User talk:JuTa/Archive 45

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Revision as of 00:57, 1 November 2019 by JarektBot (talk | contribs) (→‎Category:Species of XXX: replace depriciated template {{m}} with {{t}} using AWB)
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May I ask on what basis you conclude this is a clear copyvio?

Cheers Soibangla (talk) 02:53, 10 March 2019 (UTC)

Everything is by default "all right reserved" except clearly noted, which is not the case here. The fact that the newspapers using them without a copyright note does not mean the image has no copyright. They normaly paying for using images. --JuTa 02:56, 10 March 2019 (UTC)
Yes, they normally pay for images, and they display a photo credit when they do. In this case, they do not, and they do not claim it as their own work either, so the assumption of a blanket "all rights reserved" for content they don't own and didn't rent is dubious. Someone (likely Sater) gave them the photo without asserting copyright, because if he (or whoever provided it) had asserted copyright, that would've been displayed under the photo. Sater (or someone) provided the photo without encumbrance. @World's Lamest Critic: would you care to comment on this? Soibangla (talk) 18:17, 10 March 2019 (UTC)
What you are arguing might be right, but since we don't know where the image came from we can't use it. Unless you know that an image has a license that we accept, don't upload it. World's Lamest Critic (talk) 03:21, 11 March 2019 (UTC)

photo: Commons:File:Russ Wetmore.png

This was my photo, owned by me and uploaded by me. I never received any notice that the file would be deleted. Can you please verify why? — Preceding unsigned comment added by Rsswtmr (talk • contribs) 14:13, 11 March 2019 (UTC)

Hi User:Rsswtmr, your username indicates that you are the depicted person. As the image isnt a selfie, we would need a releasing mail by the real photographer through COM:OTRS for it. regards. --JuTa 18:00, 11 March 2019 (UTC)

Category:Species of XXX

Hello my friend,
Please, before suppressing a category like Category:Species of Adapedonta, could you contact me?
These categories are automatically filled by {{Taxonavigation}}, so sometimes there is a problem that needs to be fixed.
Currently, I have to recreate the categories and correct the problem, which is a lot of work ;-)
Cheers Liné1 (talk) 13:18, 13 March 2019 (UTC)

Hi Liné1, when you from from time to time on User:Achim55/Unused categories you should notice such a case before me and correct it. Then its not empty enymore when I will process then and I'll dont delete them. Cheers --JuTa 23:45, 13 March 2019 (UTC)

Problems in creating wanted categories

Hi.I'm working on this list and I think this will make uncategorized categories less but I

  1. have a problem creating Category:ACC containing 𦥑‏‎‏‎ (14 members)
  2. I want this edit done

Thank you ديفيد عادل وهبة خليل 2 (talk) 07:00, 17 March 2019 (UTC)

  1. I was able to create the cat without problems. Now should should be able to edit it.
  2. I cannot help here as I am no template specialist.
regards --JuTa 08:28, 17 March 2019 (UTC)

Löschung: Markus Frischhut 3.jpg

Hallo JuTa, Du hast die Datei Markus Frischhut 3.jpg gelöscht. Gemäß der mir vorliegenden E-Mails hat die Rechteinhaberin, Barbara Koller, am 11. März 2019 an (und mir in Kopie) die Freigabe gesendet. Ich ersuche Dich dies zu überprüfen und das Bild wieder herzustellen. Besten Dank. SG, Asurnipal (talk) 20:38, 21 March 2019 (UTC)

Hi Asurnipal, da fehlte leider die Vorlage {{OTRS pending}} auf der Dateibechreibungseite. So konnte niemand erkennen, dass eine Freigabe-Mail geschickt wurde, Ich habe das Bild nun wiederhergestellt und die Vorlage eingebunden. Bitte mach dies das nächste mal selbst. PS: Dies ist noch keine endgültige Behaltenentscheidung, diese erfolgt erst wenn/falls ein OTRS Mitarbeiter die Freigabe bestätigt. Gruß --JuTa 07:29, 22 March 2019 (UTC)
Hallo JuTa. Die Freigabe der Bildrechteinhaberin habe ich bereits am 8. März 2019 an gesendet. Diese wurde als nicht ausreichend "empfunden" und nochmals eine Freigabe "direkt durch den Rechteinhaber" gefordert, "möglichst unter Verwendung der Textvorlage" (wurde mitgesendet). Daher habe ich es nicht mehr als meine Aufgabe gesehen, bei der Datei irgendwas zu verändern, wenn sich hier jemand einschaltet und mir diesbezüglich ganz offen misstraut, wenn ich einE-Mail weiterleite. SG,
Hallo Asurnipal, hat der Rechteinhaber denn nun eine Mail ans Support-Team geschickt, oder nicht? Falls nicht kann ich die Datei auch gleich wieder löschen, denn dann wird die Freigabe sicherlich bestätigt. Gruß --JuTa 08:17, 22 March 2019 (UTC)
Hallo JuTa. Am 8. März habe ich das E-Mail der Rechteinhaberin an das Support-Team weitergeleitet (wurde bisher auch immer so akzeptiert). Und am 11. März zusätzlich nochmals durch die Rechteinhaberin direkt an das Support-Team und an mich in cc zur Info. Es liegt inzwischen zweimal dem Support-Team vor. Ich kann es Dir gerne auch weiterleiten, falls es beim Support-Team wo untergegangen ist.
OK, dann warten wir ab, was rauskommt. Hab Geduld, denn der "Rückstau" in OTRS liegt zur Zeit bei über 180 Tagen. Falls es Dir zuuuu lang wird kannst Du auch auf Commons:OTRS noticeboard nachfragen. Gruß --JuTa 08:26, 22 March 2019 (UTC)

Hello.This user creates categories in wrong way.Do you have advicefor him?Thanks ديفيد عادل وهبة خليل 2 (talk) 08:32, 23 March 2019 (UTC)

Well, talk to him if you think its neccessary. You dont need me to da that. --JuTa 17:12, 23 March 2019 (UTC)

