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The latest Stable channel release of Chrome brings improvements to both Canvas2D’s speed and WebGL’s reach.

We’ve enabled GPU-accelerated Canvas2D on capable Windows and Mac computers, which should make web applications like games perform even better than a pure software implementation. GPU-accelerated Canvas2D has previously been enabled in the Beta channel for quite some time, so hopefully developers have had a chance to try it out. We’re continuing to make improvements and tweaks to our Canvas2D implementation, so please file a bug in our public issue tracker if you encounter problems.

WebGL enables compelling 3D content on the web, so we want to ensure that as many users as possible have access to this technology. That’s why we’ve enabled SwiftShader, a software rasterizer licensed from our friends at TransGaming, for users with older configurations. Keep in mind that a software-backed WebGL implementation is never going to perform as well as one running on a real GPU, but now more users will have access to basic 3D content on the web. See our previous blog post for more details on SwiftShader and how to try it out.

Over the past several months, the number of daily app and extensions downloads from the Chrome Web Store has more than doubled. We are now seeing millions of downloads per day. Some apps and extensions have grown even faster thanks to inline installation, a feature we launched a few months ago.

With inline installation, you can allow Chrome users who visit your web site to install your apps and extensions directly without requiring them to visit the Chrome Web Store. This creates a smoother experience for your users as it eliminates an extra step where potential users could drop off.

Here are a few examples of the impact of inline installation:
  • Chrome extensions Evernote Clearly and Evernote Web Clipper derive 15% and 25% of their Chrome installations (respectively) from their inline installation implementation 
  • Rovio implemented inline installation for their Angry Birds Chrome game and saw their install rate jump by almost 10%) 
  • Equire, a CRM extension that integrates with Gmail, saw a 66% increase in Chrome user retention after they implemented inline installation. 

    Example: Installing Evernote Web Clipper from Evernote’s Site
Implementing inline installation is very easy:
  1. Provide a link to your Chrome Web Store item.
  2. Write some script to check for whatever client-side capabilities your app requires (support for WebGL, the Web Audio API, etc). Modernizr is a great library to use for this. 
  3. Call a JavaScript function to initiate the install process. 
The user sees the same Add To Chrome dialog prompt that they would on the store, confirm the install, and they're done – all without leaving your site.

The full details and documentation for using inline installation can be found here. If you have any questions, you can reach us on our developer forum.

Last week, the Chrome team participated in the Game Developers Conference in San Francisco. We all enjoyed talking to attendees about how game developers can benefit from the latest browser technologies such as Native Client and HTML5.

For those of you who were not able to attend, we recorded videos of our talks. Check them out and let us know what you think.


During GDC, several developers presented some new and upcoming games for the Chrome Web Store. From AirMech to the highly anticipated From Dust, these games provided a sneak peek to the future of browser-based games.

Besides being able to use the latest technology the web has to offer, creating a game for Chrome means you can distribute and monetize your game successfully. This is evidenced by our 4 brand new case studies with Kabam, Hlafbrick, Game Salad, and Limex Games.

To learn how you too can develop games for Chrome, start by visiting our game developer site.

Today we are releasing version 7 of the V8 Benchmark Suite. This new version adds Oliver Hunt’s 2D Navier-Stokes fluid dynamic simulation, which stresses intense double array computations. These complex double array computations are today common in games, graphic and scientific applications.

The new test shows the recent improvements V8 has made in handling advanced physics computations: the current Chrome 18 (today in beta) delivers a 5% score improvement compared to the current Chrome 17. Chrome 19 (today in canary), where the full set of improvements is being released, delivers a whopping 25% score improvement compared to Chrome 17.

With these additions, the V8 Benchmark Suite is now a more comprehensive collection of eight tests, including OS kernel simulation, crypto and string operations, memory management stress-tests, and as of today, double array computations.

We plan to keep updating the suite by adding more tests. These updates are a reflection of Chrome’s commitment to keep pushing the boundaries of speed, optimizing the engine for today’s more demanding web apps.

A few weeks ago one of my developer friends was gushing about the capabilities of his favorite native platform. After every point I felt obliged to point out that the web platform either already had or was actively developing precisely the same capabilities—and then some. He was incredulous. "Prove it," he said.

So I pulled together a few of my favorite examples from the cutting edge of the web platform and recorded three screencasts to help my friend—and others—meet the web platform again for the first time.

The first video, Building on Foundations, goes over how the web platform has been fixing various historical shortcomings and building upon its core strengths, like complicated graphical effects, composability, and advanced text layout.

The next video, Learning from Other Platforms, reviews how the web platform offers new capabilities inspired by successes on other platforms with things like push notifications, payment APIs, and web intents.

The last video, On the Cutting Edge, demonstrates some of the new tricks the web platform is learning, like webcam access, powerful audio APIs, and complicated 3D graphics.

If you're interested in learning more about the technology behind any of the demos, check out the Meet the Web Platform companion guide.

I hope these videos capture your imagination and begin to show what is possible on the web platform. The web platform is evolving at an enormous pace, and I just can't wait to see where it goes next!

Hundreds of millions play games on the web everyday - including most of us on the Chrome team. Between building new virtual cities and slaying dragons, we’re also working on making the web a better platform for game developers. With GDC about to start, we wanted to give you a quick update on these efforts.

First, we’re collaborating with all browser vendors to give you access to exciting new HTML5 APIs such as Gamepad, Mouse Lock and Fullscreen. These can help you create more immersive experiences for your users.

Second, Native Client continues to gain momentum. Today, the BlitzTech Gaming engine and the Havok Physics Engine announced support for Native Client, enriching an ecosystem that includes Unity, Moai, Bullet and other leading middleware providers. Already many game developers have been using NaCl to bring their games to Chrome’s hundreds of millions of users including brand new titles from Ubisoft, Carbon Games, Spacetime Studios, FuzzyCube Software, Klei Entertainment and Fire Hose Games.

Third, we’re working closely with other teams at Google to improve and simplify distribution and monetization for game developers. All games in the Chrome Web Store now have access to an improved In-App Payments solution that includes support for more currencies and an optimized payment flow. This includes all Google+ games that will soon be listed in the store.

To learn more on how you can also benefit from the emergence of the browser as a game platform, visit us at developers.google.com/games. And if you are attending GDC this week, come and say hi.