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Git workshop

These are the notes of a Git workshop held at the Max-Planck Institute of molecular Cell Biology and Genetics on August 3rd, 2011.

What is a version control system, why should I care?

A version control system is a database that holds multiple revisions of a project. A revision consists of

  • the file names and contents (excluding the generated files) as well as their directory structure
  • the author
  • the committer
  • the author date
  • the commit date
  • a description (commit message) what the change leading to this revision is about, usually divided into the first line (subject) and the more verbose rest (body)
  • zero, one or more pointers to revisions preceding the current one

In Git, a commit refers to a revision.

Version control usually facilitates:

  • easy backup
  • easy retrieval of specific revisions
  • documentation (who did what when and why?)
  • documentation (how do I do …?)
  • easy synchronization (staying up-to-date, integrating changes between multiple developers/machines)
  • finding the changes introducing regressions (AKA bugs) efficiently


Initial setup:

  • set up user name:

    git config --global user.name "Howard Carter"
    git config --global user.email howard@egyptian-antiquities-service.com
  • set up editor (if you do not like vi)

    git config --global core.editor wordpad

First steps:

  • initialize a repository

    git init
  • add contents (caveat for Subversion users: git add adds the contents, not just the file name)

    git add hello-world.txt
  • commit

    git commit


  • All modified files should be added before calling git commit
  • Since the added files are staged for commit, the command git stage is a synonym for git add
  • making use of the git status output
  • using a .gitignore file
  • adding a Sign-off (AKA S-O-B)
  • git init creates .git/ in which all of the repository’s files live
  • git config accesses .git/config, ~/.gitconfig and /etc/gitconfig

What are diffs?

Before committing, it is a good idea to see what modifications are about to be committed. One mode to look at them is to let Git show a diff. A diff consists of the following parts for every modified file:

  1. a pseudo command line starting with diff --git
  2. a line describing the previous revision, starting with ---
  3. a line describing the next revision, starting with +++
  4. one or more hunks starting with @@ -<begin line>,<line count> +<begin line>,<line count>
  5. a corresponding block of lines starting with a space for lines in both the previous and next revision, a minus for lines only in the previous one (removed line) and a plus for lines only in the next revision (added line). A modified line will show up as removed and added.


  • Looking at a diff:

    git diff
  • Looking at a diff in color:

    git diff --color
  • Changing the default to color diffs:

    git config --global diff.color auto

A word on the data model of Git (and how to reference objects)

See Git for computer scientists.

  • Everything is an object
  • Every object has a type
  • Every object has a name that is calculated by a one-way function (the hash function SHA-1) from the type and the contents
  • It is a 40-digit hex number
  • Every object is immutable (changing something changes the name).
  • Plain files are encoded as blobs
  • Directories are encoded as trees
  • Revisions are encoded as commits

For ease of use, in addition to their long name (40 hex characters, quite klunky but precise) commits can be referred to by

  • short name
  • HEAD
  • HEAD~<n>


  • Inspecting the version history

    git log
  • Inspecting the version history in a graphical way

  • Inspecting the version history with diffs

    git log -p
  • Inspecting the latest 5 revisions with diffs

    git log -p -5
  • Inspecting just one commit

    git show HEAD~5
  • Looking at all commits touching a specific set of files/directories

    git log README

Note: to disambiguate between start commit and files, put a -- between commit and/or options and files/directories, e.g. git log HEAD -5 -- doc

What are branches? Why do I need them?

A branch is a named pointer into the commit graph. The main branch is called ‘master’ (Subversion’s trunk, Mercurial’s default). Since branches are just pointers, they are very easily created.

Committing while on a branch advances that pointer (if you need something that cannot advance, you need to use tags).

Note: branch names must be simple, i.e. not contain spaces or wild characters (although minus & underscore is okay).

Branches can be used to organize sets of changes by topic. Compare also Fiji’s tutorial on topic branches.


  • Creating a branch

    git checkout -b my-new-branch
  • Switching to another branch

    git checkout master
  • Seeing all (local) branches (the current one is prefixed by a star)

    git branch
  • Switching back to the previous branch

    git checkout @{-1}

What does “distributed” mean with regards to Git?

So far, the repository is local to the working directory. But Git can also synchronize with multiple other repositories.

Typically, there is one designated main repository. If you want to initialize a working directory from a given repository, use git clone.

A main repository usually does not need a working directory, in which case it is called a bare repository.


  • Clone a repository

    git clone git://github.com/git/hello-world
  • Clone a repository from USB disk or file server

    git clone /path/to/hello-world
  • Set up a main repository on the file server

    git init --bare --shared=group /path/to/fileserver/my.git

The merge concept of Git (and what is this “index” all about?)

When working with others, or with topic branches, the changes (including their complete commit history) need to be integrated into another branch, typically master. This integration is called merging.

In order to perform a merge, the file versions are put into a staging area (the index), and all non-overlapping changes are resolved automatically. Overlapping (read: contradicting) changes are not resolved, but marked as merge conflicts.

Please refer to the Fiji’s page on Git Conflicts for a detailed explanation how to resolve merge conflicts.