Löschung von Portrait Andrea Rings.jpg

Hi, du hast das Bild File:Portrait Andrea Rings.jpg mit der Begründung (No permission since 11 March 2019) gelöscht. Ich habe dieses Bild von der Autorin persönlich mit den entsprechenden Rechten erhalten, die ich beim Upload auch angegeben habe. Ich habe auf Commons noch nicht viel beigetragen, so dass ich vermutlich etwas falsch gemacht habe. Muss ich die entsprechenden Rechte irgendwie nachweisen? Auch war vermutlich ein Hinweis auf die fehlenden Rechte und die bevorstehende Löschung zu finden, von dem ich aber nicht informiert wurde. Was hätte ich tun müssen, um darauf aufmerksam zu werden? Es wäre nett, wenn du mir helfen könntest, das Bild in korrekter Art und Weise wieder einzustellen. Vielen Dank --Cyberolm (talk) 20:58, 23 March 2019 (UTC)

Hi Cyberolm, die Autorim muss eine sog. Freigabemail an das Commons-Supportteam schicken - siehe Commons:OTRS. Darauf wurdest Du auch auf Deiner Diskussionsseite hingewiesen. Gruß --JuTa 01:08, 24 March 2019 (UTC)antwort
Hallo JuTa, danke für die Antwort. Da ich hauptsächlich auf Wikipedia unterwegs bin, hatte ich hier noch gar keine Nutzerseite angelegt, um meine Diskussionsseite hab ich mich dann auch nicht weiter gekümmert. Was ich ungünstig finde: Für deine Antwort hier habe ich bei Wikipedia eine Benachrichtigung bekommen. Für den Hinweis auf meiner Diskussionsseite aber nicht. Ich habe die geforderte Mail jetzt geschrieben. Wie ich deiner Diskussionsseite entnehme, kann das jetzt etwa ein halbes Jahr dauern, bis sie bestätigt ist. Muss ich jetzt so lange auf eine Wiederherstellung warten? Vielen Dank --Cyberolm (talk) 10:28, 24 March 2019 (UTC)
Hi Cyberolm, nicht Du sondern die Autorin sollte die Mail schreiben, sonst wird das wahrscheinlich nicht akzeptiert. Und ja, wir sollten jetzt warten, bis die Freigabe bestätigt oder abgelehnt wird. Zur Zeit gibt es max. ca. 180 Tage Rückstau. Kann aber auch deutlich schneller gehen. Gruß --JuTa 10:34, 24 March 2019 (UTC)
Hallo JuTa, der Freigabeassistent, der mir auf meiner Diskussionsseite empfohlen wurde, erstellte mir aber eine Mail, die ich schicken soll: Sehr geehrtes Support-Team, ich, Michael Weber, erkläre in Bezug auf das Bild »Portrait_Andrea_Rings.jpg«, dass ich Inhaber/in des vollumfänglichen Nutzungsrechts bin...... Warum tut er das, wenn das nachher nicht akzeptiert wird? Außerdem finde ich 180 Tage unpraktikabel lang. Das soll keine Kritik an den freiwilligen Mitarbeitern sein, die in ihrer Freizeit am Projekt arbeiten, aber eine Frist von 180 Tagen zwischen upload und Nutzung einer Datei ist einfach unpraktisch. Sehe ich das richtig, dass dies alles entfällt, wenn ich eigene Werke hochlade? Das wäre dann für mich persönlich der bevorzugte praktikable Weg. In diesem Fall habe ich sicher ein eigenes Bild, bevor 180 Tage vorbei sind. --Cyberolm (talk) 10:47, 24 March 2019 (UTC)
Hi Cyberolm, Du bist aber nicht Inhaber/in des vollumfänglichen Nutzungsrechts, sondern der/die Photographin und "lügst" damit quasi das Support-Team an. Ich weis nicht welchen Assistent Die empfohlen wurde, aber der scheint eben für die Rechteinhaber zu sein. An den möglichen 180 Tagen kann ich leider nichts ändern. Du kannst aber auf Commons:OTRS noticeboard nachfragen, wenn es Dir zu lang wird.--JuTa 10:54, 24 March 2019 (UTC)
Hallo JuTa, die Photographin hat mir die Nutzungsrechte übertragen, so wurde das auch in dem Assistenten abgefragt. Der nächste Satz der Mail erwähnt auch den Namen der Photographin. Mir ist das aber zu kompliziert und langwierig, ich werde nur noch eigene Bilder, oder solche, die eine nachvollziehbare Onlinelizenz haben hochladen. Ich danke dir für deine Geduld und wünsche noch einen schönen Sonntag. --Cyberolm (talk) 11:18, 24 March 2019 (UTC)
Hi Cyberolm, wenn Dir die Nutzungrechte übertragen wurden, ist das OK. Wenn Du das schriftlich hast hängst Du das am besten noch an die Freigabe mit an, Ansonsten musst Du hoffen, dass den Bearbeiter des Tickets das glaubhaft genug erscheint um es zu akzeptieren. Gruß --JuTa 11:22, 24 March 2019 (UTC)

Undelete please

Please restore File:July-8th-2016-KC-Gallery 0680.jpg that you deleted because I have an OTRS ticket #2019030210000786 for it. Thanks in advance. Ww2censor (talk) 22:20, 25 March 2019 (UTC)

✓ Done. --JuTa 07:51, 26 March 2019 (UTC)

PLEASE UNDELETE ALL MY FILES AS WELL --- Liz Haywood — Preceding unsigned comment added by LizHaywood (talk • contribs) 15:34, 26 March 2019 (UTC)

Please restore: "Little Sushi" by Liz Haywood.jpg 14x14 by Liz Haywood.jpg 8x10 doggy by LIZ HAYWOOD.png LIZ HAYWOOD MURAL CORPORATE GREED.jpg 16 x 20 painting of three dogs by Liz Haywood.jpg — Preceding unsigned comment added by LizHaywood (talk • contribs) 15:40, 26 March 2019 (UTC)

Hi @LizHaywood: , I better wait for a "call" from an OTRS-Agent before I restore anything. regards --JuTa 16:03, 26 March 2019 (UTC)

what does this mean? Why are you deleting all of my stuff? I thought this was a common place and anyone can upload here? Do you work here? Why are you deleting all of my work? — Preceding unsigned comment added by LizHaywood (talk • contribs) 17:24, 26 March 2019 (UTC)

Hi the photos are very likely not made by yourself, because you are the depicted person and the images are not selfies. That the reason why we would need a releasing mail by the photographer to the sommons support-team - see Commons:OTRS. regards. --JuTa 17:37, 26 March 2019 (UTC)


Kannst Du bitte diese Datei File:Homo heidelbergensis.jpg umbenennen in File:Bodo cranium.jpg — das ist die internationale Bezeichnung für dieses Fossil, vergl. hier z.B., der Artname ist grob irreführend. Merci, --Gerbil (talk) 18:13, 29 March 2019 (UTC)

