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Releases: explosion/spaCy

v3.4.3: Extended Typer support and bug fixes

10 Nov 13:42
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✨ New features and improvements

  • Extend Typer support to v0.7.x (#11720).

🔴 Bug fixes

  • #11640: Handle docs with no entities in EntityLinker.
  • #11688: Restore custom doc extension values in Doc.to_json() for attributes set by getters.
  • #11706: Remove incorrect warning for pipeline_package.load().
  • #11735: Improve spacy project requirements checks for unsupported specifiers and requirements lines.
  • #11745: Revert modifications to spacy.load(disable=) that could enable currently disabled components.

👥 Contributors

@aaronzipp, @adrianeboyd, @honnibal, @ines, @polm, @rmitsch, @ryndaniels, @svlandeg, @thomashacker

v3.4.2: Latin and Luganda support, Python 3.11 wheels and more

20 Oct 08:13
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✨ New features and improvements

  • NEW: Luganda language support (#10847).
  • NEW: Latin language support (#11349).
  • NEW: spacy.ConsoleLogger.v2 optionally saves training logs to JSONL (#11214).
  • NEW: New operators for the DependencyMatcher to include matching parents or children to the left or the right of the node (#10371).
  • Prebuilt Python 3.11 wheels are now available for all spaCy dependencies distributed by @explosion.
  • Support pydantic v1.10 and mypy 0.980+, drop mypy support for Python 3.6 (#11546, #11635).
  • Support CuPy v11 and add extras for cuda11x and cuda-autodetect (using cupy-wheel) (#11279).
  • Support custom attributes for tokens and spans in Doc.to_json() and Doc.from_json() (#11125).
  • Make the enable and disable options for spacy.load() more consistent (#11459).
  • Allow a single string argument for disable/enclude/exclude for spacy.load() (#11406).
  • New --url flag for spacy info to print the direct download URL for a pipeline (#11175).
  • Add a check for missing requirements in the spacy project CLI (#11226).
  • Add a Levenshtein distance function (#11418).
  • Improvements to the spacy debug data CLI for spancat data (#11504).
  • Allow overriding spacy_version in spacy package metadata (#11552).
  • Improve the error message when using the wrong command for spacy project assets (#11458).
  • Ensure parent directories are created when storing the results of the spacy pretrain command (#11210).
  • Extend support to newer versions of natto-py for the ko extra (#11222).

📦 Trained pipelines updates

This release includes updated English pipelines for spaCy v3.4 with improved NER performance. The updates in en_core_web_* v3.4.1 address issues related to training from data with partial named entity annotation, which led to lower NER recall in English pipeline versions v3.0.0–v3.4.0. In particular, entities that appear in the sections of the OntoNotes training data without NER annotation were not predicted consistently by the earlier pipeline versions, such as names and places that are frequent in the Biblical sections, e.g., "David" and "Egypt" (see #7493).

Use spacy download to update your English pipelines to the newest version. If you'd prefer to keep using an earlier version, you can specify the version directly with e.g. spacy download -d en_core_web_sm-3.4.0. You can check that you are using the new version (v3.4.1) with spacy validate:

NAME                     SPACY            VERSION
en_core_web_md           >=3.4.0,<3.5.0   3.4.1     ✔

🔴 Bug fixes

  • #11275: Fix Dutch noun chunks to skip overlapping spans.
  • #11276: Fix regex invalid escape sequences.
  • #11312: Better handling of unexpected types in SetPredicate.
  • #11460: Fix config validation failures caused by NVTX pipeline wrappers.
  • #11506: Avoid unwanted side effects in Doc.__init__.
  • #11540: Preserve missing entity annotation in augmenters.
  • #11592: Fix issues with DVC commands.
  • #11631: Fix initialization for pymorphy2_lookup lemmatizer mode for Russian and Ukrainian.

⚠️ Backwards incompatibilities

  • If you're using a custom component that does not return a Doc type, an error will now be raised (#11424).
  • If you're using a dot in a factory name, an error is raised as this is not supported (#11336).

