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Source code


The source code of the original ImageJ is available at:


The source code of ImageJ2 is very modular; i.e., it is organized into well-separated projects. This separation offers many advantages for efficient software development and it is well worth investing a little bit of time to understand.

Where is the code?


You can search the source code at search.imagej.net using the GitHub button!

All source code is on GitHub.

  • Each project exists in its own GitHub organization.
  • Each organization contains multiple source code repositories.
  • Each repository corresponds to one Java library (.jar file).
Logo Organization Purpose
SciJava Common utilities, plugin infrastructure, scripting, the context
ImageJ2 A general-purpose image processing application
ImgLib2 Generic multi-dimensional data processing
SCIFIO Extensible image file I/O
Fiji A “batteries-included” distribution of ImageJ and ImageJ2

See the Architecture page for more information about the relationship between these projects.

What is the license?

Most is BSD-2 (permissive); some is GPL (copyleft). See the Licensing page.

Building from source

Virtually all of these repositories have a top-level pom.xml file, identifying them as Maven projects.

To build a Maven project:

  1. Install Maven.
  2. Clone the source repository of interest.
  3. Type mvn from the top-level directory.

Advanced instructions for building, or modifying, the source code are available for specific development environments:

Eclipse NetBeans IntelliJ IDEA Command-line.png

Note that these tutorials are targeted towards ImageJ2, but would apply to any Maven-based project.


Javadoc for all SciJava-related projects can be found online:

You can also search the javadocs at https://search.imagej.net/ using the Javadoc button.