Hi Gerbil, ✓ Done. Das nächste mal aber bitte Vorlage {{Rename}} benutzen. Gruß --JuTa 21:43, 29 March 2019 (UTC)

Kindly undelete

Kindly restore deleted photos of Philippine National Artists used in my bcl wiki/English articles, namely that of ːAlice Reyes, Lucrecia Reyes-Urtula, Andrea Veneracion, Edith Tiempo, Francisca Reyes-Aquino, Jovita Fuentes, Atang de la Rama. I have an email permission clearly stating all photos in the Official Website of the National Commision on Culture and the Arts (NCAA) of the Philippines are in the Public Domain and may be freely used in Wikipedia. I also have [Ticket#2019033010002436] Confirmation of receipt (Re: release of Lucrecia [...]) from ORTS. Do I need to send a copy of the email coming from Mr. Rene Napenas of NCCA Public Affairs and Information Office? Ringer (talk) 12:54, 30 March 2019 (UTC)

Hi Ringer, Facebook images are generally not compatible with commons rules. I'll not going to restore the images. Please wait until the OTRS process is finished or ask undeletion by other admins on Commons:Undeletion requests. regards --JuTa 17:45, 30 March 2019 (UTC)

Please undelete Lev_matematik.jpg

File:Lev_matematik.jpg is a picture of a person who lived in the 9th century. As I can see by the style of the painting, the painter probably also lived in the 9th century. So the painter is dead for well over 100 years. Pictures of flat objects (two-dimensional), like paintings, have no copyrights, because it is not an act of creativity to take such a picture. So this painting and this picture are both in the public domain. Would you please undelete this picture because there is no reason for deletion or give a good reason to delete it? JopkeB (talk) 06:21, 31 March 2019 (UTC)

Hi JopkeB, according the description page the painting was made in 2015. Many such Icons (even in old style), are modern making. I will not restore the files, but you might like to ask other admins at Commons:Undeletion requests for it. regards --JuTa 07:24, 31 March 2019 (UTC)
Thanks, I did not see that the painting was made in 2015, very misleading. Then I agree on deletion. JopkeB (talk) 12:00, 31 March 2019 (UTC)

Please undelete Giovanni_Morassutti_by_Teresa_Marenzi-cropped.jpg

Hi JuTA , Can you please restore File:Giovanni_Morassutti_by_Teresa_Marenzi-cropped.jpg to wikiquote article? The copyright holder Teresa Marenzi agreed to license the file. She did send an email with a written permission to Many thanks--Sallustinus (talk) 09:10, 1 April 2019 (UTC)

Hi Sallustinus, I restored the file and fixed the description page. Next time please add {{OTRS pending}} yourself as soon as you know the copyright holder has sent the mail. Then the files will not get deleted quickly. regards --JuTa 14:35, 1 April 2019 (UTC)

Hi JuTa, Thanks for restoring the file and thanks for the advice of paying attention to {{OTRS pending}}. Best regards --Sallustinus (talk) 15:06, 1 April 2019 (UTC)

ESA duplicates


Could you take a careful look at the duplicate merge of File:Favignana, Levanzo e Sicilia occidental.jpg and File:Favignana, Levanzo and western Sicily ESA416961.jpg? I uploaded the latter duplicate and despite an extensive programme of generating image hashes here, this duplicate was not picked up as either a close image hash, or an identical SHA1 duplicate by the API. I now have no idea how these duplicates can possibly be created using the normal API upload process, unless something odd is failing with the API, or maybe the ESA is changing something about the jpeg image like EXIF updates. I would appreciate any feedback, as the ESA update used to be a regular weekly run, but have not been run for most of this year due to attempts to fix this apparent bug. -- (talk) 16:12, 4 April 2019 (UTC)

Well, all I can say is: it was listed on Special:ListDuplicatedFiles and I assume the hashes were identical. Otherwise the software wouldnt list is as a duplicate. The source link was identical too. I realy appreciate your dupe checking but cannot say what went wrong here. regards. --JuTa 16:20, 4 April 2019 (UTC)
Let's presume the SHA1s are identical. I'll take yet another look at the code next time I get around to wanting to run it again. It is a bizarre error considering my other batch uploads using what I believe is identical code, never has this problem. -- (talk) 16:25, 4 April 2019 (UTC)

A beer for you!

Apsveicu ar perfektu darbu autortiesību sargāšanā! :D Giggity2389 (talk) 10:06, 7 April 2019 (UTC)


Hi, JuTa and thanks for all your work. In the case of the duplicates I tagged like File:Louis Hersent - Sophie Crouzet - 1943.659 - Cleveland Museum of Art.tiff, I wanted to keep the later files because they have complete information templates. Being able to do insource: searches on these files makes it much easier to categorize them. The files with only the Wikidata line in the template have to be categorized one-by-one and it’s very time-consuming and cumbersome. Is there any way I can get those back and have the earlier files with the incomplete information templates deleted instead? Thanks. —Rrburke (talk) 15:13, 7 April 2019 (UTC)

Hi, normaly the older copy of dupes get left. In the wikidata infoformation there is nothing mising comparing to the new versions, or did I miss something? I'm procesing the dupes one by one and copying the extra cats from new to the old copy. I will *not* sitch them arround because all information is there and the older copy has priority, but if you tell me which type of information is missing in the old versions I'll try to copy that over as well in future. regards. --JuTa 15:20, 7 April 2019 (UTC)
Thanks for your reply. So for example, in the case of File:Anne-Louis Girodet de Roucy-Trioson - Aurora and Cephalus - 2002.101 - Cleveland Museum of Art.tiff and File:Anne-Louis Girodet de Roucy-Trioson - Aurora and Cephalus - 2002.101 - Cleveland Museum of Art.tif, the older file has only this in the template:
== {{int:filedesc}} == {{Artwork |source= |wikidata=Q60478354 }}
whereas the later file has all this:
=={{int:filedesc}}== {{Artwork |artist = Anne-Louis Girodet de Roucy-Trioson |author = |title = Aurora and Cephalus |description = The goddess of the dawn, Aurora, fell in love with the shepherd Cephalus. She eventually seized him at daybreak, bringing him to the heavens while he slept—the scene Girodet has painted here. Later, missing his wife, Procris, Cephalus begs to return. Aurora agrees, giving him a magic spear that kills every target, including his wife, when he mistakes her for an animal in the brush. |date = {{other date|~|1810}} |medium = {{technique|oil|canvas}} |dimensions = Framed: 34.9 x 29.9 x 7 cm (13 3/4 x 11 3/4 x 2 3/4 in.); Unframed: 22.8 x 16.8 cm (9 x 6 5/8 in.) |institution = {{institution:Cleveland Museum of Art}} |department = Modern European Painting and Sculpture |place of discovery = |object history = |object type = Painting |exhibition history = |credit line = Gift of the Painting and Drawing Society of The Cleveland Museum of Art |inscriptions = |notes = |accession number = 2002.101 |place of creation = France, 19th century |source = |permission = |other_versions = |references = |wikidata = Q60478354 }}
That data is valuable to me in categorization, so it would be great if it could be preserved. Thanks! —Rrburke (talk) 15:28, 7 April 2019 (UTC)
I realize I didn’t explain that well: The point is that I use VisualFileChange to do categorization, combining information from the different fields in the Artwork template to create more refined categories and place files in them. With the Wikidata-only files I can’t search for valuable information like place of creation = France, 19th century using an insource: search. Does that make any sense? —Rrburke (talk) 15:48, 7 April 2019 (UTC)
OK, I'll try to copy such informtion overin future. --JuTa 18:35, 7 April 2019 (UTC)