📖 Documentation and examples

👥 Contributors

@adrianeboyd, @bdura, @danieldk, @diyclassics, @DSLituiev, @GabrielePicco, @honnibal, @ines, @JulesBelveze, @kadarakos, @ljvmiranda921, @ninjalu, @pmbaumgartner, @polm, @radandreicristian, @richardpaulhudson, @rmitsch, @shadeMe, @stefawolf, @svlandeg, @thomashacker, @tobiusaolo, @tzussman , @yasufumy

v2.3.8: Updates for Python 3.10 and 3.11

19 Oct 08:08
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✨ New features and improvements

  • Updates and binary wheels for Python 3.10 and 3.11.

👥 Contributors

@adrianeboyd, @honnibal, @ines

v3.4.1: Fix compatibility with CuPy v9.x

26 Jul 13:08
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🔴 Bug fixes

  • Fix issue #11137: Fix compatibility with CuPy v9.x.

📖 Documentation and examples

👥 Contributors

@adrianeboyd, @danieldk, @honnibal, @ines, @lll-lll-lll-lll, @Lucaterre, @MaartenGr, @mr-bjerre, @polm, @radenkovic

v3.4.0: Updated types, speed improvements and pipelines for Croatian

12 Jul 06:16
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✨ New features and improvements

  • Support for mypy 0.950+ and pydantic v1.9 (#10786).
  • Prebuilt linux aarch64 wheels are now available for all spaCy dependencies distributed by @explosion.
  • Min/max {n,m} operator for Matcher patterns (#10981).
  • Language updates:
    • Improve tokenization for Cyrillic combining diacritics (#10837).
    • Improve English tokenizer exceptions for contractions with this/that/these/those (#10873).
  • Improved speed of vector lookups (#10992).
  • For the parser, use C saxpy/sgemm provided by the Ops implementation in order to use Accelerate through thinc-apple-ops (#10773).
  • Improved speed of Example.get_aligned_parse and Example.get_aligned (#10952).
  • Improved speed of StringStore lookups (#10938).
  • Updated spacy project clone to try both main and master branches by default (#10843).
  • Added confidence threshold for named entity linker (#11016).
  • Improved handling of Typer optional default values for init_config_cli (#10788).
  • Added cycle detection in parser projectivization methods (#10877).
  • Added counts for NER labels in debug data (#10960).
  • Support for adding NVTX ranges to TrainablePipe components (#10965).
  • Support env variable SPACY_NUM_BUILD_JOBS to specify the number of build jobs to run in parallel with pip (#11073).

📦 Trained pipelines updates

We have added new pipelines for Croatian that use the trainable lemmatizer and floret vectors.

Package UPOS Parser LAS NER F
hr_core_news_sm 96.6 77.5 76.1
hr_core_news_md 97.3 80.1 81.8
hr_core_news_lg 97.5 80.4 83.0

🙏 Special thanks to @gtoffoli for help with the new pipelines!

The English pipelines have new word vectors:

Package Model Version TAG Parser LAS NER F
en_core_news_md v3.3.0 97.3 90.1 84.6
en_core_news_md v3.4.0 97.2 90.3 85.5
en_core_news_lg v3.3.0 97.4 90.1 85.3
en_core_news_lg v3.4.0 97.3 90.2 85.6

All CNN pipelines have been extended to add whitespace augmentation.

🔴 Bug fixes

  • Fix issue #10960: Support hyphens in NER labels.
  • Fix issue #10994: Fix horizontal spacing for spans in displaCy.
  • Fix issue #11013: Check for any token with a vector in Doc.has_vector, distinguish 0-vectors and missing vectors in similarity warnings.
  • Fix issue #11056: Don't use get_array_module in textcat.
  • Fix issue #11092: Fix vertical alignment for spans in displaCy.

🚀 Notes about upgrading from v3.3

  • Doc.has_vector now matches Token.has_vector and Span.has_vector: it returns True if at least one token in the doc has a vector rather than checking only whether the vocab contains vectors.

