[go: nahoru, domu]

In 2020, we announced we were in the early phases of establishing the Chrome Root Program and launching the Chrome Root Store. 

The Chrome Root Program ultimately determines which website certificates are trusted by default in Chrome, and enables more consistent and reliable website certificate validation across platforms. 

This post shares an update on our progress and how these changes help us better protect Chrome’s users.

What’s a root store or root program, anyway?

Chrome uses digital certificates (often referred to as “certificates,” “HTTPS certificates,” or “server authentication certificates”) to ensure the connections it makes on behalf of its users are secure and private. Certificates are responsible for binding a domain name to a public key, which Chrome uses to encrypt data sent to and from the corresponding website. 

As part of establishing a secure connection to a website, Chrome verifies that a recognized entity known as a “Certification Authority” (CA) issued its certificate. Certificates issued by a CA not recognized by Chrome or a user’s local settings can cause users to see warnings and error pages.

Root stores, sometimes called “trust stores”, tell operating systems and applications what certification authorities to trust. The Chrome Root Store contains the set of root CA certificates Chrome trusts by default. 

A root program is a governance structure that establishes the requirements and security review functions needed to manage the corresponding root store. Members of the Chrome Security Team are responsible for the Chrome Root Program. Our program policy, which establishes the minimum requirements for CAs to be included in the Chrome Root Store, is publicly available here.  

Why is Chrome making these changes?

Historically, Chrome integrated with the root store and certificate verification process provided by the platform on which it was running. Standardizing the set of CAs trusted by Chrome across platforms through the transition to the Chrome Root Store, coupled with a consistent certificate verification experience through the use of the Chrome Certificate Verifier, will result in more consistent user and developer experiences. 

Launching the Chrome Root Program also represents our ongoing commitment to participating in and improving the Web PKI ecosystem. Innovations like ACME have made it easier than ever for website owners to obtain HTTPS certificates. Technologies like Certificate Transparency promote increased accountability and transparency, further improving security for Chrome’s users. These enhancements, only made possible through community collaboration, make the web a safer place. However, there’s still more work to be done. 

We want to work alongside CA owners to define and operationalize the next generation of the Web PKI. Our vision for the future includes modern, reliable, highly agile, purpose-driven PKIs that promote automation, simplicity, and security - and we formed the Chrome Root Program and corresponding policy to achieve these goals.

When are these changes taking place?

A “rollout” is a gradual launch of a new feature. Sometimes, to ensure it goes smoothly, we don’t enable a new feature for all of our users at once. Instead, we start with a small percentage of users and increase that percentage over time to ensure we minimize unanticipated compatibility issues. The Chrome Root Store and Certificate Verifier began rolling out on Windows and macOS in Chrome 105, with other platforms to follow.

Testing ahead of the rollout described above is possible on Windows and macOS using these instructions.

Will these changes impact me?

We expect the transition to the Chrome Root Store and Certificate Verifier to be seamless for most users, enterprises, and CA owners. 

The Chrome Certificate Verifier considers locally-managed certificates during the certificate verification process. This means if an enterprise distributes a root CA certificate as trusted to its users (for example, by a Windows Group Policy Object), it will be considered trusted in Chrome.

Troubleshooting procedures and other frequently asked questions are available here.

What’s next?

While we don’t know exactly what the future of the Web PKI will look like, we remain focused on promoting changes that increase speed, security, stability, and simplicity throughout the ecosystem.

With that in mind, the Chrome team continues to explore introducing future root program policy requirements related to the following initiatives:

  • Encouraging modern infrastructures and agility

  • Focusing on simplicity

  • Promoting automation

  • Reducing mis-issuance

  • Increasing accountability and ecosystem integrity

  • Streamlining and improving domain validation practices

  • Preparing for a “post-quantum” world

We look forward to continuing our collaboration with members of the CA/Browser Forum and other Web PKI ecosystem participants to make the Internet a safer place.