Moin JuTa, ich hatte deinen Dupe-Antrag für File:Charles François Daubigny - Villerville Seen from Le Ratier - 1951.323 - Cleveland Museum of Art.tiff wie üblich bearbeitet, aber irgendwas ist da total schief gegangen. --Túrelio (talk) 06:29, 8 April 2019 (UTC)

Ich war gleichzeitig dran, und hab die ältere Version behalten. Habs gefixt. --JuTa 06:31, 8 April 2019 (UTC)
Ah. Prima. Danke. --Túrelio (talk) 06:40, 8 April 2019 (UTC)


Hi, sorry for bothering you, but could you have a look at this, please? :) Thanks! Roberto Segnali all'Indiano 18:21, 10 April 2019 (UTC)

Allready done by someone else. --JuTa 18:24, 10 April 2019 (UTC)

Dear Wikipedia Commons Administrators:

Thank you for your work. We appreciate your attention to the Alan Uglow page, which is in process, and understand that you require confirmation that the images uploaded to accompany our text, for visual artist, Alan Uglow (deceased), are legitimate.

Elena Alexander is the widow of Alan Uglow. She is also Executor for the Uglow Estate and I am her Executive Assistant. Together we are caretakers of the Uglow Estate, and all information pertaining thereto, including the selection and use of images.

We respectfully request that the images (see below) be undeleted and replaced on the Alan Uglow Wikipedia page.

Thank you for your time,


Geoffrey Smyth — Preceding unsigned comment added by Wolgunala (talk • contribs) 21:42, 11 April 2019 (UTC)

{Hi @Wolgunala: , please ask the copyright holders of the photos and paintings to send a releasing mail to the commons support team as dokumented on Commons:OTRS. thx. --JuTa 07:13, 12 April 2019 (UTC)

Please undelete Kevin J Tracey Headshot

Hi JuTA , Can you please restore The copyright holder, Mike Denora, agreed to license the file. He sent an email with a written permission to a few weeks ago and just sent a follow up email. Thank you for your assistance!! --AmberGrape80 (talk) 02:11, 12 April 2019 (UTC)

OK ✓ Done. You forgot to place the template {{OTRS pending}} onto to file description page, which indicates that such a mail has been sent. I did that now but next time pls. try to do that yourself before the image gets deleted. regards. --JuTa 18:18, 12 April 2019 (UTC)
Will do. Thank you so much for your guidance. I greatly appreciate it. — Preceding unsigned comment added by AmberGrape80 (talk • contribs) 18:33, 12 April 2019 (UTC)

Hi JuTa,

Would you be able to help me with the question I've asked on the Help Desk?

It refers to a side-effect of a duplicate removal you've done in the past and in ways to recover from it and avoid it in the future.

Best Regards, --IsraelHikingMap (talk) 07:35, 13 April 2019 (UTC)

Sorry, no. --JuTa 09:58, 13 April 2019 (UTC)

Please undelete Diagram showing liver lesioning using a HIFU transducer.png

The copyright holder, James McLaughlan, agreed to license the file. Please let me know what you need from me to prove this.

Cheers, Elcaleeds (talk) 17:31, 14 April 2019 (UTC)

Sorry Elcaleeds, but File:Diagram showing liver lesioning using a HIFU transducer.png was awaiting OTRS confirmation since September 2018. Please ask on Commons:OTRS noticeboard for it. regards --JuTa 18:31, 14 April 2019 (UTC)

Please move this file

I just uploaded this corrected version: File:CT of a normal brain, coronal 53 (corrected).png. Please move it to File:CT of a normal brain, coronal 53.png. Mikael Häggström (talk) 14:05, 15 April 2019 (UTC)

Hi Mikael Häggström, ✓ Done. regards --JuTa 16:39, 15 April 2019 (UTC)

Massive deletion/undeletion

Hello JuTa. Recently you deleted lots of original content made by students in a course of multimedia content creation. I have requested formally to undelete them, as they are high quality content that is being used on articles and is totally legit to have it on Commons. Please, consider it. Thanks. -Theklan (talk) 14:26, 15 April 2019 (UTC)

Hi Theklan, such diagrams, posters etc. get regularly uploaded by "drive by" users, who just copied them from anywhere else. I would like get get opinions from other admins. The files should be restored (if at all) by another admin. regards --JuTa 16:43, 15 April 2019 (UTC)

U of C photos


First, thanks for the spam on my page :)

Second, all photos that you have tagged have been given rights to be used for all media purposes ( I contacted U of C media department to confirm that Wikipedia falls under those use policies. — Preceding unsigned comment added by Shahroze (talk • contribs) 00:27, 22 April 2019 (UTC)

Hi, the license on their webpage is not public domain, the want to get credited. This sounds more like {{Attribution}}. But I'm not sure if teir statement fullfits the commons requirements. Any usage for anybody in the world has to be allowed. They only allow media use, this does not allow i.e. to print the images ont T-shirts and sell them. regards --JuTa 09:19, 22 April 2019 (UTC)

Could you Please undelete File:2019-03-11 Carl C Liebert III - Chief Executive Officer AutoNation Inc Generated Photo.jpg

A copyright release form was sent as follows from AutoNation Inc. Office of Corporate Communications Copyright owner.

