch set 2 (authored by yuvipanda).
Update patch set 2
Jun 11 2018, 11:37 AM
Gerrit Code Review <gerrit@wikimedia.org> committed rODITfe679abc0ee3: Update patch set 3 (authored by yuvipanda).
Update patch set 3
Jun 11 2018, 11:37 AM
Gerrit Code Review <gerrit@wikimedia.org> committed rODIT9f5355a40498: Create change (authored by yuvipanda).
Create change
Jun 11 2018, 11:37 AM
Gerrit Code Review <gerrit@wikimedia.org> committed rODIT69d494554466: Update patch set 3 (authored by yuvipanda).
Update patch set 3
Jun 11 2018, 11:37 AM
Gerrit Code Review <gerrit@wikimedia.org> committed rODITe7ab4a2205c0: Create patch set 3 (authored by yuvipanda).
Create patch set 3
Jun 11 2018, 11:37 AM
Gerrit Code Review <gerrit@wikimedia.org> committed rODIT02b264e30f0b: Update patch set 5 (authored by yuvipanda).
Update patch set 5
Jun 11 2018, 11:37 AM
Gerrit Code Review <gerrit@wikimedia.org> committed rODIT6779a5b58b83: Create change (authored by yuvipanda).
Create change
Jun 11 2018, 11:37 AM
Gerrit Code Review <gerrit@wikimedia.org> committed rODITa2d7dfae3a66: Create patch set 2 (authored by yuvipanda).
Create patch set 2
Jun 11 2018, 11:37 AM
Gerrit Code Review <gerrit@wikimedia.org> committed rODIT45c39f859c30: Create patch set 5 (authored by yuvipanda).
Create patch set 5
Jun 11 2018, 11:37 AM
Gerrit Code Review <gerrit@wikimedia.org> committed rODITc5a66823a48c: Update patch set 5 (authored by yuvipanda).
Update patch set 5
Jun 11 2018, 11:37 AM
Gerrit Code Review <gerrit@wikimedia.org> committed rODIT6be8dab1d994: Create patch set 4 (authored by yuvipanda).
Create patch set 4
Jun 11 2018, 11:37 AM
Gerrit Code Review <gerrit@wikimedia.org> committed rODIT6d507f413a67: Update patch set 4 (authored by yuvipanda).
Update patch set 4
Jun 11 2018, 11:37 AM
Gerrit Code Review <gerrit@wikimedia.org> committed rODITcf5660379632: Update patch set 3 (authored by yuvipanda).
Update patch set 3
Jun 11 2018, 11:37 AM
Gerrit Code Review <gerrit@wikimedia.org> committed rODIT04c4ba5bb9ad: Create patch set 3 (authored by yuvipanda).
Create patch set 3
Jun 11 2018, 11:37 AM
Gerrit Code Review <gerrit@wikimedia.org> committed rODITbeacf0f1fcb7: Create patch set 2 (authored by yuvipanda).
Create patch set 2
Jun 11 2018, 11:37 AM
Gerrit Code Review <gerrit@wikimedia.org> committed rODITbf7ba843740f: Create change (authored by yuvipanda).
Create change
Jun 11 2018, 11:37 AM
Gerrit Code Review <gerrit@wikimedia.org> committed rODIT6d6cd8d1e947: Update patch set 6 (authored by yuvipanda).
Update patch set 6
Jun 11 2018, 11:37 AM
Gerrit Code Review <gerrit@wikimedia.org> committed rODIT0d33aa98d950: Update patch set 6 (authored by yuvipanda).
Update patch set 6
Jun 11 2018, 11:37 AM
Gerrit Code Review <gerrit@wikimedia.org> committed rODITa21723d3cc59: Update patch set 6 (authored by yuvipanda).
Update patch set 6
Jun 11 2018, 11:37 AM
Gerrit Code Review <gerrit@wikimedia.org> committed rODITd959485c3ec1: Create patch set 6 (authored by yuvipanda).
Create patch set 6
Jun 11 2018, 11:37 AM
Gerrit Code Review <gerrit@wikimedia.org> committed rODITf95bda820393: Update patch set 6 (authored by yuvipanda).
Update patch set 6
Jun 11 2018, 11:37 AM
Gerrit Code Review <gerrit@wikimedia.org> committed rODIT61c96cd40f42: Update patch set 3 (authored by yuvipanda).
Update patch set 3
Jun 11 2018, 11:37 AM