Posted by Ryan Dickson, Chris Clements, Emily Stark from Chrome Security

The web platform relies on the origin as a fundamental security boundary, and browsers do a pretty good job at preventing explicit leakage of data from one origin to another. Attacks like Spectre, however, show that we still have work to do to mitigate implicit data leakage. The side-channels exploited through these attacks prove that attackers can read any data which enters a process hosting that attackers' code. These attacks are quite practical today, and pose a real risk to users.

Our goal must be to ensure that sensitive data doesn't unexpectedly enter an attacker's process. Browsers shoulder a large chunk of this responsibility: Chromium's Site Isolation can separate the sites you visit into distinct OS-level processes, cross-origin read blocking prevents attackers from loading a subset of otherwise-vulnerable cross-origin resources, and APIs that substantially increase attackers' bandwidth (like SharedArrayBuffer) are being locked to cross-origin isolated contexts. This last mechanism, however, points in the direction of work that browsers can't do on their own.

Web developers know their applications intimately, and can make informed decisions about each page's and resource's risk of exposure. To defend users' data against exfiltration, web developers must step in, evaluate resources they host, and instruct browsers to isolate those resources accordingly. At a high-level, this defense consists of:

  1. Deciding when to respond to requests by examining incoming headers, paying special attention to the Origin header on the one hand, and various Sec-Fetch- prefixed headers on the other.
  2. Restricting attackers' ability to load resources as a subresource by setting a cross-origin resource policy of same-origin (opening up to same-site or cross-origin only when necessary).
  3. Restricting attackers' ability to frame resources as a document by opting into framing protections via X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN or CSP’s more granular frame-ancestors directive: for example, frame-ancestors 'self' https://trusted.embedder.
  4. Restricting attackers' ability to reference your application's windows by setting a cross-origin opener policy. In the best case, you can default to a restrictive same-origin value, opening up to same-origin-allow-popups or unsafe-none only if necessary.
  5. Preventing MIME-type confusion attacks and increasing the robustness of passive defenses like cross-origin read blocking by setting correct Content-Type headers, and globally asserting X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff.

Together, these various defenses help all browsers offer some degree of process-level protection for users' data, whether or not Site Isolation is available.

To find out more about employing these defenses, check out Post-Spectre Web Development. It includes practical examples that explain in more detail how the security primitives discussed above apply to resources you might have on your sites.

These are useful steps you can take today to protect your origin against implicit data leaks. Looking forward, we hope to help the web shift to safer defaults which protect users against these attacks without requiring developer action.

The Application Cache (AppCache) specification has been deprecated since December 2016 and in Chrome starting in version 79. In Chrome 70, AppCache was removed from insecure contexts. We plan to remove AppCache in Chrome 82. Prior to AppCache's removal in Chrome 82, we're announcing a security fix that introduces the concept of a manifest scope.

Beginning in Chrome 80 in January, 2020, the scope of the AppCache manifest will be restricted to the path it is served from. Previously, a manifest served from any location within a site's origin could override everything within that origin. For example, a manifest served from www.example.com/foo/bar/ would previously allow overriding any URLs within www.example.com. Now it will only allow overriding URLs beginning with www.example.com/foo/bar/, the scope of the manifest.

Does This Affect My Website?
To see if this affects your website, go to chrome://appcache-internals/ and compare the path of the manifest to the paths under File URL. Note that this change only affects "Intercept" and "Fallback" properties. (See the image below.)

You should also test your site using the command line feature flag. To do so:
  1. Launch Chrome 80 using the following command:

    google-chrome --enable-features="AppCacheManifestScopeChecks"
  2. Open chrome://appcache-internals/, find your manifest and remove it.
  3. Open your site so a new AppCache instance is created.
  4. Open chrome://appcache-internals/, verify your manifest appears as expected and parser version is set to 1.
  5. Go offline, then access your site so it's served from AppCache. Verify all pages load as expected.
The replacement technology for AppCache is the Cache API, which requires a service worker. For a shorter term mitigation, add the following HTTP response header to your manifest responses:

X-AppCache-Allowed: /

This header is new in Chrome 80 and will be supported until Chrome 82, which is our announced AppCache removal milestone. Please be aware that AppCache, like all Chrome features, makes use of the disk cache to fetch server responses, so any long-lived disk cache entries for a manifest must be cleared in order to pick up a server X-AppCache-Allowed header change.