I hereby affirm that I represent AutoNation Inc., the creator and/or sole owner of the exclusive copyright of photo jpeg file " File:2019-03-11 Carl C Liebert III - Chief Executive Officer AutoNation Inc Generated Photo.jpg as shown here: and have legal authority in my capacity to release the copyright of that work. I agree to publish the above-mentioned content under the following free license: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International.[5].....Etc. 

Miranda Perez -

Project Manager, Office of Corporate Communications AutoNation Inc. Ft Lauderdale FL

4/17/2019 — Preceding unsigned comment added by CorporateMapWiki (talk • contribs) 22:52, 21 April 2019 (UTC)

OK ✓ Done, you forgot to put {{OTRS pending}} onto the description page, which I now did for you. --JuTa 09:12, 22 April 2019 (UTC)

Empty categories

Hi. As I noticed you deleted the category of the Category:Nostalgic tram line 41 (Prague) on 2018-12-16. I'm not sure you noticed that "empty category" is no longer a sufficient reason for deletion. In September 2018, the criterion was improved after proper and consensual discussion. "Unuseful empty category" is the criterion now. I think, Prague tram categories by line are established and accepted, and especially the nostalgic tram line 41 is very photogenic and notable, as well as it was under its former number as Category:Nostalgic tram line 91 (Prague) --ŠJů (talk) 02:22, 24 April 2019 (UTC)

If they are dont enpty for more than 8 months they dont get deleted. regards --JuTa 05:47, 24 April 2019 (UTC)


Hi. I opened Category:Women of Turkey in 1920 but not as an empty cat. Now that I see it is empty, I wonder which file(s) was/were deleted. Can you see and tell me that? Danke. --E4024 (talk) 02:51, 24 April 2019 (UTC)

Thats very hard to tell. If you dont remember which images, adding it to your watchlist and untick Hide categorization of pages in your preferences might be helpfull if the changes were recently. --JuTa 05:50, 24 April 2019 (UTC)

Single Barrel Shuffle album cover

Hello JuTa

Please undelete File:Single Barrel Shuffle album cover.jpg.

It was uploaded by copyright holder Daniel Kriman. איליה מעזיה (talk) 20:23, 26 April 2019 (UTC)

It was uploaded by User:Sobodan. If he is indeed the copyright holder he should follow the instructions on Commons:OTRS. regards --JuTa 20:58, 26 April 2019 (UTC)

Hi, These paintings are obviously in the public domain. It is not very clever to delete them right away. Could you restore them please? Thanks, Yann (talk) 10:27, 28 April 2019 (UTC)

Without any licemse and recent "time stamp"? Feel free to do it yourself if you willing to give a valid license too. --JuTa 10:29, 28 April 2019 (UTC)

Deletion of category

I believe the Category:Liu Cheng-chung (surname) should be deleted. Liu Cheng-chung is a full name. Liu (劉) is the surname, and Cheng-chung (振忠) is the subject's Chinese-language given name. It seems that the accepted naming convention on English Wikipedia for Roman Catholic clergy is to use an English name alongside a transliterated native name. I see that Category:Peter Liu Cheng-chung is correctly included in Category:Liu (surname) and Category:Peter (given name), and that should be enough. Further categorization by transliterated Chinese given name is unlikely to be useful because the language several homophonous syllables that are represented by many different characters. For another example see Category:Paul Shan Kuo-hsi, (單國璽) subcategorized under Category:Paul (given name) and Category:Shan (surname) (單), with his transliterated Chinese name Kuo-hsi (國璽) left out of the categorization scheme. Vycl1994 (talk) 16:48, 29 April 2019 (UTC)

Hi, thanks for the note. ✓ Done now, but I left Category:Cheng-chung (given name). As long the category and the wikiepdia articles are named that way, the person should be categorzid accordingly. regards. --JuTa 17:19, 29 April 2019 (UTC)

Please undelete

✓ Done --JuTa 04:19, 30 March 2019 (UTC)
✓ Done --JuTa 01:00, 11 April 2019 (UTC)
Then please recreate it as soon as you have images for it. The complete content was:
{{mld |de = Münzen von [[:de:Georg III. (Vereinigtes Königreich)|Georg III.]] als [[:de:König|König]] von [[:de:Königreich Hannover|Hannover]] (1814-1820) |en = Coins of [[:en:George III of the United Kingdom|George III]] as [[:en:King|King]] of [[:en:Kingdom of Hanover|Hannover]] (1814-1820) |es = Monedas de [[:es:Jorge III del Reino Unido|Jorge III]] como [[:es:Rey|Rey]] de [[:es:Reino de Hannover|Hannover]] (1814-1820) |fr = Monnaies de [[:fr:George III (roi du Royaume-Uni)|George III]] comme [[:fr:Roi|roi]] de [[:fr:Royaume de Hanovre|Hanovre]] (1814-1820) |it = Monete de [[:it:Giorgio III del Regno Unito|Giorgio III]] in qualità di [[:it:Re|Re]] di [[:it:Regno di Hannover|Hannover]] (1814-1820) }} '''< 1814:''' [[c:Category:Coins of George III as Elector of Brunswick-Lüneburg|Category:Coins of George III as Elector of Brunswick-Lüneburg]]<br/> '''> 1820:''' [[c:Category:Coins of George IV as King of Hannover|Category:Coins of George IV as King of Hannover]] [[Category:George III of the United Kingdom on coins| 2:1814-1820]] [[Category:Coins of the Kingdom of Hannover| 1814-1820]]
regards --JuTa 09:08, 22 April 2019 (UTC)
Now recreated and populated (if only with two images so far, two more to follow): Category:Coins of George III as King of Hannover. As I intend to also re-create the other empty categories you deleted at the same time as above, as soon as I get suitable pictures, could you kindly make the deleted source codes available to me, please? (Perhaps offline via mail.) Thanks, HReuter (talk) 01:20, 1 May 2019 (UTC)
Just recreate them as needed or populateable. I'll will then undelete the old versions... regards --JuTa 02:31, 1 May 2019 (UTC)

Peter Thomson

Hi JuTa. I uploaded a photo of Peter Thomson (golfer) quite a while ago, which has now been deleted. I found it on the Tasmanian (Australian) public library records. The permission guidelines are: Photograph taken by Mercury newspaper. The photograph may be reproduced, providing a printed acknowledgement to the Mercury is made in the publication in which the print appears. I am relatively new to this, but I uploaded it giving credit to Mercury newspapers. Can you help with with the copyright issues here? Similar photos have been uploaded from the US public library without issue. I cannot find any other pictures of Thomson. Thanks Jopal22 (talk) 21:41, 29 April 2019 (UTC)

