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[EPIC][REPO][CLIENT] Reduce CI test runtime for Wikibase and related extensions
Open, Needs TriagePublic


T225730: Reduce runtime of MW shared gate Jenkins jobs to 5 min sets an ambitious goal for CI job runs, and documents the progress that has been made towards the goal. Since the task was filed in 2019, many steps have been undertaken to optimise the builds including, but not limited to:

  • Improving CI caching and generally reducing CI job setup time
  • Reducing the runtime of specific long-running tests
  • Skipping some tests on gated CI runs
  • Fixing bugs that caused unnecessary work during CI

Work has also been started on:

There is a specific ticket about a slowdown that occurred in 2019 for Wikibase tests: T228739: Jenkins runs Scribunto tests in Wikibase patches. Supposedly the runtime of the tests doubled on July 22nd 2019.

Running the tests today (27. March 2024), the timings break down as follows:

Analysis for change mediawiki/extensions/Wikibase~1015066:
        quibble-vendor-mysql-php74-noselenium-docker (165337): 360
                Setup: 8
                Versions: 1
                Ensure dir: '/workspace/log': 0
                Zuul clone : 83
                Submodule update: /workspace/src: 13
                Run npm and composer tests: 0
                composer test in /workspace/src/extensions/Wikibase: 28
                Revert to git clean -xqdf in /workspace/src/extensions/Wikibase: 0
                Install composer dev-requires for vendor.git: 11
                Start backends: <MySQL (no socket)>: 4
                Run Post-dependency install: 0
                Install MediaWiki: 8
                npm install in /workspace/src: 1
                PHPUnit unit tests: 13
                PHPUnit extensions suite (without database or standalone): 181
                PostBuildScript: 9
        quibble-vendor-mysql-php74-selenium-docker (102918): 775
                Setup: 54
                Versions: 1
                Ensure dir: '/workspace/log': 0
                Zuul clone : 81
                Submodule update: /workspace/src: 13
                Install composer dev-requires for vendor.git: 10
                Start backends: <MySQL (no socket)>: 3
                Run Post-dependency install: 0
                Install MediaWiki: 10
                npm install in /workspace/src: 1
                Start backends: <ExternalWebserver /workspace/src> <Xvfb :94> <ChromeWebDriver :94>: 0
                Browser tests: mediawiki/extensions/Wikibase: 0
                Selenium extensions/Wikibase: 236
                Selenium extensions/AbuseFilter: 36
                Selenium extensions/CheckUser: 26
                Selenium extensions/Cite: 114
                Selenium extensions/Echo: 16
                Selenium extensions/Popups: 47
                Selenium extensions/VisualEditor: 39
                Selenium skins/MinervaNeue: 26
                PostBuildScript: 62
        mwgate-node18-docker (32470): 297
                Setup: 248
                PostBuildScript: 49
        mwext-php74-phan-docker (109326): 108
                Setup: 7
                Versions: 0
                Ensure dir: '/workspace/log': 0
                Zuul clone : 33
                Submodule update: /workspace/src: 2
                Run Post-dependency install: 66
        wmf-quibble-vendor-mysql-php74-docker (56161): 1294
                Setup: 8
                Versions: 0
                Ensure dir: '/workspace/log': 0
                Zuul clone : 116
                Submodule update: /workspace/src: 8
                Run npm and composer tests: 0
                composer test in /workspace/src/extensions/Wikibase: 24
                Revert to git clean -xqdf in /workspace/src/extensions/Wikibase: 1
                Install composer dev-requires for vendor.git: 9
                Start backends: <MySQL (no socket)>: 4
                Run Post-dependency install: 0
                Install MediaWiki: 4
                npm install in /workspace/src: 3
                PHPUnit unit tests: 14
                PHPUnit extensions suite (without database or standalone): 157
                Start backends: <ExternalWebserver /workspace/src> <Xvfb :94> <ChromeWebDriver :94>: 0
                Run Qunit tests: 33
                PHPUnit extensions suite (with database): 872
                PostBuildScript: 41
        wmf-quibble-selenium-php74-docker (90455): 804
                Setup: 17
                Versions: 1
                Ensure dir: '/workspace/log': 0
                Zuul clone : 95
                Submodule update: /workspace/src: 9
                Install composer dev-requires for vendor.git: 9
                Start backends: <MySQL (no socket)>: 4
                Run Post-dependency install: 0
                Install MediaWiki: 3
                npm install in /workspace/src: 6
                Start backends: <ExternalWebserver /workspace/src> <Xvfb :94> <ChromeWebDriver :94>: 0
                Browser tests: mediawiki/extensions/Wikibase: 0
                Selenium extensions/Wikibase: 225
                Selenium extensions/AbuseFilter: 36
                Selenium extensions/CheckUser: 26
                Selenium extensions/Cite: 43
                Selenium extensions/Echo: 14
                Selenium extensions/FileImporter: 17
                Selenium extensions/GrowthExperiments: 75
                Selenium extensions/Math: 12
                Selenium extensions/PageTriage: 51
                Selenium extensions/ProofreadPage: 31
                Selenium extensions/VisualEditor: 40
                Selenium skins/MinervaNeue: 26
                PostBuildScript: 64
        mwext-node18-rundoc-docker (4149): 129
                Setup: 116
                PostBuildScript: 13
        mediawiki-quibble-apitests-vendor-php74-docker (61067): 697
                Setup: 42
                Versions: 1
                Ensure dir: '/workspace/log': 0
                Zuul clone : 57
                Submodule update: /workspace/src: 12
                Install composer dev-requires for vendor.git: 8
                Start backends: <MySQL (no socket)>: 4
                Run Post-dependency install: 0
                Install MediaWiki: 5
                npm install in /workspace/src: 1
                Start backends: <ExternalWebserver /workspace/src> <Xvfb :94> <ChromeWebDriver :94>: 0
                Run API-Testing: 544
                PostBuildScript: 23
        wikibase-client-docker (38572): 100
                Setup: 8
                Versions: 0
                Ensure dir: '/workspace/log': 0
                Zuul clone : 22
                Submodule update: /workspace/src: 3
                Create composer.local.json with dependencies ['mediawiki/core': 0
                composer update for mediawiki/core: 11
                Start backends: <MySQL (no socket)>: 4
                Run Post-dependency install: 0
                Install MediaWiki: 3
                npm install in /workspace/src: 4
                Start backends: <ExternalWebserver /workspace/src> <Xvfb :94> <ChromeWebDriver :94>: 0
                User commands: extensions/Wikibase/build/jenkins/mw-apply-wb-settings.sh -r client: 38
                PostBuildScript: 7
        wikibase-repo-docker (38571): 199
                Setup: 7
                Versions: 1
                Ensure dir: '/workspace/log': 0
                Zuul clone : 24
                Submodule update: /workspace/src: 3
                Create composer.local.json with dependencies ['mediawiki/core': 0
                composer update for mediawiki/core: 12
                Start backends: <quibble.backend.SQLite object at 0x7faf66399b00>: 0
                Run Post-dependency install: 0
                Install MediaWiki: 3
                npm install in /workspace/src: 6
                Start backends: <ExternalWebserver /workspace/src> <Xvfb :94> <ChromeWebDriver :94>: 0
                User commands: extensions/Wikibase/build/jenkins/mw-apply-wb-settings.sh -r repo: 133
                PostBuildScript: 10