UPDATE (10/28/2019): We've revised the 2nd and 3rd bullet points in the section "How to Prepare; Known Complexities" below.
In May, Chrome announced a secure-by-default model for cookies, enabled by a new cookie classification system (spec). This initiative is part of our ongoing effort to improve privacy and security across the web.
Chrome plans to implement the new model with Chrome 80 in February 2020. Mozilla and Microsoft have also indicated intent to implement the new model in Firefox and Edge, on their own timelines. While the Chrome changes are still a few months away, It’s important that developers who manage cookies assess their readiness today. This blog post outlines high level concepts; please see SameSite Cookies Explained on web.dev for developer guidance.

Understanding Cross-Site and Same-Site Cookie Context

Websites typically integrate external services for advertising, content recommendations, third party widgets, social embeds and other features. As you browse the web, these external services may store cookies in your browser and subsequently access those cookies to deliver personalized experiences or measure audience engagement. Every cookie has a domain associated with it. If the domain associated with a cookie matches an external service and not the website in the user’s address bar, this is considered a cross-site (or “third party”) context.

Less obvious cross-site use cases include situations where an entity that owns multiple websites uses a cookie across those properties. Although the same entity owns the cookie and the websites, this still counts as cross-site or “third party” context when the cookie’s domain does not match the site(s) from which the cookie is accessed.
When an external resource on a web page accesses a cookie that does not match the site domain, this is cross-site or “third-party” context.

In contrast, cookie access in a same-site (or “first party”) context occurs when a cookie’s domain matches the website domain in the user’s address bar. Same-site cookies are commonly used to keep people logged into individual websites, remember their preferences and support site analytics.

When a resource on a web page accesses a cookie that matches the site the user is visiting, this is same-site or “first party” context.

A New Model for Cookie Security and Transparency

Today, if a cookie is only intended to be accessed in a first party context, the developer has the option to apply one of two settings (SameSite=Lax or SameSite=Strict) to prevent external access. However, very few developers follow this recommended practice, leaving a large number of same-site cookies needlessly exposed to threats such as Cross-Site Request Forgery attacks.

To safeguard more websites and their users, the new secure-by-default model assumes all cookies should be protected from external access unless otherwise specified. Developers must use a new cookie setting, SameSite=None, to designate cookies for cross-site access. When the SameSite=None attribute is present, an additional Secure attribute must be used so cross-site cookies can only be accessed over HTTPS connections. This won’t mitigate all risks associated with cross-site access but it will provide protection against network attacks.

Beyond the immediate security benefits, the explicit declaration of cross-site cookies enables greater transparency and user choice. For example, browsers could offer users fine-grained controls to manage cookies that are only accessed by a single site separately from cookies accessed across multiple sites.

Chrome Enforcement Starting in February 2020

With Chrome 80 in February, Chrome will treat cookies that have no declared SameSite value as SameSite=Lax cookies. Only cookies with the SameSite=None; Secure setting will be available for external access, provided they are being accessed from secure connections. The Chrome Platform Status trackers for SameSite=None and Secure will continue to be updated with the latest launch information.

Mozilla has affirmed their support of the new cookie classification model with their intent to implement the SameSite=None; Secure requirements for cross-site cookies in Firefox. Microsoft recently announced plans to begin implementing the model starting as an experiment in Microsoft Edge 80.