Hi, I restored the file, fixed the license and "asked" for a review. regards. --JuTa 01:27, 30 April 2019 (UTC)
Thanks User:JuTa. There were two versions of the file, the main one, and the clipped one. Could you reinstate the main version as well? Thanks Jopal22 (talk) 15:28, 30 April 2019 (UTC)
✓ Done too. --JuTa 16:08, 30 April 2019 (UTC)

Please undelete

Hi JuTa,

I noticed that you deleted several photos on the "Albéric Riveta" page. However, I sent an authorization for the free distribution of my photos on April 23rd at I am a soldier and Corporal Albéric Riveta's brother and I personally took each of the photos I published except for the photo of the aerial view of Mali. I also don't understand why you kept the pictures of the ceremonies and deleted all the others. Thank you in advance — Preceding unsigned comment added by Johnpoljones (talk • contribs) 19:16, 30 April 2019 (UTC)

Hi Johnpoljones, ✓ Done. YOu forgot to place {{OTRS pending}} onto the file description pages, which indicates that such a mail was sent. I did that now for you, but next time please try to do it yourself. regards --JuTa 02:52, 1 May 2019 (UTC)

Hi I have just found out that you deleted my two own pictures (poster) with me being on it. Please put it back. Thanks. User:Nathaniel Filip

Please, restore these two pictures which you recently deleted and were at this page:ální:Historie/Nathaniel_Filip Nathaniel Filip (talk) 14:18, 1 May 2019 (UTC)

No, the used photos are realy not looking like selfies. Please as the photographers to send an email to the commons support team as documented on Commons:OTRS. --JuTa 22:27, 1 May 2019 (UTC)

Why would my posters should look like stupid selfies?? When you pay workes to bild your house, should it look as if you would build it yourself? Or do they hold any rights to your house ever after?! I paid for it and the atelier does not hold any rights to it nor keeep any copies of it! The pictures are mine and the workes has nothing to do with it now! I put my pictures to commons by myself than. This is so disturbing. Nathaniel Filip (talk) 08:14, 3 May 2019 (UTC)

But the architects hold the copyright of the house they plan for you. The same generaly applies for photos made by others even if they got paid for it. If you realy hold the copyright of the photos please send an email to the commons support team as documented on Commons:OTRS. regards --JuTa 13:52, 3 May 2019 (UTC)
PS: it could be an en:Work for hire, but likely only if they were made and first published in the USA. You need a written contract the the photographer(s) anyhow. --JuTa 14:05, 3 May 2019 (UTC)

This is so stupid. No, the architect really doesnt hold the copyright of my house. I can change anything whatever i like. The same with the pictures, the photographer i hired made the pictures for me, got paid, gave it to me, his name is nowhere conected with the picture, there is of course no contract between us and if he would ever want to use my pictures he made for me, he would have to get permission from me tu use it. The pictures were first published at my official webpage. There is no need to continue with this discution, just leave my pictures alone. Thanks. Nathaniel Filip (talk) 16:12, 3 May 2019 (UTC)

Please learn about copyright before you upload anything else to commons. And about architectue see please i.e. Commons:Freedom of panorama. Thx. --JuTa 00:13, 4 May 2019 (UTC)


Hello.I do not see the benefit of "Category:Uncategorized_categories" And If it is useful, I do not know the meaning of creating categories with "Template:Uncategorized" because I and others are working on "Special:WantedCategories" ديفيد عادل وهبة خليل 2 (talk) 08:08, 7 May 2019 (UTC)

Six of the categories that you created today contain images that appear to have been stolen ديفيد عادل وهبة خليل 2 (talk) 08:27, 7 May 2019 (UTC)
Hi ديفيد عادل وهبة خليل 2, and I work on Special:ListDuplicatedFiles and create red cats with {{subst:unc}} when I stumple over them during that. Everybody here work as volounteer on the task of his/her choice. And about stolen images: The source page(s) like have a license link at the botton to Most images I marked with {{Licensereview}}, but I might have missed some. regards --JuTa 15:15, 7 May 2019 (UTC)
Category discussion warning

Category:DIVA has been listed at Commons:Categories for discussion so that the community can discuss ways in which it should be changed. We would appreciate it if you could go to voice your opinion about this at its entry.

If you created this category, please note that the fact that it has been proposed for discussion does not necessarily mean that we do not value your kind contribution. It simply means that one person believes that there is some specific problem with it. If the category is up for deletion because it has been superseded, consider the notion that although the category may be deleted, your hard work (which we all greatly appreciate) lives on in the new category.

In all cases, please do not take the category discussion personally. It is never intended as such. Thank you!

Bert76 (talk) 18:44, 9 May 2019 (UTC)

Aporto información sobre licencia imagen y derechos de autor imagenes Bertha Trujillo

Hola @JuTa me dejaste un aviso en mi página de discusión sobre los derechos de autor de una imagen Bertha Trujillo. Es mi primera aportación a commons por lo que no estoy muy familiarizada con el proceso.

Cuando subí las tres imágenes puse el enlace del sitio web de dondelas obtuve, son recorte de un video cuya licencia de derechos en la misma web indica que no se ha podido evaluar. Esta información la puse en la imagen, junto con la explicación que te escribo aquí. No discuto si es correcto o no el borrado, pues acepto lo que me indicas. Quisiera aportar la información para evitar el borrado, o al menos aprender mejor el procedimiento, ¿por favor puesdes ayudarme? enlace del lugar original del recorte (video):

Fecha 13 de abril de 1956 Fuente Biblioteca de la Universidad de Virginia, Colección de películas de noticias WSLS-TV (Roanoke, VA), de 1951 a 1971 Autor Desconozco

esto es lo que pone en la web original: Standardized Rights Statement This Rights Statement should be used for Items for which the copyright status is unknown and for which the data provider has not undertaken an effort to determine the copyright status of the work.

y este es el enlace sobre los derechos de autor que se indica en la misma web:

y esta la web de donde obtuve las magenes y que aporté a las imagenes com he indicado mas arriba:

Espero que sea suficiente información, o al menos sea válida

muchas gracias por tu comprensión y ayuda, un saludo --Ytha67 (talk) 10:12, 19 May 2019 (UTC)

