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Tuesday, May 9, 2023

The lie continues that Canadian abortions occur only until 23 weeks and 6 days

"No providers in Canada offer abortion care beyond 23 weeks and 6 days." Action Canada for Sexual Health and Rights

I've now been able to read the paper that I discussed here: Later gestational age abortion in Canada: A scoping review. Carly Demont, Anvita Dixit, and Angel M. Foster. The Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality 2023 32:1, 51-62

Unfortunately I was unable to access the numerous studies this study refers to, but I was still able to learn the following from the paper itself. All emphasis added. All quotes are from the paper itself. 

1) Research done on Quebec abortions: This study looked at gestational age abortions from 16 weeks to 37 weeksstillbirth data, 1981–2006, N. Auger, G. Denis, Published 1 April 2012, Medicine, International Journal of Public Health "Objectives: We evaluated late pregnancy abortions from 1981 to 2006 in Québec, Canada. Methods We extracted late abortions from the stillbirth mortality file, and calculated yearly rates per 100,000 pregnancies, including mean gestational age, birth weight, maternal age and education. Results: There were 14.4 late abortions per 100,000 overall pregnancies [95% confidence interval 12.9, 16.1], and rates appeared to increase with time. Mean gestational age (24.7 weeks) and birth weight (886 g) suggested that abortions were performed in the late second and third trimesters. Conclusions Late abortions in Québec are not common but do occur. Research is needed to determine whether the increase in rates over time reflects better reporting or a true increase."

So these babies were at a mean age of 24.7 weeks and 885 g. That's more than 23 weeks and 6 days and almost two pounds in weight. Obviously some of these babies would be even larger than this, and as noted, up until 37 weeks gestation.

2) "Second-trimester abortion is associated with higher rates of complications compared to first-trimester terminations." 

This study referred to gestational ages abortions from 13 weeks to 26 weeks 6 days. Once again, proof of abortions being performed past the so-called 23 weeks and 6 days limit)

3) "[Medical] students surveyed held significantly more positive attitudes toward first-trimester abortions than toward second-trimester surgical abortion." 

In other words, the medical students had an issue with killing later term babies.

4) "13 of 16 Canadian clinics reported performing an estimated of 1,850 dilation and evacuation procedures". 

That's a lot of clinics performing these horrific late-term abortions where the limbs are removed one by one and finally the head is crushed to remove it as well.

5) "There has been a declining proportion of abortions that occur late in the second trimester. There is concern that this will have implications for training and maintaining skills and that the distribution of services is becoming increasingly uneven." 

They're concerned about the fact that fewer doctors will have the skills required to rip a baby apart? You can't make this stuff up.

6) "We spoke with three LGA abortion providers, three directors/executives of pro-choice networks and advocacy groups, and one womxn’s (this is not a typo) SRH researcher in Canada. All topic experts currently or previously held senior positions within their organizations/institutions and resided in British Columbia, Nova Scotia, or Ontario. All had experience helping abortion seekers who were past the gestational limit in their region access needed abortion care." 

Here we have the pro-aborts actively going outside the medical guidelines. It shows just how ineffective those guidelines are.

7) "[Our topic experts] specifically focused on the lack of abortion services after 24 weeks’ gestation as being an increasing problem. One expert explained, “Until progress is made towards post-24-week care being available within Canada, provinces and territories should have robust ‘out-of-country’ travel processes that support individuals to make a plan to get the care they need.”" 

And again...discussions from the 'experts' that they need post-24-week abortion care when Canadian guidelines do not allow abortions after 23 weeks 6 days.

What is always noticeably absent from any discussions by the pro-aborts on abortion, is the very clinical way in which it is always discussed. There is never any talk of the morality of abortion. When we lock up our consciences and throw away the key, a pre-born child only has worth if we condescend to give it.

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