[go: nahoru, domu]

The AI world moves fast, so we’ve been hard at work keeping security apace with recent advancements. One of our approaches, in alignment with Google’s Secure AI Framework (SAIF), is using AI itself to automate and streamline routine and manual security tasks, including fixing security bugs. Last year we wrote about our experiences using LLMs to expand vulnerability testing coverage, and we’re excited to share some updates. 

Today, we’re releasing our fuzzing framework as a free, open source resource that researchers and developers can use to improve fuzzing’s bug-finding abilities. We’ll also show you how we’re using AI to speed up the bug patching process. By sharing these experiences, we hope to spark new ideas and drive innovation for a stronger ecosystem security.

Update: AI-powered vulnerability discovery

Last August, we announced our framework to automate manual aspects of fuzz testing (“fuzzing”) that often hindered open source maintainers from fuzzing their projects effectively. We used LLMs to write project-specific code to boost fuzzing coverage and find more vulnerabilities. Our initial results on a subset of projects in our free OSS-Fuzz service were very promising, with code coverage increased by 30% in one example. Since then, we’ve expanded our experiments to more than 300 OSS-Fuzz C/C++ projects, resulting in significant coverage gains across many of the project codebases. We’ve also improved our prompt generation and build pipelines, which has increased code line coverage by up to 29% in 160 projects. 

How does that translate to tangible security improvements? So far, the expanded fuzzing coverage offered by LLM-generated improvements allowed OSS-Fuzz to discover two new vulnerabilities in cJSON and libplist, two widely used projects that had already been fuzzed for years. As always, we reported the vulnerabilities to the project maintainers for patching. Without the completely LLM-generated code, these two vulnerabilities could have remained undiscovered and unfixed indefinitely. 

And more: AI-powered vulnerability fixing

Fuzzing is fantastic for finding bugs, but for security to improve, those bugs also need to be patched. It’s long been an industry-wide struggle to find the engineering hours needed to patch open bugs at the pace that they are uncovered, and triaging and fixing bugs is a significant manual toll on project maintainers. With continued improvements in using LLMs to find more bugs, we need to keep pace in creating similarly automated solutions to help fix those bugs. We recently announced an experiment doing exactly that: building an automated pipeline that intakes vulnerabilities (such as those caught by fuzzing), and prompts LLMs to generate fixes and test them before selecting the best for human review.

This AI-powered patching approach resolved 15% of the targeted bugs, leading to significant time savings for engineers. The potential of this technology should apply to most or all categories throughout the software development process. We’re optimistic that this research marks a promising step towards harnessing AI to help ensure more secure and reliable software.

Try it out

Since we’ve now open sourced our framework to automate manual aspects of fuzzing, any researcher or developer can experiment with their own prompts to test the effectiveness of fuzz targets generated by LLMs (including Google’s VertexAI or their own fine-tuned models) and measure the results against OSS-Fuzz C/C++ projects. We also hope to encourage research collaborations and to continue seeing other work inspired by our approach, such as Rust fuzz target generation

If you’re interested in using LLMs to patch bugs, be sure to read our paper on building an AI-powered patching pipeline. You’ll find a summary of our own experiences, some unexpected data about LLM’s abilities to patch different types of bugs, and guidance for building pipelines in your own organizations. 

Helping Pixel owners upgrade to the easier, safer way to sign in

Your phone contains a lot of your personal information, from financial data to photos. Pixel phones are designed to help protect you and your data, and make security and privacy as easy as possible. This is why the Pixel team has been especially excited about passkeys—the easier, safer alternative to passwords.

Passkeys are safer because they’re unique to each account, and are more resistant against online attacks such as phishing. They’re easier to use because there’s nothing for you to remember: when it’s time to sign in, using a passkey is as simple as unlocking your device with your face or fingerprint, or your PIN/pattern/password.

Google is working to accelerate passkey adoption. We’ve launched support for passkeys on Google platforms such as Android and Chrome, and recently we announced that we’re making passkeys a default option across personal Google Accounts. We’re also working with our partners across the industry to make passkeys available on more websites and apps.

