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A flurry of media and market interest in enterprise search makes us glad we're instead focused on the user experience in search. On Monday, January 21, 2008, Microsoft offered to buy FAST Search & Transfer, for $1.2 billion. Coupled with recent multimillion-dollar investments by Intel and SAP in the enterprise search vendor Endeca, these moves suggest the extent to which many are scrambling to fill out their existing enterprise search offering.

Others have taken a different approach. In a moment of deja vu, we discovered that another enterprise search player, Autonomy, has recently circulated a white paper about the Google Search Appliance called "Google in the Enterprise." This new document competes with Autonomy's earlier effort to portray us as something we are not.

Before we clarify some of the significant inaccuracies of this white paper, we'd like to point out that all the market movement in enterprise search hints at what we've known since launching the Google Search Appliance five years ago: The key to coming out ahead lies not in any FUD-fueled sales strategy or multimillion-dollar investment in traditional technology, but in the realization that there's a revolution afoot.

This revolution is making information easier to find, share, and deliver to everyday workers. This brave new world means responding to business demands with products that deploy quickly and update simply, so users can access the information they need to be productive -- all without having to spend a fortune. Low upfront and deployment costs are the name of the game. And searching for information behind the firewall can be as easy and powerful as searching for information on Google.com.

Now on to the fine print. Here are a few corrections to the Autonomy white paper we'd like to make:

1. Comprehensiveness: Autonomy states that the Google Search Appliance "does not index all your critical content." On the contrary, the Google Search Appliance was designed to search all critical content in the enterprise, including file shares, intranets, databases, and real-time business data - all from one simple search box. The Google Search Appliance also comes equipped with on-board content connectors, such as those for SharePoint and Documentum, and the content connector framework, which is a published, open source framework that provides flexibility for anyone -- customers, SIs, ISVs -- to rapidly extend the reach of the Google Search Appliance.

2. Security: The paper states that the Google Search Appliance's "security features are not sufficient for enterprise use." In actuality, the Google Search Appliance provides two levels of security; first, the Google Search Appliance provides out-of-the-box support for multiple security access control systems (such as SAML standards, SSO, NTLM, etc.). Secondly, the Google Search Appliance supports document-level security with all content sources, which ensures that end-users see only those documents in the results list to which they have access.

3. Relevancy: According to hundreds of search relevancy and judgment tests that anyone (competitors or prospects) can run from the National Institute of Standards & Technology, Google's enterprise search precision and relevancy are the highest in the industry. Our relevancy has been put to the test in thousands of enterprise deployments around the world and more than 50% of our customers switched to Google because of our higher relevancy.

4. User Experience: While we couldn't find the words "user experience" anywhere in the Autonomy paper, Autonomy claims that the Google Search Appliance "does not offer the advanced retrieval or automatic information operations required by the enterprise." The Google Search Appliance does offer advanced operations; however, we've made sure to keep interfaces fast and easy to use. According to usability expert Jakob Nielsen, "the search front end should make searching the intranet effortless" and "a company with poor intranet usability would save $3 million per year if it improved its intranet usability to an average level. And a company with average intranet usability would save $2.4 million per year if it improved its intranet to the usability level found in the best 25%." We think he's on to something.

Finally, Autonomy mentions that the Google Search Appliance "capabilities are still being honed." This is certainly true: We are constantly working to improve the appliance, to make sure it offers ever increasing relevancy out of the box. The fact is that we employ thousands of engineers focused on search relevancy and quality. In addition, we are the fastest innovator in the industry. In the last three months alone, seven new Google Enterprise Labs experiments have been launched (by Google, not third parties as Autonomy claimed) to enhance the enterprise search experience.

Although the above list is by no means thorough, we feel it's important to clarify misinformation about enterprise search. Ultimately, it might be better to let our products and our customers from all industries do the talking. It's a brave new world in enterprise search, and we're already deeply engaged in it. How about you?

At Google we know the importance of having a good enterprise search solution that helps people inside organizations find the information they're looking for. And of course, it's part of our mission to make sure every organization benefits from the best enterprise search experience.

Last week's developments in the enterprise search market are sure to bring confusion and uncertainty to many customers. Customers of existing enterprise search solutions will start wondering about the future of the investment they made in the past. Is their product still going to be developed and improved? What about support for a diverse enterprise IT landscape? How long before they're asked to do a painful -and costly- migration?