How to Prepare; Known Complexities

If you manage cross-site cookies, you will need to apply the SameSite=None; Secure setting to those cookies. Implementation should be straightforward for most developers, but we strongly encourage you to begin testing now to identify complexities and special cases, such as the following:

  • Not all languages and libraries support the None value yet, requiring developers to set the cookie header directly. This Github repository provides instructions for implementing SameSite=None; Secure in a variety of languages, libraries and frameworks.
  • Some browsers, including some versions of Chrome, Safari and UC Browser, might handle the  None value in unintended ways, requiring developers to code exceptions for those clients. This includes Android WebViews powered by older versions of Chrome. Here’s a list of known incompatible clients.
  • App developers are advised to declare the appropriate SameSite cookie settings for Android WebViews based on versions of Chrome that are compatible with the  None value, both for cookies accessed via HTTP(S) headers and via Android WebView's CookieManager API, although the new model will not be enforced on Android WebView until later.
  • Enterprise IT administrators may need to implement special policies to temporarily revert Chrome Browser to legacy behavior if some services such as single sign-on or internal applications are not ready for the February launch.
  • If you have cookies that you access in both a first and third-party context, you might consider using separate cookies to get the security benefits of SameSite=Lax in the first-party context.
SameSite Cookies Explained offers specific guidance for the situations above, and channels for raising issues and questions.

To test the effect of the new Chrome behavior on your site or cookies you manage, you can go to chrome://flags in Chrome 76+ and enable the “SameSite by default cookies” and “Cookies without SameSite must be secure” experiments. In addition, these experiments will be automatically enabled for a subset of Chrome 79 Beta users. Some Beta users with the experiments enabled could experience incompatibility issues with services that do not yet support the new model; users can opt out of the Beta experiments by going to chrome://flags and disabling them.

If you manage cookies that are only accessed in a same-site context (same-site cookies) there is no required action on your part; Chrome will automatically prevent those cookies from being accessed by external entities, even if the SameSite attribute is missing or no value is set. However we strongly recommend you apply an appropriate SameSite value (Lax or Strict) and not rely on default browser behavior since not all browsers protect same-site cookies by default.

Finally, if you’re concerned about the readiness of vendors and others who provide services to your website, you can check for Developer Tools console warnings in Chrome 77+ when a page contains cross-site cookies that are missing the required settings:

A cookie associated with a cross-site resource at (cookie domain) was set without the `SameSite` attribute. A future release of Chrome will only deliver cookies with cross-site requests if they are set with `SameSite=None` and `Secure`. You can review cookies in developer tools under Application>Storage>Cookies and see more details at https://www.chromestatus.com/feature/5088147346030592 and https://www.chromestatus.com/feature/5633521622188032.”

Some providers (including some Google services) will implement the necessary changes in the months leading up to Chrome 80 in February; you may wish to reach out to your partners to confirm their readiness.

Posted by Barb Smith, Chrome and Web Platform Partnerships

In July 2018 we launched Site Isolation in Chrome as a way to secure desktop browsers against the risk of side-channel attacks like Spectre. We recently published a USENIX Security conference paper highlighting the benefits of this launch. Today, we are pleased to announce further improvements we've rolled out in Chrome 77:
  • Chrome for Android has enabled Site Isolation for sites where users enter passwords.
  • On desktop platforms, Site Isolation now helps defend against attacks from fully compromised renderer processes, not just side-channel attacks.
Site Isolation on Android
Chrome 77 has brought Site Isolation and its benefits to Android users. Like Site Isolation on desktop, this launch leverages OS processes to make it harder for attackers to steal data from other websites. In particular, it offers the most effective defense against Spectre-like CPU vulnerabilities.

We wanted to ensure that Site Isolation does not adversely affect user experience in a resource-constrained environment like Android. This is why, unlike desktop platforms where we isolate all sites, Chrome on Android uses a slimmer form of Site Isolation, protecting fewer sites to keep overhead low. More specifically, Site Isolation is turned on only for high-value sites where users log in with a password. This protects sites with sensitive data that users likely care about, such as banks or shopping sites, while allowing process sharing among less critical sites.

Once Chrome observes a password interaction on a website, future visits to that site will be protected by Site Isolation. That means the site will be rendered in its own dedicated renderer process, walled off from other sites. Navigations to other sites will cause a tab to switch processes, and cross-site iframes are put into a different process, becoming "out-of-process iframes." Chrome keeps a list of isolated sites stored locally on the device and clears the list whenever users clear their browsing history or other site data. To bootstrap, Chrome also isolates a crowdsourced list of sites where mobile users have been entering passwords most frequently.