Recently, we took things a step further. As part of last December’s Pixel Feature Drop, we introduced a new feature to Google Password Manager: passkey upgrades. With this new feature, Google Password Manager will let you discover which of your accounts support passkeys, and help you upgrade with just a few taps.

This new passkey upgrade experience is now available on Pixel phones (starting from Pixel 5a) as well as Pixel Tablet. Google Password manager will incorporate these updates for other platforms in the future.

Best of all, today we’re happy to announce that we’ve teamed up with Adobe, Best Buy, DocuSign, eBay, Kayak, Money Forward, Nintendo, PayPal, Uber, Yahoo! Japan—and soon, TikTok as well, to help bring you this easy passkey upgrade experience and usher you into the passwordless future.

If you have an account with one of these early launch partners, Google Password Manager on Pixel will helpfully guide you to the exact location on the partner’s website or app where you can upgrade to a passkey. There’s no need to manually hunt for the option in account settings.

And because the technology that makes this possible is open, any website or app, as well as any other password manager, can leverage it to help their users upgrade to passkeys for supporting accounts. It’s all part of Google’s commitment to help make signing in easier and safer.

Welcome back to our latest update on MiraclePtr, our project to protect against use-after-free vulnerabilities in Google Chrome. If you need a refresher, you can read our previous blog post detailing MiraclePtr and its objectives.

More platforms

We are thrilled to announce that since our last update, we have successfully enabled MiraclePtr for more platforms and processes:

  • In June 2022, we enabled MiraclePtr for the browser process on Windows and Android.
  • In September 2022, we expanded its coverage to include all processes except renderer processes.
  • In June 2023, we enabled MiraclePtr for ChromeOS, macOS, and Linux.

Furthermore, we have changed security guidelines to downgrade MiraclePtr-protected issues by one severity level!

Evaluating Security Impact

First let’s focus on its security impact. Our analysis is based on two primary information sources: incoming vulnerability reports and crash reports from user devices. Let's take a closer look at each of these sources and how they inform our understanding of MiraclePtr's effectiveness.

Bug reports

Chrome vulnerability reports come from various sources, such as:

For the purposes of this analysis, we focus on vulnerabilities that affect platforms where MiraclePtr was enabled at the time the issues were reported. We also exclude bugs that occur inside a sandboxed renderer process. Since the initial launch of MiraclePtr in 2022, we have received 168 use-after-free reports matching our criteria.

What does the data tell us? MiraclePtr effectively mitigated 57% of these use-after-free vulnerabilities in privileged processes, exceeding our initial estimate of 50%. Reaching this level of effectiveness, however, required additional work. For instance, we not only rewrote class fields to use MiraclePtr, as discussed in the previous post, but also added MiraclePtr support for bound function arguments, such as Unretained pointers. These pointers have been a significant source of use-after-frees in Chrome, and the additional protection allowed us to mitigate 39 more issues.

Moreover, these vulnerability reports enable us to pinpoint areas needing improvement. We're actively working on adding support for select third-party libraries that have been a source of use-after-free bugs, as well as developing a more advanced rewriter tool that can handle transformations like converting std::vector<T*> into std::vector<raw_ptr<T>>. We've also made several smaller fixes, such as extending the lifetime of the task state object to cover several issues in the “this pointer” category.

Crash reports

Crash reports offer a different perspective on MiraclePtr's effectiveness. As explained in the previous blog post, when an allocation is quarantined, its contents are overwritten with a special bit pattern. If the allocation is used later, the pattern will often be interpreted as an invalid memory address, causing a crash when the process attempts to access memory at that address. Since the dereferenced address remains within a small, predictable memory range, we can distinguish MiraclePtr crashes from other crashes.

Although this approach has its limitations — such as not being able to obtain stack traces from allocation and deallocation times like AddressSanitizer does — it has enabled us to detect and fix vulnerabilities. Last year, six critical severity vulnerabilities were identified in the default setup of Chrome Stable, the version most people use. Impressively, five of the six were discovered while investigating MiraclePtr crash reports! One particularly interesting example is CVE-2022-3038. The issue was discovered through MiraclePtr crash reports and fixed in Chrome 105. Several months later, Google's Threat Analysis Group discovered an exploit for that vulnerability used in the wild against clients of a different Chromium-based browser that hadn’t shipped the fix yet.