  • Initialize and commit a file, say, hello.txt

    echo Hello > hello.txt
    git add hello.txt
    git commit -m initial
  • Initialize a new branch and modify hello.txt

    git checkout -b tut-anch-amun
    echo Boooh > hello.txt
    git add hello.txt
    git commit -m "On branch"
  • Switch back to old branch, modify hello.txt

    git checkout @{-1}
    echo Hi > hello.txt
    git add hello.txt
    git commit -m "On original branch"
  • Merge

    git merge tut-anch-amun

What are reflogs? How can they help me?

We looked at the commit history previously. But every repository has its own individual history; for example, yesterday at noon, a specific branch with a specific revision was the current branch. This is stored in the reflogs (for space efficiency, reflogs are not available eternally but are pruned at some stage).

You can access the reflogs by appending @{<number>} or @{<date>} to a branch name or to HEAD.


  • See what revision was current five minutes ago

    git show HEAD@{5.minutes.ago}
  • See the reflog history

    git log -g

What is the stash?

Sometimes one needs to store away all modifications and go back to a clean state, but keep the modifications accessible. This is done using the stash.

Note: the stash is a special pseudo-branch, living in refs/stash. Their history is in the reflog.


  • Make a change and stash it

    echo Shalom > hello.txt
    git stash
  • Get it back

    git stash apply
  • Stashing only the changes that have not been added yet with git add

    echo Howdy > hello.txt
    git add hello.txt
    echo Hey hey > hello.txt
    git stash -k
  • Getting a list of stashed changes

    git stash list
  • Stash with a custom message

    git stash save This is my description
  • Remove the latest changes from the stash

    git stash pop

Accessing parts of the object database

The primary way to look at commits is by using git show. It can show tags, commits, trees and blobs.

To access more information about commits, use the parameter --pretty=fuller.

For more low-level access, use git cat-file.


  • Show the raw commit message, with the diff

    git show --pretty=raw HEAD
  • Show a commit’s corresponding top-level tree

    git show HEAD:
  • Show a blob

    git show HEAD:Documentation/README
  • Low-level access to a commit

    git cat-file commit HEAD

What meanings do “checkout”, “reset” have in Git?

We already saw that checkout can switch between branches and even initialize new branches.

Unfortunately, checkout is also the command to pick file versions from other branches without switching the branches. Thusly picked file versions are automatically added, i.e. staged for the next commit.

To unstage changes, one can use the reset command (without arguments, it resets all files which HEAD knows about currently).

The reset command can further be convinced to reset not only the index (staging area), but also the working directory.


  • pick a file version from another branch

    git checkout other-branch README
  • Unstage all changes, i.e. revert all files from “to-be-committed” status to “modified”

    git reset
  • Get rid of all changes (like git stash but the changes are not stored)

    git reset --hard

Git’s concept of “remote repositories”

In addition to the repository from which we cloned, other repositories can be linked, too, using the git remote command. Such repositories are called remote repositories or simply remotes.

The repository from which we cloned is called origin.

Interaction with remote repositories is performed using

  • git fetch, which local copies of the branches of the remote repository including all required objects (but being a bit clever about avoiding to get objects we have already) and
  • git push, which updates remote repositories’ branches to the local branches’ state.

The local copies of remote branches live in a specific namespace, refs/remotes/<name>. For example, the master branch of the remote called origin will be stored in refs/remotes/origin/master. If unambiguous, it can be referred to as origin/master, too.

Note: you need to make sure that you do not mix two different projects in the same working directory’s repository. Git will happily fetch from wherever into your local repository, even if it does not make sense.

Note: there is a shortcut for fetch & merge: git pull. If you create a new branch from a local copy of a remote branch, you can even set it up such that git pull without further parameters will fetch from the correct remote and merge the correct branch: git checkout --track origin/cool-feature


  • Add a remote

    git remote add hello git://github.com/git/hello-world
  • Fetch from a remote

    git fetch hello
  • Listing all local copies of the remotes’ branches

    git branch -r
  • Push a branch

    git push origin master
  • Push the current branch

    git push origin HEAD
  • Push to a branch with a name differing from the local name

    git push origin my-new-branch:master
  • Delete a branch from a remote repository

    git push --delete origin blabla-branch

Popular public repository hosters

If you need to have public repositories, you can use http://github.com/, http://code.google.com/, http://sourceforge.net/, http://repo.or.cz/ and quite a few others. Typically, you have a decent amount of storage, but the deal is that your version-controlled project must be Open Source.

As a goodie, all of said hosters support gitweb, a web interface to look at the history.


Let’s surf to http://github.com/git/hello-world and inspect the history

Advanced topics

  • aliases

  • rebasing

  • cherry-picking

  • partial staging

  • interactive checkout

  • tags (simple, annotated, signed)

  • bisecting

  • blaming

  • git apply

  • git diff --color-words

  • archiving

  • scripting (plumbing/porcelain)

  • hooks

  • diff filters

  • interacting with svn

  • interacting with Mercurial

  • smudge/clean filters

  • merge drivers

  • diff drivers

  • rename handling