For the most part, Site Isolation is a behind-the-scenes architectural change that should not change the experience for users or developers. As on desktop platforms, it does cause Chrome to create more processes, which comes with performance tradeoffs: on the plus side, each renderer process is smaller, shorter-lived, and has less contention internally, but there is about a 3-5% total memory overhead in real workloads. We continue to work hard to optimize this behavior to keep Chrome both fast and secure.

In Chrome 77, password-triggered Site Isolation has been enabled for 99% of users (with a 1% holdback to monitor and improve performance) on Android devices that have a sufficient amount of RAM (currently 2GB). While we investigate how to bring this support to more devices, users who desire the most complete protection for their devices may manually opt in to full Site Isolation via chrome://flags/#enable-site-per-process, which will isolate all websites but carry higher memory cost.

In the future, we plan to add support for more ways of detecting when a site should be protected by Site Isolation. For example, we're working on allowing website operators to opt in any site to Site Isolation, without requiring user login.
Containing Compromised Renderers
On desktop platforms, Site Isolation in Chrome 77 now helps defend against significantly stronger attacks. Our initial launch targeted Spectre-like attacks which could leak any data from a given renderer process. Site Isolation can now handle even severe attacks where the renderer process is fully compromised via a security bug, such as memory corruption bugs or Universal Cross-Site Scripting (UXSS) logic errors.

For example, suppose an attacker discovered and exploited a memory corruption bug in Chrome's rendering engine, Blink. The bug might allow them to run arbitrary native code within the sandboxed renderer process, no longer constrained by the security checks in Blink. However, Chrome's browser process knows what site the renderer process is dedicated to, so it can restrict which cookies, passwords, and site data the entire process is allowed to receive. This makes it far more difficult for attackers to steal cross-site data.

In Chrome 77, Site Isolation helps protect many types of sensitive data from such compromised renderer processes:
  • Authentication: Cookies and stored passwords can only be accessed by processes locked to the corresponding site.
  • Network data: Site Isolation uses Cross-Origin Read Blocking to filter sensitive resource types (e.g., HTML, XML, JSON, PDF) from a process, even if that process tries to lie to Chrome's network stack about its origin. Resources labeled with a Cross-Origin-Resource-Policy header are also protected.
  • Stored data and permissions: Renderer processes can only access stored data (e.g., localStorage) or permissions (e.g., microphone) based on the process's site lock. 
  • Cross-origin messaging: Chrome's browser process can verify the source origin of postMessage and BroadcastChannel messages, preventing the renderer process from lying about who sent the message.

We are continuing to improve compromised renderer protections in several ways:

  • Bringing these protections to Chrome for Android. This requires extra work to handle the case where only certain sites are isolated.
  • Protecting CSRF defenses. Sec-Fetch-Site and Origin request headers can be verified to prevent compromised renderers from forging them.
  • Protecting more types of data. We are investigating how to protect additional data types by default with Cross-Origin Read Blocking.
  • Removing exceptions. We are working to remove cases where these protections may not yet apply. For example, a small set of extensions still have broader cross-site access from content scripts, until they update to the new security model. We have already worked with extension authors to bring the affected Chrome user population down from 14% to 2%, as well as harden other extension security issues. Also, Site Isolation does not apply to Flash, which is currently disabled by default and is on a deprecation path.

We're excited about the improvements this brings to Chrome's overall security model. As a result, we are broadening the scope of the Chrome Vulnerability Reward Program to also cover cross-site data disclosure attacks that involve compromised renderers. For a limited time, security bugs affecting Site Isolation may be eligible for higher rewards than the usual amount for information disclosure bugs. We are grateful for the contributions from security researchers that we have received so far, and we look forward to working together further to improve the state of web security.

Posted by Alex Moshchuk and Łukasz Anforowicz, Site Isolators

Privacy, security and transparency are at the forefront of all the work we do on Chrome. In October, we announced changes aimed at ensuring Chrome extensions are trustworthy by default, but the work doesn’t end there. 

As part of our commitment to transparency, we are announcing a new policy targeting deceptive installation tactics for extensions on the Chrome Web Store. We’ve seen that the path to downloading a Chrome extension influences user trust in all extensions. One bad experience can affect a user’s interest in the many great extensions our developers create. Setting the right expectations for what an extension does, from the start, helps create a healthy and thriving ecosystem of extensions, developers, and passionate users.

Last year, to improve user transparency we deprecated inline installation and began requiring all extension installs to go through the Chrome Web Store. This change has helped reduce user complaints about unwanted extensions by 18 percent. However, we still receive user feedback about deceptive extension install flows. As user transparency is an important part of our ecosystem, we are continuing to push these initiatives forward by prohibiting extensions that benefit from deceptive install tactics with the following policy:

Extensions must be marketed responsibly. Extensions that use or benefit from deceptive installation tactics will be removed from the Chrome Web Store.

Deceptive installation tactics include:
  • Unclear or inconspicuous disclosures on marketing collateral preceding the Chrome Web Store item listing.
  • Misleading interactive elements as part of your distribution flow. This includes misleading call-to-action buttons or forms that imply an outcome other than the installation of an extension.
  • Adjusting the Chrome Web Store item listing window with the effect of withholding or hiding extension metadata from the user.

Please audit all of your install traffic to ensure it is compliant before July 1st, 2019. You can also find an FAQ on the new policy in the Chrome Developer Center.

Today, we also announced additional policies to further protect users as part of Google’s Project Strobe. We will be requiring that extensions request the narrowest permissions needed to implement their features, and requiring more extensions to post privacy policies and handle user data securely. Read more about those changes in the Keyword post and the Chrome Developer Center FAQ.

Posted by Swagateeka Panigrahy and Benjamin Ackerman, Chrome Policy and Anti-Abuse Team

Tim Willis, Hacker Philanthropist, Chrome Security Team
Around this time each year we announce the rules, details and maximum cash amounts we’re putting up for our Pwnium competition. For the last few years we put a huge pile of cash on the table (last year it was e million) and gave researchers one day during CanSecWest to present their exploits. We’ve received some great entries over the years, but it’s time for something bigger.

Starting today, Pwnium will change its scope significantly, from a single-day competition held once a year at a security conference to a year round, worldwide opportunity for security researchers.

For those who are interested in what this means for the Pwnium rewards pool, we crunched the numbers and the results are in: it now goes all the way up to $∞ million*.

We’re making this change for a few reasons:

  • Removing barriers to entry: At Pwnium competitions, a security researcher would need to have a bug chain in March, pre-register, have a physical presence at the competition location and hopefully get a good timeslot. Under the new scheme, security researchers can submit their bugs year-round through the Chrome Vulnerability Reward Program (VRP) whenever they find them.
  • Removing the incentive for bug hoarding: If a security researcher was to discover a Pwnium-quality bug chain today, it’s highly likely that they would wait until the contest to report it to get a cash reward. This is a bad scenario for all parties. It’s bad for us because the bug doesn’t get fixed immediately and our users are left at risk. It’s bad for them as they run the real risk of a bug collision. By allowing security researchers to submit bugs all year-round, collisions are significantly less likely and security researchers aren’t duplicating their efforts on the same bugs.
  • Our researchers want this: On top of all of these reasons, we asked our handful of participants if they wanted an option to report all year. They did, so we’re delivering.

Logistically, we’ll be adding Pwnium-style bug chains on Chrome OS to the Chrome VRP. This will increase our top reward to $50,000, which will be on offer all year-round. Check out our FAQ for more information.

Happy hunting!

* Our lawyercats wouldn’t let me say “never-ending” or “infinity million” without adding that “this is an experimental and discretionary rewards program and Google may cancel or modify the program at any time.” Check out the reward eligibility requirements on the Chrome VRP page.