Hi Ytha67, there images are very likely still protected by copyright. If they realy got published anonymously they are likely protected till 70 years after publication - otherwise till 70 years after the death of the author. For a start of reading about commons copyright rules please see Commons:Copyright. regards --JuTa 10:21, 19 May 2019 (UTC)

Muchas gracias por la respuesta, en la web indica que es de 1956, no se decir más acerca de la información que se indica en la web de la Universidad de Virginia, puedo buscar por si encuentro otras fuentes del video o la fuente original. ¿quieres decir que no es válida entonces? ¿dispongo de algún plazo para encontrar otras fuentes?
Thank you very much for the response, on the web indicates that it is 1956, not to say more about the information that is indicated on the website of the University of Virginia, I can search if I find other sources of the video or the original source. Do you mean that it is not valid then? Do I have a deadline to find other sources? saludos --Ytha67 (talk) 10:42, 19 May 2019 (UTC)
Hi Ytha67, you have a week to correct the license information on the file description pages. Copyright laws vary from country to country. For Commons they must be free within the USA and the country of origin. If you can find a valid license template on Commons:Copyright tags you might add that license to the file description pages. regards. --JuTa 10:48, 19 May 2019 (UTC)

Gracias por el tiempo adicional. He encontrado esta información en la web de EEUU, reconozco mi ignorancia para comprender si a licencia es hasta 2018, transcribo la información:
Thanks for the additional time. I have found this information on the US web, I acknowledge my ignorance to understand if the license is until 2018, I transcribe the information:
 Copyright 2008-2018 Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 You can obtain a copy of the License at
 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 limitations under the License.

saludos --Ytha67 (talk) 10:55, 19 May 2019 (UTC)

Hi Ytha67, I dont think the University of Virginia cannot apply any license to those images, because they didnt created them. regards --JuTa 10:59, 19 May 2019 (UTC)
PS and according Commons:Copyright_tags/Country-specific_tags#Colombia the images must be minumum 80 year old, the means created before 1939. regards --JuTa 11:04, 19 May 2019 (UTC)
Muchas gracias por tu ayuda, hasta aquí llego, a pesar de encontrar la fuente original del video en España, sería la filmoteca nacional, y de que este documento es de autor desconocido, las leyes Españolas se apropian del derecho de autor por estar publicado en la filmoteca nacional, por lo que entiendo que es imposible su uso, tendría derecho de difusión siempre y cuando abone un canon por mi parte. La ley permite su uso para investigación, pero creo que es complicarse demasiado. Reitero el agradecimiento, entiendo que las imagenes deban ser eliminadas si no cumplen con la politica de W Commons. Estaré más atenta en otra ocasión. Saludos
Thank you very much for your help, until here I arrived, despite finding the original source of the video in Spain, it would be the national film library, and that this document is an unknown author, the Spanish laws take ownership of the copyright because it is published in the national film library, so I understand that its use is impossible, I would have the right to broadcast as long as I pay a fee for my part. The law allows its use for research, but I think it's too complicated. I reiterate the gratitude, I understand that the images should be eliminated if they do not comply with the W Commons policy. I will be more attentive on another occasion. Regards --Ytha67 (talk) 12:09, 19 May 2019 (UTC)

PR tertiary shields

Hello! I'm currently interested in the fact that the files called PR_tertiary_XX.svg (where XX is a number) are renamed or deleted in favor of Ellipse_sign_XX.svg. The reason is that the files in the Puerto Rico tertiary highway shields category have the same design as those found in the Elliptical route shields category, and in this last category are all the files that are needed to cover all the numbers missing in the Puerto Rico tertiary highway shields category. For that reason I took the liberty of using the duplicate template in the files that I made.

I send you this message because I don't know if I did well to place that template or any other change previously made. I thank you in advance for any help you can give me in this situation. Yamil Rivera (talk) 03:15, 20 May 2019 (UTC)

Well, they were binary identicly. Maybe you add the required description and categories. --JuTa 06:15, 20 May 2019 (UTC)

I want this image to be uploaded by cropping.

I want your help to upload this photo File:Chajing Khunou.jpg

by cropping, how to upload again by cropping this photo again Awangba Mangang (talk) 06:03, 22 May 2019 (UTC)
use the crop tool. regards. --JuTa 06:05, 22 May 2019 (UTC)

Kategorien für Nachnamen

Warum müssen jetzt doch wieder manuell Kategorien für Nachnamen gesetzt werden, obwohl die Nachnamenkategorie auch über wikidata geliefert wird? Wir bei DEFAULTSORT nicht mit Doppelpunkt gearbeitet statt Pipe --NeverDoING (talk) 15:37, 22 May 2019 (UTC)

Hi NeverDoING, wenn in den Vornamen Umlaute o.ä. vorkommen, werden die Einträge dort falsch sortiert. Dann muss man eben (nochmals) manuell kategorisieren und sortieren. Gruß --JuTa 21:02, 22 May 2019 (UTC)
Das ist klar, auch wenn ich nicht verstehe warum die Software entsprechend geändert wird. Aber warum muss dann die Kategorie für die Nachnamen noch einmal manuell eingefügt werden? --NeverDoING (talk) 21:06, 22 May 2019 (UTC)
Ja, weil dort sonst eben falsch sortiert würde, z.B. Vorname Ägidius wäre nach Z sortiert und nicht unter A. Die Wikidata-Box sortiert ja automatisch in den Surname Kategorien nach Vornamen, und wenn dort Umlaute o.ä. vorkommen ist dort die Sortierung falsch, außer man kategorisiert nochmals manuell mit korrekter Sortierung. Gruß --JuTa 21:13, 22 May 2019 (UTC)
Schau mal, wo Category:Ágoston Schmidt in Category:Schmidt (surname) einsortiert ist. Gruß --JuTa 21:16, 22 May 2019 (UTC)
Das weiß ich ich meinte es auch nicht. Schau mal in [1] warum hast Du da die Nachnamen-Kategorie wieder eingefügt (+ Jacques-Joseph-Francois)?--NeverDoING (talk) 21:21, 22 May 2019 (UTC)
Ich habe die Nachnamens-Kategorie wieder eingefügt, weill die Person dort sonst über die wikidata box unter ihrem Vornamen mit Sonderzeichen einsortiert würde, sie sollte jedoch ohne Sonderzeichen sortiert werden, und somit die Sortierung falsch wäre. (Ich wiederhol mich). In François ist ein ç. Wenn in Category:Vogüé (surname) also z.B. noch ein Jacques-Joseph-Franz dazukommt, würde der François danach einsortiert, sollte aber davor stehen. Gruß --JuTa 21:24, 22 May 2019 (UTC)
Warum wird dann nicht die Software angepasst. Es macht doch keinen Sinn den Vorteil von wikidata infobox zu nutzen und dann doch bei jedem kleinen Sonderfall wieder alles manuell machen zu müssen. Kopfschüttel - Gute Nacht!--NeverDoING (talk) 21:49, 22 May 2019 (UTC)
Du kannst gerne einenen "Feature-Request" starten. Ich hab' aber wenig Hoffnung dass der bald realisiert würde. Gruß --JuTa 21:51, 22 May 2019 (UTC)