📖 Documentation and examples

  • spaCy universe additions:
    • Aim-spacy: An Aim-based spaCy experiment tracker.
    • Asent: Fast, flexible and transparent sentiment analysis.
    • spaCy fishing: Named entity disambiguation and linking on Wikidata in spaCy with Entity-Fishing.
    • spacy-report: Generates interactive reports for spaCy models.

👥 Contributors

@adrianeboyd, @danieldk, @ericholscher, @gorarakelyan, @honnibal, @ines, @jademlc, @kadarakos, @KennethEnevoldsen, @koaning, @Lucaterre, @maxTarlov, @philipvollet, @pmbaumgartner, @polm, @richardpaulhudson, @rmitsch, @sadovnychyi, @shadeMe, @shen-qin, @single-fingal, @svlandeg, @victorialslocum, @Zackere

v3.3.1: New Span Ruler component, JSON (de)serialization of Doc, span analyzer and more

07 Jun 17:23
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✨ New features and improvements

🔴 Bug fixes

  • Fix issue #9575: Fix Entity Linker with tokenization mismatches between gold and predicted Doc objects.
  • Fix issue #10685: Fix serialization of SpanGroup objects that share the same name within one SpanGroups container.
  • Fix issue #10718: Remove debug print statements in walk_head_nodes to avoid acquiring the GIL.
  • Fix issue #10741: Make the StringStore.__getitem__ return type dependent on its parameter type.
  • Fix issue #10734: Support removal of overlapping terms in PhraseMatcher.
  • Fix issue #10772: Override SpanGroups.setdefault to also support Iterable[SpanGroup] as the default.
  • Fix issue #10817: Ensure that the term ROOT is in the glossary.
  • Fix issue #10830: Better errors for Doc.has_annotation and Matcher.
  • Fix issue #10864: Avoid pickling Doc inputs passed to Language.pipe().
  • Fix issue #10898: Fix schemas import in Doc.

⚠️ Backward incompatibilities

  • Before this release, a validation bug allowed the configuration of a pipeline component to override the name of the pipeline itself through the name attribute. For example, the following pipeline component:

    factory = "transformer"
    name = "custom_transformer_name"

    would be registered erroneously as custom_transformer_name. Such overrides are now ignored and a warning is emitted (#10779). From spaCy v3.3.1 onwards, this component will be registered as transformer.

👥 Contributors

@adrianeboyd, @danieldk, @freddyheppell, @honnibal, @ines, @kadarakos, @ldorigo, @ljvmiranda921, @maxTarlov, @pmbaumgartner, @polm, @pypae, @richardpaulhudson, @rmitsch, @shadeMe, @single-fingal, @svlandeg

v3.3.0: Improved speed, new trainable lemmatizer, and pipelines for Finnish, Korean and Swedish

29 Apr 07:49
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✨ New features and improvements

📦 Trained pipelines

v3.3 introduces trained pipelines for Finnish, Korean and Swedish which feature the trainable lemmatizer and floret vectors. Due to the use Bloom embeddings and subwords, the pipelines have compact vectors with no out-of-vocabulary words.

Package Language UPOS Parser LAS NER F
fi_core_news_sm Finnish 92.5 71.9 75.9
fi_core_news_md Finnish 95.9 78.6 80.6
fi_core_news_lg Finnish 96.2 79.4 82.4
ko_core_news_sm Korean 86.1 65.6 71.3
ko_core_news_md Korean 94.7 80.9 83.1
ko_core_news_lg Korean 94.7 81.3 85.3
sv_core_news_sm Swedish 95.0 75.9 74.7
sv_core_news_md Swedish 96.3 78.5 79.3
sv_core_news_lg Swedish 96.3 79.1 81.1

🙏 Special thanks to @aajanki, @thiippal (Finnish) and Elena Fano (Swedish) for their help with the new pipelines!

The new trainable lemmatizer is used for Danish, Dutch, Finnish, German, Greek, Italian, Korean, Lithuanian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian and Swedish.