[Cross-posted on the Google Online Security Blog]

We work hard to keep you safe online. In Chrome, for instance, we warn users against malware and phishing and offer rewards for finding security bugs. Due in part to our collaboration with the research community, we’ve squashed more than 700 Chrome security bugs and have rewarded more than $1.25 million through our bug reward program. But as Chrome has become more secure, it’s gotten even harder to find and exploit security bugs.

This is a good problem to have! In recognition of the extra effort it takes to uncover vulnerabilities in Chrome, we’re increasing our reward levels. We’re also making some changes to be more transparent with researchers reporting a bug.

First, we’re increasing our usual reward pricing range to $500-$15,000 per bug, up from a previous published maximum of $5,000. This is accompanied with a clear breakdown of likely reward amounts by bug type. As always, we reserve the right to reward above these levels for particularly great reports. (For example, last month we awarded $30,000 for a very impressive report.)

Second, we’ll pay at the higher end of the range when researchers can provide an exploit to demonstrate a specific attack path against our users. Researchers now have an option to submit the vulnerability first and follow up with an exploit later. We believe that this a win-win situation for security and researchers: we get to patch bugs earlier and our contributors get to lay claim to the bugs sooner, lowering the chances of submitting a duplicate report.

Third, Chrome reward recipients will be listed in the Google Hall of Fame, so you’ve got something to print out and hang on the fridge.

As a special treat, we’re going to back-pay valid submissions from July 1, 2014 at the increased reward levels we’re announcing today. Good times.

We’ve also answered some new FAQs on our rules page, including questions about our new Trusted Researcher program and a bit about our philosophy and alternative markets for zero-day bugs.

Happy bug hunting!

Posted by Tim Willis, Hacker Philanthropist, Chrome Security Team

The SHA-1 cryptographic hash algorithm has been known to be considerably weaker than it was designed to be since at least 2005 — 9 years ago. Collision attacks against SHA-1 are too affordable for us to consider it safe for the public web PKI. We can only expect that attacks will get cheaper.

That’s why Chrome will start the process of sunsetting SHA-1 (as used in certificate signatures for HTTPS) with Chrome 39 in November. HTTPS sites whose certificate chains use SHA-1 and are valid past 1 January 2017 will no longer appear to be fully trustworthy in Chrome’s user interface.

SHA-1's use on the Internet has been deprecated since 2011, when the CA/Browser Forum, an industry group of leading web browsers and certificate authorities (CAs) working together to establish basic security requirements for SSL certificates, published their Baseline Requirements for SSL. These Requirements recommended that all CAs transition away from SHA-1 as soon as possible, and followed similar events in other industries and sectors, such as NIST deprecating SHA-1 for government use in 2010.

We have seen this type of weakness turn into a practical attack before, with the MD5 hash algorithm. We need to ensure that by the time an attack against SHA-1 is demonstrated publicly, the web has already moved away from it. Unfortunately, this can be quite challenging. For example, when Chrome disabled MD5, a number of enterprises, schools, and small businesses were affected when their proxy software — from leading vendors — continued to use the insecure algorithms, and were left scrambling for updates. Users who used personal firewall software were also affected.

We plan to surface, in the HTTPS security indicator in Chrome, the fact that SHA-1 does not meet its design guarantee. We are taking a measured approach, gradually ratcheting down the security indicator and gradually moving the timetable up (keep in mind that we release stable versions of Chrome about 6 – 8 weeks after their branch point):

Chrome 39 (Branch point 26 September 2014)

Sites with end-entity (“leaf”) certificates that expire on or after 1 January 2017, and which include a SHA-1-based signature as part of the certificate chain, will be treated as “secure, but with minor errors”.

The current visual display for “secure, but with minor errors” is a lock with a yellow triangle, and is used to highlight other deprecated and insecure practices, such as passive mixed content.

Chrome 40 (Branch point 7 November 2014; Stable after holiday season)

Sites with end-entity certificates that expire between 1 June 2016 to 31 December 2016 (inclusive), and which include a SHA-1-based signature as part of the certificate chain, will be treated as “secure, but with minor errors”.

