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This page provides an introduction on how to start using the EGit extension in the Eclipse IDE for software development.

Installing EGit in Eclipse

In the newer versions of Eclipse, the EGit extension comes already preinstalled. If this should not be so in your case you can install it as follows:

  1. in Eclipse go to HelpInstall New Software…
  2. you can look in the “All Available Sites” drop down panel if EGit is existing there or add update site with the Add… button
  3. enter this URI: http://download.eclipse.org/egit/updates
  4. choose the JGit and the Eclipse Team Provider and Finish the installation

Setting up EGit panels in Eclipse

To have the EGit panes available you might need to set the following up:

  1. go to WindowShow ViewOthers… and select under Git at least Git Repositories and Git Staging
    1. additionally, it is helpful to add under Team History

Here you can also find a video tutorial on integrating github with Eclipse including already an intro on how to clone a public github repository (see below).

Cloning an existing git repository

  1. go to github into the repository you wish to clone and copy the URI
  2. switch to the Git repository panel in Eclipse
  3. Clone a Git Repository button (in the window which opens up the copied URI should be already specified. If not, change this here)
  4. press Next > and select the branch(es) you would like to clone (then press Next >)
  5. specify where all your local git repositories sould be stored and press Finish
  6. once the cloned repository is visible in the Git Repositories panel, you can right click on it and choose Import Projects…
    1. choose Import as general project and press Next >
    2. specify the projects name and Next >

If the clones repository contains a Maven project, you can then right-click it in Eclipses’ package explorer and choose ConfigureConvert to Maven Project

Et voila, ready and all in Eclipse.

Video tutorials on EGit usage

Furthermore, you will find helpful how-to info for branching, staging, committing, pull- and push actions and merging repos in the following videos:

  1. Git Overview: Git & Eclipse
  2. Creating a Repository: Git & Eclipse
  3. Checking out an existing project: Git & Eclipse
  4. Making Changes: Git & Eclipse
  5. Pushing changes between repositories: Git & Eclipse

Surely, command line is for many things more flexible with all the attributes you can use for the commands, but it is easier for the beginning if starting without commandline experience.

Here is a neat (commandline related) interactive page which exlains the different levels of working with git repositories

UI alternatives to EGit

Here alternative user interface based git-related tools are listed.

  1. Source Tree