ne pas


Hi Ne.pas12, Please see Commons:Overwriting existing files and Commons:Ownership of pages and files. I will revert your reverts again. Please accept it. --JuTa 22:14, 25 May 2019 (UTC)

Hi JuTa I'm asking for deleting the old files.. there no permission for its use.. it's a legal matter.. I'll move a case against wikicommons for the copyrights .. there is no copyrights permissions for the old files.. delete immiditaliy otherwise I'm suing you .. I have sent the whole issue to my lawyer now. — Preceding unsigned comment added by Ne.pas12 (talk • contribs) 17:28, 26 May 2019 (UTC)

I'm now requested all of your uploads for deletion. see Commons:Deletion requests/Files in Category:Omar Hanoune. --JuTa 19:22, 26 May 2019 (UTC)

Needs Decision

@JuTa: Hii please give decision and close following deletion discussions: Commons:Deletion requests/File:17-VOLEIBOL-logo web-01-2.png and Commons:Deletion requests/File:1711995421 36ed0b56-27cd-41cc-a75d-3925f9970f5e.png Thanks! - CptViraj (Talk) 16:49, 27 May 2019 (UTC)

Deletion requests running normaly for a week. Please be patient. --JuTa 16:54, 27 May 2019 (UTC)
Okay Thanks! CptViraj (Talk) 17:43, 27 May 2019 (UTC)

Hi. Please conform your actions to your words. Or vice-versa.   — Jeff G. please ping or talk to me 14:20, 1 June 2019 (UTC)

Thx, ✓ Done. --JuTa 15:56, 1 June 2019 (UTC)
Thanks.   — Jeff G. please ping or talk to me 17:40, 2 June 2019 (UTC)

Thanks for uploading File:Big Bang.png. I notice that the file page either doesn't contain enough information...

Thanks for uploading File:Big Bang.png. I notice that the file page either doesn't contain enough information about the license or it contains contradictory information about the license, so the copyright status is unclear.

Thank you JuTa. As far as i know pictures posted on facebook beacomes of public domain (as per facebook rules). Am I wrong? (I posted the link to the image source, a group on facebook, when I uploaded the image)

No, for images posted on facebook, facebook gets an exclusive right to publish them and are definetly not in the public domain. regards --JuTa 07:35, 3 June 2019 (UTC)

Hi, I don't think there is any copyright here. This is a standard administrative document. There isn't enough originality to create a copyright. Regards, Yann (talk) 17:09, 3 June 2019 (UTC)

Then please raise an undeletion request. Maybe you can convince other admins. --JuTa 17:11, 3 June 2019 (UTC)
File:Olive Bomberjacke.JPG has been listed at Commons:Deletion requests so that the community can discuss whether it should be kept or not. We would appreciate it if you could go to voice your opinion about this at its entry.

If you created this file, please note that the fact that it has been proposed for deletion does not necessarily mean that we do not value your kind contribution. It simply means that one person believes that there is some specific problem with it, such as a copyright issue. Please see Commons:But it's my own work! for a guide on how to address these issues.

Please remember to respond to and – if appropriate – contradict the arguments supporting deletion. Arguments which focus on the nominator will not affect the result of the nomination. Thank you!

Abzeronow (talk) 17:33, 4 June 2019 (UTC)

did u even read?

my comments before deleting this?Stemoc 04:34, 1 June 2019 (UTC)

yes. --JuTa 04:35, 1 June 2019 (UTC)
and you still did not understand it? .....oh wow, the threshold to be and admin here is pretty low now..--Stemoc 01:54, 6 June 2019 (UTC)

Hi! In this discussion, leaving other considerations aside, I provided evidence that source data for these maps is open data. Could you please clarify how is even that not enough to consider these maps free? Pikne 18:59, 5 June 2019 (UTC)

The maps are likely not self drawn, but the images are likely copied by another source only coulor of the counties are modified by the uploader. But feel free to start a Commons:Undeletion request. regards --JuTa 05:15, 6 June 2019 (UTC)
If you say "likely not self drawn", then what exactly makes you suspicous, instead of assuming good faith. Uploader has said explicitly that it is their own work, and nominator did not provide any evidence that there is some other source these maps might be derived from. While to my understanding we should assume good faith regarding any user, then here the uploader is not even any user, they are a prolific and long-time map-maker and administrator on Latvian Wikipedia and in response to my enquiry regarding these maps they said that they are a professional cartographer. Basically, do you have less reason to delete any other map on Commons (as you can never be 100% sure everything is OK)?
Before taking this to undeletion requests I'd like understand at least a little why does the deletion request have this outcome. What am I missing? Pikne 05:52, 6 June 2019 (UTC)
Nothing, file the UDR. PS: If the images were *.svg I could trust more the uploader but not with *.png files. --JuTa 05:57, 6 June 2019 (UTC)
SVG source map by the same author is referred in deletion request. Pikne 06:01, 6 June 2019 (UTC)
File the UDR. I know its a borderline case, but I will not change my mind. --JuTa 06:02, 6 June 2019 (UTC)

Please review new License status on Logotipo Fundación Bamberg

Hi JuTa,

I've just updated the license as didn't include it on the first revision.

Could you just check if everything is Ok?

Regards — Preceding unsigned comment added by Japeon (talk • contribs) 17:24, 21 April 2019 (UTC)

Wrong reason for deletion


About Deletion_requests/Files_uploaded_by_Miculasr: Silenzio76 was OTRS member until 19 aprilie 2019...Accipiter Gentilis Q. (talk) 11:45, 8 June 2019 (UTC)

Thx for the note. I restored the images. --JuTa 12:42, 8 June 2019 (UTC)