Sites with end-entity certificates that expire on or after 1 January 2017, and which include a SHA-1-based signature as part of the certificate chain, will be treated as “neutral, lacking security”.

The current visual display for “neutral, lacking security” is a blank page icon, and is used in other situations, such as HTTP.

Chrome 41 (Branch point in Q1 2015)

Sites with end-entity certificates that expire between 1 January 2016 and 31 December 2016 (inclusive), and which include a SHA-1-based signature as part of the certificate chain, will be treated as “secure, but with minor errors”.

Sites with end-entity certificates that expire on or after 1 January 2017, and which include a SHA-1-based signature as part of the certificate chain, will be treated as “affirmatively insecure”. Subresources from such domain will be treated as “active mixed content”.

The current visual display for “affirmatively insecure” is a lock with a red X, and a red strike-through text treatment in the URL scheme.

Note: SHA-1-based signatures for trusted root certificates are not a problem because TLS clients trust them by their identity, rather than by the signature of their hash.

Posted by Chris Palmer, Secure Socket Lover and Ryan Sleevi, Transport Layer Securer

Browser settings hijacking continues to be a top issue for Chrome users, particularly on Windows. A user’s start page, home page and default search engine are critical parts of their Chrome experience, so we are creating an extension-based Settings API for Chrome on Windows to ensure all users have notice and control over any settings changes that take place in their browser. We expect to release this API to the Stable channel in May, after which it will be the only way for developers to make programmatic settings changes in Chrome on Windows. The API is available now on the Windows Dev channel.

If your software relies on making changes to user settings within Chrome as part of its feature set, make sure you begin moving your code to use this new API now and send us your feedback.

Update May 16, 2014: We won't be restricting other methods of changing settings until Chrome 36 which should be released around mid-July. This should give you another full release cycle to switch over to the new API.

Posted by Erik Kay, Engineering Director

Security is a core tenet of Chromium, which is why we hold regular competitions to learn from security researchers. Contests like Pwnium help us make Chromium even more secure. This year Pwnium 4 will once again set sights on Chrome OS, and will be hosted in March at the CanSecWest security conference in Vancouver.

With a total of $2.71828 million USD in the pot (mathematical constant e for the geeks at heart), we’ll issue Pwnium rewards for eligible Chrome OS exploits at the following levels:
  • $110,000 USD: browser or system-level compromise in guest mode or as a logged-in user, delivered via a web page.
  • $150,000 USD: compromise with device persistence: guest to guest with interim reboot, delivered via a web page.
New this year, we will also consider significant bonuses for demonstrating a particularly impressive or surprising exploit. Potential examples include defeating kASLR, exploiting memory corruption in the 64-bit browser process or exploiting the kernel directly from a renderer process.

Past Pwnium competitions have focused on Intel-based Chrome OS devices, but this year researchers can choose between an ARM-based Chromebook, the HP Chromebook 11 (WiFi), or the Acer C720 Chromebook (2GB WiFi) that is based on the Intel Haswell microarchitecture. The attack must be demonstrated against one of these devices running the then-current stable version of Chrome OS.

Any software included with the default installation may be used as part of the attack. For those without access to a physical device, the Chromium OS developer’s guide offers assistance on getting up and running inside a virtual machine, but note that a virtual environment might differ from the physical devices where the attack must be demonstrated.

To make sure everyone has enough time to demonstrate their exploit, we will require participants to register in advance for a timeslot. To register, e-mail pwnium4@chromium.org. Registration will close at 5:00 p.m. PST Monday, March 10th, 2014. Only exploits demonstrated on time in this specifically-arranged window will be eligible for a reward.

The official rules contain more details, but standard Pwnium rules apply: the deliverable is the full exploit, with explanations for all individual bugs used (which must be unknown); and exploits should be served from a password-authenticated and HTTPS-supported Google App Engine URL.

See you in Vancouver!

Signed by Jorge Lucángeli Obes, Security Engineer and Master of Ceremonies