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Developing ImageJ2 on the command line

This article explains how to install and configure command line tools for use with ImageJ2 development.

Install and configure command line tools


Install Git, Maven, and Java SE using Chocolatey:

choco install -y git maven jdk8

We also heartily recommend installing Cygwin:

choco install -y cyg-get


Install Git and Maven using Homebrew:

brew install git maven bash-completion

Download and install OpenJDK.


sudo apt-get install default-jdk git maven

Download the source

git clone git://github.com/imagej/imagej2

See the Source Code page for further details.

Build the source

cd imagej2

Launch the program

mvn -Pexec

Launching alternative user interfaces

Alternative UIs are experimental and still at “proof of concept” stage. The swing UI is semi-functional, but the other two (swing-mdi and awt) are largely non-functional, mentioned here solely for completeness.

mvn -Dscijava.ui=swing -Pexec
mvn -Dscijava.ui=swing-mdi -Pexec
mvn -Dscijava.ui=awt -Pexec

See also

  • Dotfiles if you want to twink out your shell