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Releases: flutter/flutter

Flutter 3.19 beta (January 10, 2024)

11 Jan 18:31
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The release of the Flutter 3.19 beta contains the changes noted below.

To try out the newest beta run:

flutter channel beta
flutter upgrade

Flutter 3.19 beta (January 10, 2024)

Flutter Framework



  • [l10n] Update Material shareButtonLabel by @bleroux in #138899
  • Remove InkSparkle.constantTurbulenceSeedSplashFactory usage by @bleroux in #139481
  • Optimize the display of the Overlay on the Slider by @hgraceb in #139021
  • Convert some usage of RawKeyEvent, et al to KeyEvent by @gspencergoog in #139329
  • Fix DropdownMenu throwing TextEditingController disposed error on select by @gspencergoog in #139385
  • Remove stray print by @Hixie in #139550
  • Support for dismissDirection property in SnackBarTheme by @shanmugam28 in #139068
  • Fix DatePicker Dialog content not visible on lower text scale...
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Flutter 3.18 beta (December 5, 2023)

12 Dec 00:03
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The release of the Flutter 3.18 beta contains the changes noted below.

We’ve also included summaries of notable commits towards features and enhancements of interest. These summaries help you quickly assess what this beta has to offer and why you should use it, as well as highlight the features we’d love your feedback on and your help testing.

To try out the newest beta run:

flutter channel beta
flutter upgrade

Flutter 3.18 beta (December 5, 2023)

Flutter Framework

Notable commits

Added support for Apple system fonts

Flutter text now looks a little more compact and a little more native on iOS. For the "Text" font this will be more secure in the future against possible changes to Apple's API. For the "Display" font, this will now work correctly when it didn't before.

Adaptive Switch

The implementation of Switch.adaptive no longer depends on the Cupertino library. Everything is handled by the Material component and there are no longer any switch properties that are not supported by the .adaptive version. We also added support for customizing the appearance of adaptive components.


Flutter used to scroll twice as fast if you dragged two fingers. You can now configure the default ScrollBehavior with MultiTouchDragStrategy.latestPointer to get number-of-fingers-agnostic scrolling behavior. We also updated scrolling so now if you start dragging or tap while a scroll is underway the scroll stops as expected.

Increased access to text widgets’ state

We added support for a MaterialStatesController in TextField and TextFormField so that you can listen to MaterialState changes.

UndoHistory stack

We fixed a problem where the undo/redo history could disappear on Japanese keyboards, and made it so you can now modify the UndoHistory stack.

Visuals and animations

This beta includes many improvements to visuals and animations across the Flutter Framework, most notably:


The remaining Framework commits from Flutter Framework are listed below:

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Flutter 3.17 beta (November 15, 2023)

11 Dec 23:58
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The release of the Flutter 3.17 beta contains the changes noted below.

To try out the newest beta run:

flutter channel beta
flutter upgrade

Flutter 3.17 beta (November 15, 2023)

Flutter Framework


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Flutter 3.16 beta (October 11, 2023)

20 Oct 15:41
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The release of the Flutter 3.16 beta contains the changes noted below.

To try out the newest beta run:

flutter channel beta
flutter upgrade

Flutter 3.16 beta (October 11, 2023)


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Flutter 3.15 beta (September 15, 2023)

15 Sep 17:18
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The release of the Flutter 3.15 beta contains the changes noted below.

To try out the newest beta run:

flutter channel beta
flutter upgrade

Flutter 3.15 beta (September 15, 2023)



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3.14 Beta (August 21, 2023)

21 Aug 19:24
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Flutter 3.14 beta

The release of the Flutter 3.14 beta contains the changes noted below.

To try out the newest beta run:

flutter channel beta
flutter upgrade

Hotfixes to the 3.14 beta

3.14.1 beta (Aug 31, 2023)



  • [Impeller] Apply color blends on the CPU and fix mask blurs and the Gaussian blur coverage hint by @bdero in #133511

Flutter 3.14 beta



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3.13 Beta (July 12, 2023)

12 Jul 18:58
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Flutter 3.13 beta

The release of the Flutter 3.13 beta contains the changes noted below.

To try out the newest beta run:

flutter channel beta
flutter upgrade

Hotfixes to the 3.13 beta

3.13.3 beta (August 14, 2023)



  • No changes

3.13.2 beta (August 07, 2023)



3.13.1 beta (July 19, 2023)



  • No changes

Flutter 3.13 beta



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