To further enhance our crash analysis capabilities, we've recently launched an experimental feature that allows us to collect additional information for MiraclePtr crashes, including stack traces. This effectively shortens the average crash report investigation time.


MiraclePtr enables us to have robust protection against use-after-free bug exploits, but there is a performance cost associated with it. Therefore, we have conducted experiments on each platform where we have shipped MiraclePtr, which we used in our decision-making process.

The main cost of MiraclePtr is memory. Specifically, the memory usage of the browser process increased by 5.5-8% on desktop platforms and approximately 2% on Android. Yet, when examining the holistic memory usage across all processes, the impact remains within a moderate 1-3% range to lower percentiles only.

The main cause of the additional memory usage is the extra size to allocate the reference count. One might think that adding 4 bytes to each allocation wouldn’t be a big deal. However, there are many small allocations in Chrome, so even the 4B overhead is not negligible. Moreover, PartitionAlloc also uses pre-defined allocation bucket sizes, so this extra 4B pushes certain allocations (particularly power-of-2 sized) into a larger bucket, e.g. 4096B → 5120B.

We also considered the performance cost. We verified that there were no regressions to the majority of our top-level performance metrics, including all of the page load metrics, like Largest Contentful Paint, First Contentful Paint and Cumulative Layout Shift. We did find a few regressions, such as a 10% increase in the 99th percentile of the browser process main thread contention metric, a 1.5% regression in First Input Delay on ChromeOS, and a 1.5% regression in tab startup time on Android. The main thread contention metric tries to estimate how often a user input can be delayed and so for example on Windows this was a change from 1.6% to 1.7% at the 99th percentile only. These are all minor regressions. There has been zero change in daily active usage, and we do not anticipate these regressions to have any noticeable impact on users.


In summary, MiraclePtr has proven to be effective in mitigating use-after-free vulnerabilities and enhancing the overall security of the Chrome browser. While there are performance costs associated with the implementation of MiraclePtr, our analysis suggests that the benefits in terms of security improvements far outweigh these. We are committed to continually refining and expanding the feature to cover more areas. For example we are working to add coverage to third-party libraries used by the GPU process, and we plan to enable BRP on the renderer process. By sharing our findings and experiences, we hope to contribute to the broader conversation surrounding browser security and inspire further innovation in this crucial area.

Android’s defense-in-depth strategy applies not only to the Android OS running on the Application Processor (AP) but also the firmware that runs on devices. We particularly prioritize hardening the cellular baseband given its unique combination of running in an elevated privilege and parsing untrusted inputs that are remotely delivered into the device.

This post covers how to use two high-value sanitizers which can prevent specific classes of vulnerabilities found within the baseband. They are architecture agnostic, suitable for bare-metal deployment, and should be enabled in existing C/C++ code bases to mitigate unknown vulnerabilities. Beyond security, addressing the issues uncovered by these sanitizers improves code health and overall stability, reducing resources spent addressing bugs in the future.

An increasingly popular attack surface

As we outlined previously, security research focused on the baseband has highlighted a consistent lack of exploit mitigations in firmware. Baseband Remote Code Execution (RCE) exploits have their own categorization in well-known third-party marketplaces with a relatively low payout. This suggests baseband bugs may potentially be abundant and/or not too complex to find and exploit, and their prominent inclusion in the marketplace demonstrates that they are useful.

Baseband security and exploitation has been a recurring theme in security conferences for the last decade. Researchers have also made a dent in this area in well-known exploitation contests. Most recently, this area has become prominent enough that it is common to find practical baseband exploitation trainings in top security conferences.

Acknowledging this trend, combined with the severity and apparent abundance of these vulnerabilities, last year we introduced updates to the severity guidelines of Android’s Vulnerability Rewards Program (VRP). For example, we consider vulnerabilities allowing Remote Code Execution (RCE) in the cellular baseband to be of CRITICAL severity.

Mitigating Vulnerability Root Causes with Sanitizers

Common classes of vulnerabilities can be mitigated through the use of sanitizers provided by Clang-based toolchains. These sanitizers insert runtime checks against common classes of vulnerabilities. GCC-based toolchains may also provide some level of support for these flags as well, but will not be considered further in this post. We encourage you to check your toolchain’s documentation.

Two sanitizers included in Undefined Behavior Sanitizer (UBSan) will be our focus – Integer Overflow Sanitizer (IntSan) and BoundsSanitizer (BoundSan). These have been widely deployed in Android userspace for years following a data-driven approach. These two are well suited for bare-metal environments such as the baseband since they do not require support from the OS or specific architecture features, and so are generally supported for all Clang targets.

Integer Overflow Sanitizer (IntSan)

IntSan causes signed and unsigned integer overflows to abort execution unless the overflow is made explicit. While unsigned integer overflows are technically defined behavior, it can often lead to unintentional behavior and vulnerabilities – especially when they’re used to index into arrays.

As both intentional and unintentional overflows are likely present in most code bases, IntSan may require refactoring and annotating the code base to prevent intentional or benign overflows from trapping (which we consider a false positive for our purposes). Overflows which need to be addressed can be uncovered via testing (see the Deploying Sanitizers section)

BoundsSanitizer (BoundSan)

BoundSan inserts instrumentation to perform bounds checks around some array accesses. These checks are only added if the compiler cannot prove at compile time that the access will be safe and if the size of the array will be known at runtime, so that it can be checked against. Note that this will not cover all array accesses as the size of the array may not be known at runtime, such as function arguments which are arrays.

As long as the code is correctly written C/C++, BoundSan should produce no false positives. Any violations discovered when first enabling BoundSan is at least a bug, if not a vulnerability. Resolving even those which aren’t exploitable can greatly improve stability and code quality.

Modernize your toolchains

Adopting modern mitigations also means adopting (and maintaining) modern toolchains. The benefits of this go beyond utilizing sanitizers however. Maintaining an old toolchain is not free and entails hidden opportunity costs. Toolchains contain bugs which are addressed in subsequent releases. Newer toolchains bring new performance optimizations, valuable in the highly constrained bare-metal environment that basebands operate in. Security issues can even exist in the generated code of out-of-date compilers.

Maintaining a modern up-to-date toolchain for the baseband entails some costs in terms of maintenance, especially at first if the toolchain is particularly old, but over time the benefits, as outlined above, outweigh the costs.

Where to apply sanitizers

Both BoundSan and IntSan have a measurable performance overhead. Although we were able to significantly reduce this overhead in the past (for example to less than 1% in media codecs), even very small increases in CPU load can have a substantial impact in some environments.

Enabling sanitizers over the entire codebase provides the most benefit, but enabling them in security-critical attack surfaces can serve as a first step in an incremental deployment. For example:

  • Functions parsing messages delivered over the air in 2G, 3G, 4G, and 5G (especially functions handling pre-authentication messages that can be injected with a false/malicious base station)
  • Libraries encoding/decoding complex formats (e.g. ASN.1, XML, DNS, etc…)
  • IMS, TCP and IP stacks
  • Messaging functions (SMS, MMS)

In the particular case of 2G, the best strategy is to disable the stack altogether by supporting Android’s “2G toggle”. However, 2G is still a necessary mobile access technology in certain parts of the world and some users might need to have this legacy protocol enabled.

Deploying Sanitizers

Having a clear plan for deployment of sanitizers saves a lot of time and effort. We think of the deployment process as having three stages:

  • Detecting (and fixing) violations
  • Measuring and reducing overhead
  • Soaking in pre-production

We also introduce two modes in which sanitizers should be run: diagnostics mode and trapping mode. These will be discussed in the following sections, but briefly: diagnostics mode recovers from violations and provides valuable debug information, while trapping mode actively mitigates vulnerabilities by trapping execution on violations.

Detecting (and Fixing) Violations

To successfully ship these sanitizers, any benign integer overflows must be made explicit and accidental out-of-bounds accesses must be addressed. These will have to be uncovered through testing. The higher the code coverage your tests provide, the more issues you can uncover at this stage and the easier deployment will be later on.

To diagnose violations uncovered in testing, sanitizers can emit calls to runtime handlers with debug information such as the file, line number, and values leading to the violation. Sanitizers can optionally continue execution after a violation has occurred, allowing multiple violations to be discovered in a single test run. We refer to using the sanitizers in this way as running them in “diagnostics mode”. Diagnostics mode is not intended for production as it provides no security benefits and adds high overhead.

Diagnostics mode for the sanitizers can be set using the following flags:

-fsanitize=signed-integer-overflow,unsigned-integer-overflow,bounds -fsanitize-recover=all

Since Clang does not provide a UBSan runtime for bare-metal targets, a runtime will need to be defined and provided at link time:

// integer overflow handlers
__ubsan_handle_add_overflow(OverflowData *data, ValueHandle lhs, ValueHandle rhs)
__ubsan_handle_sub_overflow(OverflowData *data, ValueHandle lhs, ValueHandle rhs)
__ubsan_handle_mul_overflow(OverflowData *data, ValueHandle lhs, ValueHandle rhs)
__ubsan_handle_divrem_overflow(OverflowData *data, ValueHandle lhs, ValueHandle rhs)
__ubsan_handle_negate_overflow(OverflowData *data, ValueHandle old_val)
// boundsan handler
__ubsan_handle_out_of_bounds_overflow(OverflowData *data, ValueHandle old_val)

As an example, see the default Clang implementation; the Linux Kernels implementation may also be illustrative.

With the runtime defined, enable the sanitizer over the entire baseband codebase and run all available tests to uncover and address any violations. Vulnerabilities should be patched, and overflows should either be refactored or made explicit through the use of checked arithmetic builtins which do not trigger sanitizer violations. Certain functions which are expected to have intentional overflows (such as cryptographic functions) can be preemptively excluded from sanitization (see next section).

Aside from uncovering security vulnerabilities, this stage is highly effective at uncovering code quality and stability bugs that could result in instability on user devices.

Once violations have been addressed and tests are no longer uncovering new violations, the next stage can begin.

Measuring and Reducing Overhead

Once shallow violations have been addressed, benchmarks can be run and the overhead from the sanitizers (performance, code size, memory footprint) can be measured.

Measuring overhead must be done using production flags – namely “trapping mode”, where violations cause execution to abort. The diagnostics runtime used in the first stage carries significant overhead and is not indicative of the actual performance sanitizer overhead.

Trapping mode can be enabled using the following flags:

-fsanitize=signed-integer-overflow,unsigned-integer-overflow,bounds -fsanitize-trap=all

Most of the overhead is likely due to a small handful of “hot functions”, for example those with tight long-running loops. Fine-grained per-function performance metrics (similar to what Simpleperf provides for Android), allows comparing metrics before and after sanitizers and provides the easiest means to identify hot functions. These functions can either be refactored or, after manual inspection to verify that they are safe, have sanitization disabled.

Sanitizers can be disabled either inline in the source or through the use of ignorelists and the -fsanitize-ignorelist flag.

The physical layer code, with its extremely tight performance margins and lower chance of exploitable vulnerabilities, may be a good candidate to disable sanitization wholesale if initial performance seems prohibitive.

Soaking in Pre-production

With overhead minimized and shallow bugs resolved, the final stage is enabling the sanitizers in trapping mode to mitigate vulnerabilities.

We strongly recommend a long period of internal soak in pre-production with test populations to uncover any remaining violations not discovered in testing. The more thorough the test coverage and length of the soak period, the less risk there will be from undiscovered violations.

As above, the configuration for trapping mode is as follows:

-fsanitize=signed-integer-overflow,unsigned-integer-overflow,bounds -fsanitize-trap=all

Having infrastructure in place to collect bug reports which result from any undiscovered violations can help minimize the risk they present.

Transitioning to Memory Safe Languages

The benefits from deploying sanitizers in your existing code base are tangible, however ultimately they address only the lowest hanging fruit and will not result in a code base free of vulnerabilities. Other classes of memory safety vulnerabilities remain unaddressed by these sanitizers. A longer term solution is to begin transitioning today to memory-safe languages such as Rust.

Rust is ready for bare-metal environments such as the baseband, and we are already using it in other bare-metal components in Android. There is no need to rewrite everything in Rust, as Rust provides a strong C FFI support and easily interfaces with existing C codebases. Just writing new code in Rust can rapidly reduce the number of memory safety vulnerabilities. Rewrites should be limited/prioritized only for the most critical components, such as complex parsers handling untrusted data.

The Android team has developed a Rust training meant to help experienced developers quickly ramp up Rust fundamentals. An entire day for bare-metal Rust is included, and the course has been translated to a number of different languages.

While the Rust compiler may not explicitly support your bare-metal target, because it is a front-end for LLVM, any target supported by LLVM can be supported in Rust through custom target definitions.

Raising the Bar

As the high-level operating system becomes a more difficult target for attackers to successfully exploit, we expect that lower level components such as the baseband will attract more attention. By using modern toolchains and deploying exploit mitigation technologies, the bar for attacking the baseband can be raised as well. If you have any questions, let us know – we’re here to help!

Systems such as Gmail, YouTube and Google Play rely on text classification models to identify harmful content including phishing attacks, inappropriate comments, and scams. These types of texts are harder for machine learning models to classify because bad actors rely on adversarial text manipulations to actively attempt to evade the classifiers. For example, they will use homoglyphs, invisible characters, and keyword stuffing to bypass defenses. 

To help make text classifiers more robust and efficient, we’ve developed a novel, multilingual text vectorizer called RETVec (Resilient & Efficient Text Vectorizer) that helps models achieve state-of-the-art classification performance and drastically reduces computational cost. Today, we’re sharing how RETVec has been used to help protect Gmail inboxes.

Strengthening the Gmail Spam Classifier with RETVec

Figure 1. RETVec-based Gmail Spam filter improvements.

Over the past year, we battle-tested RETVec extensively inside Google to evaluate its usefulness and found it to be highly effective for security and anti-abuse applications. In particular, replacing the Gmail spam classifier’s previous text vectorizer with RETVec allowed us to improve the spam detection rate over the baseline by 38% and reduce the false positive rate by 19.4%. Additionally, using RETVec reduced the TPU usage of the model by 83%, making the RETVec deployment one of the largest defense upgrades in recent years. RETVec achieves these improvements by sporting a very lightweight word embedding model (~200k parameters), allowing us to reduce the Transformer model’s size at equal or better performance, and having the ability to split the computation between the host and TPU in a network and memory efficient manner.

RETVec Benefits

RETVec achieves these improvements by combining a novel, highly-compact character encoder, an augmentation-driven training regime, and the use of metric learning. The architecture details and benchmark evaluations are available in our NeurIPS 2023 paper and we open-source RETVec on Github.

Due to its novel architecture, RETVec works out-of-the-box on every language and all UTF-8 characters without the need for text preprocessing, making it the ideal candidate for on-device, web, and large-scale text classification deployments. Models trained with RETVec exhibit faster inference speed due to its compact representation. Having smaller models reduces computational costs and decreases latency, which is critical for large-scale applications and on-device models.

Figure 1. RETVec architecture diagram.

Models trained with RETVec can be seamlessly converted to TFLite for mobile and edge devices, as a result of a native implementation in TensorFlow Text. For web application model deployment, we provide a TensorflowJS layer implementation that is available on Github and you can check out a demo web page running a RETVec-based model.

Figure 2.  Typo resilience of text classification models trained from scratch using different vectorizers.

RETVec is a novel open-source text vectorizer that allows you to build more resilient and efficient server-side and on-device text classifiers. The Gmail spam filter uses it to help protect Gmail inboxes against malicious emails.

If you would like to use RETVec for your own use cases or research, we created a tutorial to help you get started.

This research was conducted by Elie Bursztein, Marina Zhang, Owen Vallis, Xinyu Jia, and Alexey Kurakin. We would like to thank Gengxin Miao, Brunno Attorre, Venkat Sreepati, Lidor Avigad, Dan Givol, Rishabh Seth and Melvin Montenegro and all the Googlers who contributed to the project.

Nearly half of third-parties fail to meet two or more of the Minimum Viable Secure Product controls. Why is this a problem? Because "98% of organizations have a relationship with at least one third-party that has experienced a breach in the last 2 years."

In this post, we're excited to share the latest improvements to the Minimum Viable Secure Product (MVSP) controls. We'll also shed light on how adoption of MVSP has helped Google improve its security processes, and hope this example will help motivate third-parties to increase their adoption of MVSP controls and thus improve product security across the industry.

About MVSP

In October 2021, Google publicly launched MVSP alongside launch partners. Our original goal remains unchanged: to provide a vendor-neutral application security baseline, designed to eliminate overhead, complexity, and confusion in the end-to-end process of onboarding third-party products and services. It covers themes such as procurement, security assessment, and contract negotiation.

What is Minimum Viable Secure Product (MVSP)  MVSP is a list of fundamental application security controls that should be integrated into enterprise-ready products and services. The controls are designed to be simple in order to implement and provide a good foundation for building secure and resilient systems and services.

Improvements since launch

As part of MVSP’s annual control review, and our core philosophy of evolution over revolution, the working group sought input from the broader security community to ensure MVSP maintains a balance between security and achievability.

As a result of these discussions, we launched updated controls. Key changes include: expanded guidance around external vulnerability reporting to protect bug hunters, and discouraging additional costs for access to basic security features – inline with CISA’s "Secure-by-Design" principles.

In 2022, we developed guidance on build process security based on SLSA, to reflect the importance of supply chain security and integrity.

From an organizational perspective, in the two years since launching, we've seen the community around MVSP continue to expand. The working group has grown to over 20 global members, helping to diversify voices and broaden expertise. We've also had the opportunity to present and discuss the program with a number of key groups, including an invitation to present at the United Nations International Computing Centre – Common Secure Conference.

Google at the UNICC conference in Valencia, Spain

Google at the UNICC conference in Valencia, Spain

How Google uses MVSP

Since its inception, Google has looked to integrate improvements to our own processes using MVSP as a template. Two years later, we can clearly see the impact through faster procurement processes, streamlined contract negotiations, and improved data-driven decision making.

  • After implementing MVSP into key areas of Google's third-party life-cycle, we've observed a 68% reduction in the time required for third-parties to complete assessment process.

  • By embedding MVSP into select procurement processes, Google has increased data-driven decision making in earlier phases of the cycle.

  • Aligning our Information Protection Addendum’s safeguards with MVSP has significantly improved our third-party privacy and security risk management processes.

68% time reduction observed after implementing MVSP

You use MVSP to enhance your software or procurement processes by reviewing some common use-cases and adopting them into your third-party risk management and/or contracting workflows .

What's next?

Security Maturity Levels - Minimum, Basic, Advanced, and Expert

We're invested in helping the industry manage risk posture through continuous improvement, while increasing the minimum bar for product security across the industry.

By making MVSP available to the wider industry, we are helping to create a solid foundation for growing the maturity level of products and services. Google has benefited from driving security and safety improvements through the use of leveled sets of requirements. We expect the same to be true across the wider industry.

We've seen success, but there is still work to be done. Based on initial observations, as mentioned above, 48% of third-parties fail to meet two or more of the Minimum Viable Secure Product controls.

48% of third parties fail to meet two or more MVSP controls

As an industry, we can't stand still when it comes to product security. Help us raise the minimum bar for application security by adopting MVSP and ensuring we as an industry don’t accept anything less than a strong security baseline that works for the wider industry.


Google and the MVSP working group would like to thank those who have supported and contributed since its inception. If you'd like to get involved or provide feedback, please reach out.

Thank you to Chris John Riley, Gabor Acs-Kurucz, Michele Chubirka, Anna Hupa, Dirk Göhmann and Kaan Kivilcim from the Google MVSP Group for their contributions to this post.