[go: nahoru, domu]

Like with other multithreaded applications, debugging Web Workers may be a tricky task and having good instruments makes this process much easier. Chrome Developer Tools provides full debugging support for scripts running in both dedicated and shared workers.

You can now use the powerful Scripts, Timeline, Profiles and Console panels to develop Web Workers:

All dedicated workers running in the inspected page are listed in the Scripts panel, under the Workers section. Clicking on a worker URL will open a new Developer Tools window attached to the worker. If you need to debug a dedicated worker’s initialization, there is also an option to pause workers on start. This will suspend the execution in all starting dedicated workers at the very first statement.

Shared workers are more independent than dedicated ones as they can be used concurrently by several pages. All running shared workers can be discovered through the chrome://inspect page. Each shared worker listed there has inspect and terminate links next to its URL. These links allow you to launch a Developer Tools window attached to that worker or terminate the worker respectively.

When you need to debug a shared worker initialization, it is enough to terminate the current instance of the worker leaving the Developer Tools window open and reload one of the worker clients. The worker will restart and Developer Tools window will automatically re-attach to the new instance.

To learn more on Developer Tools check out our documentation or ask us a question on Google+ and our discussion group.

Web browsers are big, complicated pieces of software that are extremely difficult to secure. In the case of Chrome, it’s an even more interesting challenge as we contend with a codebase that evolves at a blisteringly fast pace. All of this means that we need to move very quickly to keep up, and one of the ways we do so is with a scaled out fuzzing infrastructure.

Chrome’s fuzzing infrastructure (affectionately named "ClusterFuzz") is built on top of a cluster of several hundred virtual machines running approximately six-thousand simultaneous Chrome instances. ClusterFuzz automatically grabs the most current Chrome LKGR (Last Known Good Revision), and hammers away at it to the tune of around fifty-million test cases a day. That capacity has roughly quadrupled since the system’s inception, and we plan to quadruple it again over the next few weeks.

With that kind of volume, we’d be overloaded if we just automated the test case generation and crash detection. That’s why we’ve automated the entire fuzzing pipeline, including the following processes:

  • Managing test cases and infrastructure - To run at maximum capacity we need to generate a constant stream of test cases, distribute them across thousands of Chrome instances running on hundreds of virtual machines, and track the results.
  • Analyzing crashes - The only crashes we care about for security purposes are the exploitable ones. So we use Address Sanitizer to instrument our Chrome binaries and provide detailed reports on potentially exploitable crashes.
  • Minimizing test cases - Fuzzer test cases are often very large files—usually as much as several hundred kilobytes each. So we take the generated test cases and distill them down to the few, essential pieces that actually trigger the crash.
  • Identifying regressions - The first step in getting a crash fixed is figuring out where it is and who should fix it. So this phase tracks the crash down to the range of changes that introduced it.
  • Verifying fixes - In order to verify when a crash is actually fixed, which we run the open crash cases against each new LKGR build.

In addition to manageability, this level of scale and automation provides a very important additional benefit. By aggressively tracking the Chrome LKGR builds, ClusterFuzz is evolving into a real-time security regression detection capability. To appreciate just what that means, consider that ClusterFuzz has detected 95 unique vulnerabilities since we brought it fully online at the end of last year. In that time, 44 of those vulnerabilities were identified and fixed before they ever had a chance to make it out to a stable release. As we further refine our process and increase our scale, we expect potential security regressions in stable releases to become increasingly less common.

Just like Chrome itself, our fuzzing work is constantly evolving and pushing the state of the art in both scale and techniques. In keeping with Chrome’s security principles, we’re helping to make the web safer by upstreaming the security fixes into projects we rely upon, like WebKit and FFmpeg. As we expand and improve ClusterFuzz, users of those upstream projects will continue to benefit.

The Dart team invites you to the first global Dart hackathon, a collaboration between the Dart team and the developer community. Sign up and have fun hacking on Dart to build modern client and server side web apps and libraries. Current hackathon locations include:
  • North America:
    • Silicon Valley, California, USA
  • South America:
    • São Paulo, Brazil
  • Europe and Middle East:
    • London, England
    • Prague, Czech Republic
    • Tel Aviv, Israel
  • Asia:
    • Bacolod City, Philippines
    • Chandigarh, India
    • Goa, India
    • Karnataka, India
    • Manipal, India
    • New Delhi, India
    • Seoul, Korea
    • Tokyo, Japan
Hackathon dates vary by location. Check out the full list for the schedule. The Dart project is still in technology preview, which means you’ll be hacking on early access code, but that’s all part of the fun. We’re eager to see what you build, and we hope you can make it. Register today!

Last January, Chrome was the first major browser to preview WebRTC, HTML5's new real time audio and video stack. Since then, we've been hard at work keeping up with the evolving specification, fixing bugs and listening to the web community’s feedback.

The main parts of the WebRTC specification are now stable and are coming soon to all 200M+ Chrome users. With this blog post, we want to help developers plan for what will be introduced in this first stable release later this year.

What's in:

JSEP (Javascript Session Establishment Protocol) is an API for signaling that allows for much more powerful apps and flexibility in choice of signaling protocols. To abstract the complexity, we provide and maintain a Javascript lib that makes browser to browser calls a few lines of Javascript.

Our implementation will support multiple independent PeerConnections, each capable of sending and receiving multiple independent media sources.

ICE and STUN are standardized methods for establishing a peer-to-peer connection on the Internet, even if the two end points are behind private network addresses (NAT). Chrome’s current stack deviates from the official current standards. We are working to fix this.

We will also support TURN servers to allow connections through tougher firewalls, where relaying and encapsulation are needed. Exactly what type of TURN will be supported is TBD.

Encryption will be mandatory for all usage of WebRTC in Chrome. For our first stable release, we will implement DTLS-SRTP.

VP8, iSAC, iLBC, G.711
The video codec support by Chrome will be VP8. We've made several major improvements inside and around VP8 to ensure it can deliver a great real time experience. On the audio side, we will initially support iSAC, iLBC, G.711, and DTMF, with iSAC being the default. It is a royalty free wideband codec optimized for speech, open sourced at webrtc.org.

What’s next?

More functionality and features will appear in future versions of Chrome. We’ll work on prioritizing them once we get the basics right:
  • Data API. Implementation will start once the network stack is ready. 
  • Screen sharing
  • PeerConnection proxying. The ability to relay a stream to a third party will not make our first version. 
  • Recording. MediaRecorder specification work has not been completed yet.
Comments, questions, kudos or tomatoes? Let us know on our discussion list.