(analysis courtesy of jenkins-run-analysis)

This places wmf-quibble-vendor-mysql-php74-docker on the critical path with a runtime of 1294 seconds (21.6 minutes) with the longest time being spent in PHPUnit extensions suite (with database) - 872 seconds (14.5 minutes). Any optimisation here would directly reduce the total time before a result comes back from CI.

The scope for this task is to identify and execute steps to significantly reducing the maximum delay between triggering a CI run and getting a full result.

Related Objects

Resolved Lucas_Werkmeister_WMDE

Event Timeline

ArthurTaylor renamed this task from Reduce CI test runtime for Wikibase and related extensions to [REPO][CLIENT][SW] Reduce CI test runtime for Wikibase and related extensions.Apr 2 2024, 2:45 PM
ArthurTaylor moved this task from Incoming to [DOT] By Project on the wmde-wikidata-tech board.

Change #1051106 had a related patch set uploaded (by Arthur taylor; author: Arthur taylor):

[mediawiki/extensions/Wikibase@master] Enable parallel tests for the mocha e2e API test suite


ItamarWMDE renamed this task from [REPO][CLIENT][SW] Reduce CI test runtime for Wikibase and related extensions to [EPIC][REPO][CLIENT] Reduce CI test runtime for Wikibase and related extensions.Wed, Aug 28, 9:19 AM