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Developing ImageJ2 in NetBeans

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This article explains how to install and configure NetBeans for use with ImageJ2 development. Directions correspond to NetBeans 7.1.2, which added integrated Git support, and may need adjustment for other versions.

Install and configure NetBeans

Setting up NetBeans on Windows

Install Java Development Kit

Download and install OpenJDK.

Install NetBeans

Download and install NetBeans from the NetBeans website. Any bundle that includes Java SE should be fine.

Setting up NetBeans on macOS

Install NetBeans

Download and install NetBeans from the NetBeans website. Any bundle that includes Java SE should be fine.

Setting up NetBeans on Linux

Install Java Development Kit

Install Java using the package manager—e.g., for Ubuntu 10.04:

sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ lucid partner"
sudo aptitude update
sudo aptitude install sun-java6-jdk sun-java6-plugin
sudo update-java-alternatives -s sun-java6-sun

Install NetBeans

Install NetBeans using the package manager—e.g., on Ubuntu:

sudo aptitude install netbeans

Import the ImageJ2 source

  1. Choose TeamGitClone… from the NetBeans menu
  2. For the Repository URL, enter: git://github.com/imagej/imagej2
  3. Click Next, check the master\* branch, then Next again, then Finish
  4. When prompted, click Open Project…
  5. Select the “ImageJ” project in the tree then click Open
  6. Right-click the “ImageJ” project and choose Build

You may receive a warning about Maven when building the project. It is not required, but if you wish to eliminate it, you can install Maven from the Maven website.

Launch the program

  1. Double-click the “ImageJ” project to open it
  2. Right-click the “ImageJ” project and choose “Run”
  3. On the Main Class dialog, choose net.imagej.Main

To expand the projects you can also right click on the top-level “ImageJ” and choose “Open Required Projects” (and “Close Required Projects” to close). During development you must select “Open Required Projects” before you can successfully do “Find Usages” in the “Open Projects” scope.

See also

To develop the original ImageJ, see these resources: