[go: nahoru, domu]

“very beautiful”
Later, 1 star reviews from real users start appearing with comments like:
“The app is not honest …”


Sheer volume appears to be the preferred approach for Bread developers. At different times, we have seen three or more active variants using different approaches or targeting different carriers. Within each variant, the malicious code present in each sample may look nearly identical with only one evasion technique changed. Sample 1 may use AES-encrypted strings with reflection, while Sample 2 (submitted on the same day) will use the same code but with plaintext strings.
At peak times of activity, we have seen up to 23 different apps from this family submitted to Play in one day. At other times, Bread appears to abandon hope of making a variant successful and we see a gap of a week or longer before the next variant. This family showcases the amount of resources that malware authors now have to expend. Google Play Protect is constantly updating detection engines and warning users of malicious apps installed on their device.


Package Name SHA-256 Digest
com.rabbit.artcamera 18c277c7953983f45f2fe6ab4c7d872b2794c256604e43500045cb2b2084103f
org.horoscope.astrology.predict 6f1a1dbeb5b28c80ddc51b77a83c7a27b045309c4f1bff48aaff7d79dfd4eb26
com.theforest.rotatemarswallpaper 4e78a26832a0d471922eb61231bc498463337fed8874db5f70b17dd06dcb9f09
com.jspany.temp 0ce78efa764ce1e7fb92c4de351ec1113f3e2ca4b2932feef46d7d62d6ae87f5
com.hua.ru.quan 780936deb27be5dceea20a5489014236796a74cc967a12e36cb56d9b8df9bc86
com.rongnea.udonood 8b2271938c524dd1064e74717b82e48b778e49e26b5ac2dae8856555b5489131
com.mbv.a.wp 01611e16f573da2c9dbc7acdd445d84bae71fecf2927753e341d8a5652b89a68
com.pho.nec.sg b4822eeb71c83e4aab5ddfecfb58459e5c5e10d382a2364da1c42621f58e119b

We continue our PHA family highlights series with the Triada family, which was first discovered early in 2016. The main purpose of Triada apps was to install spam apps on a device that displays ads. The creators of Triada collected revenue from the ads displayed by the spam apps. The methods Triada used were complex and unusual for these types of apps. Triada apps started as rooting trojans, but as Google Play Protect strengthened defenses against rooting exploits, Triada apps were forced to adapt, progressing to a system image backdoor. However, thanks to OEM cooperation and our outreach efforts, OEMs prepared system images with security updates that removed the Triada infection.

History of Triada

Triada was first described in a blog post on the Kaspersky Lab website in March 2016 and in a follow-up blog post in June 2016. Back then, it was a rooting trojan that tried to exploit the device and after getting elevated privileges, it performed a host of different actions. To hide these actions from analysts, Triada used a combination of dynamic code loading and additional app installs. The Kaspersky posts detail the code injection technique used by Triada and provide some statistics on infected devices at the time. In this post, we’ll focus on the peculiar encryption routine and the unusual binary files used by Triada.
Triada’s first action was to install a type of superuser (su) binary file. This su binary allowed other apps on the device to use root permissions. The su binary used by Triada required a password, so was unique compared to regular su binary files common with other Linux systems.
The binary accepted two passwords, od2gf04pd9 and ac32dorbdq. This is illustrated in the IDA screenshot below. Depending on which one was provided, the binary either 1) ran the command given as an argument as root or 2) concatenated all of the arguments, ran that concatenation preceded by sh, then ran them as root. Either way, the app had to know the correct password to run the command as root.
This Triada rooting trojan was mainly used to install apps and display ads. This trojan targeted older devices because the rooting exploits didn’t work on newer ones. Therefore, the trojan implemented a weight watching feature to decide if old apps needed to be deleted to make space for new installs.
Weight watching included several steps and attempted to free up space on the device’s user partition and system partition. Using a blacklist and whitelist of apps it first removed all the apps on its blacklist. If more free space was required it would remove all other apps leaving only the apps on the whitelist. This process freed space while ensuring the apps needed for the phone to function properly were not removed.
Every app on the system partition had a number, or weight, associated with it. The weight was a sum of the number of apps installed on the same date as the app in question and the number of apps signed with the same certificate. The apps with the lowest weight were installed in isolation (that is, not on a day that the device system image was created) and weren’t signed by the OEM or weren’t part of a developer bundle. In the weight watching process, these apps were removed first, until enough space was made for the new app.
su binary accepts two passwords
In addition to installing apps that display ads, Triada injected code into four web browsers: AOSP (com.android.browser), 360 Secure (com.qihoo.browser), Cheetah (com.ijinshan.browser_fast), and Oupeng (com.oupeng.browser). The code was injected using the same technique described in our blog post about the Zen PHA family and in previously mentioned Kaspersky blog posts.
The web browser injection was done to overwrite the URLs and substitute ad banners on websites with ads benefiting the Triada authors.
Triada also used a peculiar and complex communication encryption routine. Whenever it had to send a request to the Command and Control (C&C) server, it encrypted the request using two XOR loops with different passwords. Because of XOR rules, if the passwords had the same character in the same position, those characters weren’t encrypted. The encrypted request was saved to a file, which had the same name as its size. Finally, the file was zipped and sent to the C&C server in the POST request body.
The example below illustrates one such request. The yellow bytes are the zip file’s signature of the central directory file header. The red bytes show the uncompressed file size of 0x0952. The blue bytes show the file name length (4) and the name itself (2386, a decimal version of 0x0952).
09 00 00 50 4B 01 02 14 00 14 00 08 00 08 00 4F ...PK..........O
91 F3 48 AE CF 91 D5 B1 04 00 00 52 09 00 00 04 ..H........R....
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 32 33 38 36 50 4B 05 06 00 00 00 00 01 00 01 .2386PK.........
00 32 00 00 00 E3 04 00 00 00 00       .2.........
The underlying data protocol changed periodically. It was either a simple JSON, a list of key-value pairs similar to the properties file, or a proprietary format as shown below.
[collect_Head]device=Nexus 5X
When Triada was discovered, we implemented detection that removed Triada samples from all devices with Google Play Protect. This implementation, combined with the increased security on newer Android devices, made it significantly harder for Triada to infect devices.

When rooting doesn’t work…

During the summer of 2017 we noticed a change in new Triada samples. Instead of rooting the device to obtain elevating privileges, Triada evolved to become a pre-installed Android framework backdoor. The changes to Triada included an additional call in the Android framework log function, demonstrated below with a highlighted configuration string.
   V18 = -1;
   j___config_log_println(v7, v6, v10, v11, "cf89450001");
   if ( v10 )
This backdoored log function version of Triada was first described by Dr.Web in July 2017. The blog post includes a description of Triada code injection methods.
By backdooring the log function, the additional code executes every time the log method is called (that is, every time any app on the phone tries to log something). These log attempts happen many times per second, so the additional code is running non-stop. The additional code also executes in the context of the app logging a message, so Triada can execute code in any app context. The code injection framework in early versions of Triada worked on Android releases prior to Marshmallow.
The main purpose of the backdoor function was to execute code in another app’s context. The backdoor attempts to execute additional code every time the app needs to log something. Triada developers created a new file format, which we called MMD, based on the file header.
The MMD format was an encrypted version of a DEX file, which was then executed in the app context. The encryption algorithm was a double XOR loop with two different passwords. The format is illustrated below.
Each MMD file had a specific file name of the format <MD5 of the process name>36.jmd. By using the MD5 of the process name, the Triada authors tried to obscure the injection target. However, the pool of all available process names is fairly small, so this hash was easily reversible.
We identified two code injection targets: com.android.systemui (the System UI app) and com.android.vending (the Google Play app). The first target was injected to get the GET_REAL_TASKS permission. This is a signature-level permission, which means that it can’t be held by ordinary Android apps.
Starting with Android Lollipop, the getRecentTasks() method is deprecated to protect users' privacy. However, apps holding the GET_REAL_TASKS permission can get the result of this method call. To hold the GET_REAL_TASKS permission, an app has to be signed with a specific certificate, the device’s platform cert, which is held by the OEM. Triada didn’t have access to this cert. Instead it executed additional code in the System UI app, which has the GET_REAL_TASKS permission.
The injected code returned the app running on top (the activity running in the foreground and being actively used by the device user) to other apps on the device. This app was exposed using two methods: an intent or a socket created for this purpose. When an app on the device sent the intent or wrote to a socket created by Triada’s code injection, it received the package name of the app running on top. Triada used the package name to determine if an ad was displayed. The assumption was that if the app running on top was a browser, the user would expect to see some ads, so Triada displayed ads from the background.
The second injection target was the Google Play app. This injection supported five commands and responses to them. The supported commands are shown below in Chinese, a language that was used throughout the Triada app and injection. English translations are given on the right.
  1. 下载请求
  2. 下载结果
  3. 安装请求
  4. 安装结果
  5. 激活请求
  6. 激活结果
  7. 拉活请求
  8. 拉活结果
  9. 卸载请求
  10. 卸载结果
  1. download request
  2. download result
  3. install request
  4. installation result
  5. activation request
  6. activation result
  7. pull request
  8. pull the results
  9. uninstall request
  10. uninstall result
The commands trigger the heartbeat (pull request), download, installation, uninstallation (in the Google Play app context), and activation (the first execution) of the apps. In the Google Play app context, installation meant that Triada didn’t have to turn on installation from unknown sources and all app installs looked like they were from Google Play.
The apps were downloaded from the C&C server and the communication with the C&C was encrypted using the same custom encryption routine using double XOR and zip. The downloaded and installed apps used the package names of unpopular apps available on Google Play. They didn’t have any relation to the apps on Google Play apart from the same package name.
The last piece of the puzzle was the way the backdoor in the log function communicated with the installed apps. This communication prompted the investigation: the change in Triada behavior mentioned at the beginning of this section made it appear that there was another component on the system image. The apps could communicate with the Triada backdoor by logging a line with a specific predefined tag and message.
The reverse communication was more complicated. The backdoor used Java properties to relay a message to the app. These properties were key-value pairs similar to Android system properties, but they were scoped to a specific process. Setting one of these properties in one app context ensures that other apps won’t see this property. Despite that, some versions of Triada indiscriminately created the properties in every single app process.
The diagram below illustrates the communication mechanisms of the Triada backdoor.
Communication mechanisms of Triada

Reverse engineering countermeasures and development

The Triada backdoor was hidden to make the analysis harder. The strings in the Android framework library that related to Triada activities were encrypted, as shown below.
Android framework strings
The strings were encrypted using the algorithm of two XOR loops. However, the first highlighted string, 36.jmd, wasn’t encrypted. This is the MMD file name string mentioned before.
Another anti-analysis measure implemented by the Triada authors was function padding, including additional exported functions that don't serve any purpose apart from making the file size bigger and the function layout more random with every compilation. Four types of these functions are shown in the screenshots below.
Example of function padding
One final interesting feature of Triada worth mentioning is the development cycle. By analyzing subsequent versions of the Triada backdoor (up to 1.5.1) we saw the changes in the code. In the newest version, they substituted MD5 with SHA1. This is used to hash the filenames, which come from a restricted pool of values. The newest version also encrypted the 36.jmd string and introduced changes to the code for compatibility with Android Nougat.
There are also code stubs pointing at the modification of the SystemUI and WebView Android framework elements. We couldn’t find the code that was executed by these modifications, just code stubs suggesting more development in the future.

OEM outreach

Triada infects device system images through a third-party during the production process. Sometimes OEMs want to include features that aren’t part of the Android Open Source Project, such as face unlock. The OEM might partner with a third-party that can develop the desired feature and send the whole system image to that vendor for development.
Based on analysis, we believe that a vendor using the name Yehuo or Blazefire infected the returned system image with Triada.
Production process with malicious party
We coordinated with the affected OEMs to provide system updates and remove traces of Triada. We also scan for Triada and similar threats on all Android devices.
OEMs should ensure that all third-party code is reviewed and can be tracked to its source. Additionally, any functionality added to the system image should only support requested features. It’s a good practice to perform a security review of a system image after adding third-party code.


Triada was inconspicuously included in the system image as third-party code for additional features requested by the OEMs. This highlights the need for thorough ongoing security reviews of system images before the device is sold to the users as well as any time they get updated over-the-air (OTA).
By working with the OEMs and supplying them with instructions for removing the threat from devices, we reduced the spread of preinstalled Triada variants and removed infections from the devices through the OTA updates.
The Triada case is a good example of how Android malware authors are becoming more adept. This case also shows that it’s harder to infect Android devices, especially if the malware author requires privilege elevation.
We are also performing a security review of system images through the Build Test Suite. You can read more about this program in the Android Security 2018 Year in Review report. Triada indicators of compromise are one of many signatures included in the system image scan. Additionally, Google Play Protect continues to track and remove any known versions of Triada and Triada-related apps it detects from user devices.

Posted by Lukasz Siewierski, Android Security & Privacy Team
Google Play Protect detects Potentially Harmful Applications (PHAs) which Google Play Protect defines as any mobile app that poses a potential security risk to users or to user data—commonly referred to as "malware." in a variety of ways, such as static analysis, dynamic analysis, and machine learning. While our systems are great at automatically detecting and protecting against PHAs, we believe the best security comes from the combination of automated scanning and skilled human review.
With this blog series we will be sharing our research analysis with the research and broader security community, starting with the PHA family, Zen. Zen uses root permissions on a device to automatically enable a service that creates fake Google accounts. These accounts are created by abusing accessibility services. Zen apps gain access to root permissions from a rooting trojan in its infection chain. In this blog post, we do not differentiate between the rooting component and the component that abuses root: we refer to them interchangeably as Zen. We also describe apps that we think are coming from the same author or a group of authors. All of the PHAs that are mentioned in this blog post were detected and removed by Google Play Protect.


Uncovering PHAs takes a lot of detective work and unraveling the mystery of how they're possibly connected to other apps takes even more. PHA authors usually try to hide their tracks, so attribution is difficult. Sometimes, we can attribute different apps to the same author based on a small, unique pieces of evidence that suggest similarity, such as a repetition of an exceptionally rare code snippet, asset, or a particular string in the debug logs. Every once in a while, authors leave behind a trace that allows us to attribute not only similar apps, but also multiple different PHA families to the same group or person.
However, the actual timeline of the creation of different variants is unclear. In April 2013, we saw the first sample, which made heavy use of dynamic code loading (i.e., fetching executable code from remote sources after the initial app is installed). Dynamic code loading makes it impossible to state what kind of PHA it was. This sample displayed ads from various sources. More recent variants blend rooting capabilities and click fraud. As rooting exploits on Android become less prevalent and lucrative, PHA authors adapt their abuse or monetization strategy to focus on tactics like click fraud.
This post doesn't follow the chronological evolution of Zen, but instead covers relevant samples from least to most complex.

Apps with a custom-made advertisement SDK

The simplest PHA from the author's portfolio used a specially crafted advertisement SDK to create a proxy for all ads-related network traffic. By proxying all requests through a custom server, the real source of ads is opaque. This example shows one possible implementation of this technique.

This approach allows the authors to combine ads from third-party advertising networks with ads they created for their own apps. It may even allow them to sell ad space directly to application developers. The advertisement SDK also collects statistics about clicks and impressions to make it easier to track revenue. Selling the ad traffic directly or displaying ads from other sources in a very large volume can provide direct profit to the app author from the advertisers.
We have seen two types of apps that use this custom-made SDK. The first are games of very low quality that mimic the experience of popular mobile games. While the counterfeit games claim to provide similar functionality to the popular apps, they are simply used to display ads through a custom advertisement SDK.
The second type of apps reveals an evolution in the author's tactics. Instead of implementing very basic gameplay, the authors pirated and repackaged the original game in their app and bundled with it their advertisement SDK. The only noticeable difference is the game has more ads, including ads on the very first screen.
In all cases, the ads are used to convince users to install other apps from different developer accounts, but written by the same group. Those apps use the same techniques to monetize their actions.

Click fraud apps

The authors' tactics evolved from advertisement spam to real PHA (Click Fraud). Click fraud PHAs simulate user clicks on ads instead of simply displaying ads and waiting for users to click them. This allows the PHA authors to monetize their apps more effectively than through regular advertising. This behavior negatively impacts advertisement networks and their clients because advertising budget is spent without acquiring real customers, and impacts user experience by consuming their data plan resources.
The click fraud PHA requests a URL to the advertising network directly instead of proxying it through an additional SDK. The command & control server (C&C server) returns the URL to click along with a very long list of additional parameters in JSON format. After rendering the ad on the screen, the app tries to identify the part of the advertisement website to click. If that part is found, the app loads Javascript snippets from the JSON parameters to click a button or other HTML element, simulating a real user click. Because a user interacting with an ad often leads to a higher chance of the user purchasing something, ad networks often "pay per click" to developers who host their ads. Therefore, by simulating fraudulent clicks, these developers are making money without requiring a user to click on an advertisement.
This example code shows a JSON reply returned by the C&C server. It has been shortened for brevity.
 "data": [{
  "id": "107",
  "url": "<ayud_url>",
  "click_type": "2",
  "keywords_js": [{
   "keyword": "<a class=\"show_hide btnnext\"",
   "js": "javascript:window:document.getElementsByClassName(\"show_hide btnnext\")[0].click();",
   "keyword": "value=\"Subscribe\" id=\"sub-click\"",
   "js": "javascript:window:document.getElementById(\"sub-click\").click();"
Based on this JSON reply, the app looks for an HTML snippet that corresponds to the active element (show_hide btnnext) and, if found, the Javascript snippet tries to perform a click() method on it.

Rooting trojans

The Zen authors have also created a rooting trojan. Using a publicly available rooting framework, the PHA attempts to root devices and gain persistence on them by reinstalling itself on the system partition of rooted device. Installing apps on the system partition makes it harder for the user to remove the app.
This technique only works for unpatched devices running Android 4.3 or lower. Devices running Android 4.4 and higher are protected by Verified Boot.
Zen's rooting trojan apps target a specific device model with a very specific system image. After achieving root access the app tries to replace the framework.jar file on the system partition. Replicating framework.jar allows the app to intercept and modify the behavior of the Android standard API. In particular, these apps try to add an additional method called statistics() into the Activity class. When inserted, this method runs every time any Activity object in any Android app is created. This happens all the time in regular Android apps, as Activity is one of the fundamental Android UI elements. The only purpose of this method is to connect to the C&C server.

The Zen trojan

After achieving persistence, the trojan downloads additional payloads, including another trojan called Zen. Zen requires root to work correctly on the Android operating system.
The Zen trojan uses its root privileges to turn on accessibility service (a service used to allow Android users with disabilities to use their devices) for itself by writing to a system-wide setting value enabled_accessibility_services. Zen doesn't even check for the root privilege: it just assumes it has it. This leads us to believe that Zen is just part of a larger infection chain. The trojan implements three accessibility services directed at different Android API levels and uses these accessibility services, chosen by checking the operating system version, to create new Google accounts. This is done by opening the Google account creation process and parsing the current view. The app then clicks the appropriate buttons, scrollbars, and other UI elements to go through account sign-up without user intervention.
During the account sign-up process, Google may flag the account creation attempt as suspicious and prompt the app to solve a CAPTCHA. To get around this, the app then uses its root privilege to inject code into the Setup Wizard, extract the CAPTCHA image, and sends it to a remote server to try to solve the CAPTCHA. It is unclear if the remote server is capable of solving the CAPTCHA image automatically or if this is done manually by a human in the background. After the server returns the solution, the app enters it into the appropriate text field to complete the CAPTCHA challenge.
The Zen trojan does not implement any kind of obfuscation except for one string that is encoded using Base64 encoding. It's one of the strings - "How you'll sign in" - that it looks for during the account creation process. The code snippet below shows part of the screen parsing process.
if (!title.containsKey("Enter the code")) { 
  if (!title.containsKey("Basic information")) { 
    if (!title.containsKey(new String(android.util.Base64.decode("SG93IHlvdeKAmWxsIHNpZ24gaW4=".getBytes(), 0)))) { 
      if (!title.containsKey("Create password")) { 
        if (!title.containsKey("Add phone number")) {

Apart from injecting code to read the CAPTCHA, the app also injects its own code into the system_server process, which requires root privileges. This indicates that the app tries to hide itself from any anti-PHA systems that look for a specific app process name or does not have the ability to scan the memory of the system_server process.
The app also creates hooks to prevent the phone from rebooting, going to sleep or allowing the user from pressing hardware buttons during the account creation process. These hooks are created using the root access and a custom native code called Lmt_INJECT, although the algorithm for this is well known.
First, the app has to turn off SELinux protection. Then the app finds a process id value for the process it wants to inject with code. This is done using a series of syscalls as outlined below. The "source process" refers to the Zen trojan running as root, while the "target process" refers to the process to which the code is injected and [pid] refers to the target process pid value.
  1. The source process checks the mapping between a process id and a process name. This is done by reading the /proc/[pid]/cmdline file.
    This very first step fails in Android 7.0 and higher, even with a root permission. The /proc filesystem is now mounted with a hidepid=2 parameter, which means that the process cannot access other process /proc/[pid] directory.
  2. A ptrace_attach syscall is called. This allows the source process to trace the target.
  3. The source process looks at its own memory to calculate the offset between the beginning of the libc library and the mmap address.
  4. The source process reads /proc/[pid]/maps to find where libc is located in the target process memory. By adding the previously calculated offset, it can get the address of the mmap function in the target process memory.
  5. The source process tries to determine the location of dlopen, dlsym, and dlclose functions in the target process. It uses the same technique as it used to determine the offset to the mmap function.
  6. The source process writes the native shellcode into the memory region allocated by mmap. Additionally, it also writes addresses of dlopen, dlsym, and dlclose into the same region, so that they can be used by the shellcode. Shellcode simply uses dlopen to open a .so file within the target process and then dlsym to find a symbol in that file and run it.
  7. The source process changes the registers in the target process so that PC register points directly to the shellcode. This is done using the ptrace syscall.
This diagram illustrates the whole process.


PHA authors go to great lengths to come up with increasingly clever ways to monetize their apps.
Zen family PHA authors exhibit a wide range of techniques, from simply inserting an advertising SDK to a sophisticated trojan. The app that resulted in the largest number of affected users was the click fraud version, which was installed over 170,000 times at its peak in February 2018. The most affected countries were India, Brazil, and Indonesia. In most cases, these click fraud apps were uninstalled by the users, probably due to the low quality of the apps.
If Google Play Protect detects one of these apps, Google Play Protect will show a warning to users.
We are constantly on the lookout for new threats and we are expanding our protections. Every device with Google Play includes Google Play Protect and all apps on Google Play are automatically and periodically scanned by our solutions.
You can check the status of Google Play Protect on your device:
  1. Open your Android device's Google Play Store app.
  2. Tap Menu>Play Protect.
  3. Look for information about the status of your device.

Hashes of samples

Type Package name SHA256 digest
Custom ads com.targetshoot.zombieapocalypse.sniper.zombieshootinggame 5d98d8a7a012a858f0fa4cf8d2ed3d5a82937b1a98ea2703d440307c63c6c928
Click fraud com.counterterrorist.cs.elite.combat.shootinggame 84672fb2f228ec749d3c3c1cb168a1c31f544970fd29136bea2a5b2cefac6d04
Rooting trojan com.android.world.news bd233c1f5c477b0cc15d7f84392dab3a7a598243efa3154304327ff4580ae213
Zen trojan com.lmt.register eb12cd65589cbc6f9d3563576c304273cb6a78072b0c20a155a0951370476d8d