Model v3.2 Lemma Acc v3.3 Lemma Acc
da_core_news_md 84.9 94.8
de_core_news_md 73.4 97.7
el_core_news_md 56.5 88.9
fi_core_news_md - 86.2
it_core_news_md 86.6 97.2
ko_core_news_md - 90.0
lt_core_news_md 71.1 84.8
nb_core_news_md 76.7 97.1
nl_core_news_md 81.5 94.0
pl_core_news_md 87.1 93.7
pt_core_news_md 76.7 96.9
ro_core_news_md 81.8 95.5
sv_core_news_md - 95.5

🔴 Bug fixes

  • Fix issue #5447: Avoid overlapping arcs when using displaCy in manual mode.
  • Fix issue #9443: Fix Scorer.score_cats for missing labels.
  • Fix issue #9669: Fix entity linker batching.
  • Fix issue #9903: Handle _ value for UPOS in CoNLL-U converter.
  • Fix issue #9904: Fix textcat loss scaling.
  • Fix issue #9956: Compare all Span attributes consistently.
  • Fix issue #10073: Add "spans" to the output of doc.to_json.
  • Fix issue #10086: Add tokenizer option to allow Matcher handling for all special cases.
  • Fix issue #10189: Allow Example to align whitespace annotation.
  • Fix issue #10302: Fix check for NER annotation in MISC in CoNLL-U converter.
  • Fix issue #10324: Fix Tok2Vec for empty batches.
  • Fix issue #10347: Update basic functionality for rehearse.
  • Fix issue #10394: Fix Vectors.n_keys for floret vectors.
  • Fix issue #10400: Use meta in util.load_model_from_config.
  • Fix issue #10451: Fix Example.get_matching_ents.
  • Fix issue #10460: Fix initial special cases for Tokenizer.explain.
  • Fix issue #10521: Stream large assets on download in spaCy projects.
  • Fix issue #10536: Handle unknown tags in KoreanTokenizer tag map.
  • Fix issue #10551: Add automatic vector deduplication for init vectors.

🚀 Notes about upgrading from v3.2

  • To see the speed improvements for the Tagger architecture, edit your configs to switch from spacy.Tagger.v1 to spacy.Tagger.v2 and then run init fill-config.
  • Span comparisons involving ordering (<, <=, >, >=) now take all span attributes into account (start, end, label, and KB ID) so spans may be sorted in a slightly different order (#9956).
  • Annotation on whitespace tokens is handled in the same way as annotation on non-whitespace tokens during training in order to allow custom whitespace annotation (#10189).
  • Doc.from_docs now includes Doc.tensor by default and supports excludes with an exclude argument in the same format as Doc.to_bytes. The supported exclude fields are spans, tensor and user_data.

📖 Documentation and examples

👥 Contributors

@aajanki, @adrianeboyd, @apjanco, @bdura, @BramVanroy, @danieldk, @danmysak, @davidberenstein1957, @DuyguA, @fonfonx, @gremur, @HaakonME, @harmbuisman, @honnibal, @ines, @internaut, @jfainberg, @jnphilipp, @jsnfly, @kadarakos, @koaning, @ljvmiranda921, @martinjack, @mgrojo, @nrodnova, @ofirnk, @orglce, @pepemedigu, @philipvollet, @pmbaumgartner, @polm, @richardpaulhudson, @ryndaniels, @SamEdwardes, @Schero1994, @shadeMe, @single-fingal, @svlandeg, @thebugcreator, @thomashacker, @umaxfun, @y961996

v3.1.6: Workaround for Click/Typer issues

30 Mar 14:15
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🔴 Bug fixes

  • Fix issue #10564: Restrict supported Click versions as a workaround for incompatibilities between Click v8.1.0 and Typer v0.4.0.

👥 Contributors

@adrianeboyd, @honnibal, @ines

v3.2.4: Workaround for Click/Typer issues

29 Mar 18:34
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🔴 Bug fixes

  • Fix issue #10564: Restrict supported Click versions as a workaround for incompatibilities between Click v8.1.0 and Typer v0.4.0.

👥 Contributors

@adrianeboyd, @honnibal, @ines

v3.2.3: Fix Tok2Vec for empty batches

01 Mar 12:13
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🔴 Bug fixes

  • Fix issue #10324: Fix Tok2Vec for empty batches.

👥 Contributors

@adrianeboyd, @honnibal, @ines