On the other side, customers of some content management systems just realized that an enterprise search "feature" - or an "express" product, for that matter - is just not enough. Good enterprise search requires a dedicated, specialized system that is secure, returns relevant results quickly, and most importantly, is able to find all content throughout the enterprise, regardless where it is located.

For those confused and concerned customers, Google has some exciting news. Today we're introducing the "Make a fast switch to Google" program. We are making it easy for customers to switch over to Google, the enterprise search solution with the best relevancy, user experience, security and easy of deployment. Learn more about why you should switch and the benefits we're offering to you.

Happy enterprise searching!

Rodrigo Vaca
Google Enterprise

John, a Helpdesk Agent, is searching his Intranet for product troubleshooting information using his powerful Google Search Appliance to help a customer, but he'd love to simultaneously search all the public forums that exist about his product and see those results side by side. Jane, a Public Relations Manager, is searching her Intranet for recent news about her product launch using her Google Mini, and would love to see related web results pulled from blogs around the world. Now, they can both do this easily!

Related Web Results allows users to see public search results from a Custom Search Business Edition right next to their Google Search Appliance or Google Mini search results. This could be useful when searching for information that would also exist in public discussion groups, forums, or external blogs as shown in the picture below:

Owners of a Google Mini or Google Search Appliance can visit Google Enterprise Labs to download this feature today!

On January 2nd, Intelligent Enterprise unveiled its take on the most influential vendors that will drive the intelligent enterprise. I'm glad to report that Google was on their list of top companies that will matter the most in 2008, thereby winning an Intelligent Enterprise 2008 Editors' Choice Award.

Their rationale was based on the impact being felt by Google's products in the enterprise, both today and in the near future. For instance, with regards to enterprise search, they mention that "Google has singlehandedly reshaped the enterprise search market - and the expectations of search performance." Regarding Google Earth, they acknowledge that Google "was among the pioneers of Ajax in delivering Google Earth, and the dynamic interfaces and mashups of RIA are now trickling down into the corporate world". And finally, regarding Google Apps, they mention that "Google's foray into Web-based productivity tools has yielded Google Gears, which will help enterprise-oriented software-as-a-service (SaaS) vendors everywhere solve the problem of working with on-demand software offline".

To view the full article, click here.

So you have your shiny blue or yellow box up and running and life is good. As the searches keep coming, you begin to wonder.... How many of my users are clicking on the first search result? How many refine their search? How many use the Advanced search capabilities? How many click on a KeyMatch? How many have to click the Next page link? How many aren't finding what they want?

Now you can answer these and hundreds of other questions with the introduction of Advanced Search Reporting for your Google Mini or Google Search Appliance. Through a detailed analysis of what your users are clicking, you can now extract volumes of rich behavior detail that you can use to improve your search quality and their search experience.

For example, you might learn:

Owners of a Google Mini or Google Search Appliance can visit Google Enterprise Labs to download this feature today!

I recently reviewed an interesting case study about CrimeReports.com, a website that makes crime data from local law enforcement agencies available on the internet using Google Maps. CrimeReports.com is a partnership between a company called Public Engines and local police departments across the country -- from San Jose, CA to Washington, DC. These police departments wanted to make information about neighborhood safety directly available to the public, but did not have the resources to set this up themselves. Enter Public Engines, who built a service using the Google Maps API they are making available at a low cost to any interested police department.

In the past, local crime information could be difficult for citizens to find -- they could read police blotters in local newspapers or watch the evening news -- but it wasn't easy to see historical data or understand trends. By providing the data in a rich, visual interface, plus letting citizens get alerts if something new happens in their neighborhood -- CrimeReports.com makes information accessible to citizens in a much more useful way. If want to learn more, read the full case study.

The advent of new Internet technologies like blogs, wikis, & RSS makes it easier than ever for government to share information directly with the citizens they serve, without the need for any intermediaries. This sort of direct communication can be extremely valuable in letting citizens know what government officials are doing in their community. We're always on the look-out for other good examples of this; if you know of any, please share.

Being focused on helping people access, create, and share information, I shouldn't still be surprised by the stats about how people get online, but I am. For example, the count of personal computers worldwide is about to cross the 1 billion mark. That's a big number, but did you know that around 3 billion people have mobile phones? Nearly half the world's population already can, or may soon be able to, have the world's information in their pocket. Let that sink in for a moment....

And lots of people who go online with their phones aren't doing it that way for lack of a computer. Even with its small screen and squashed keyboard, my phone has become my web-connected device of choice in lots of situations. Like when I'm visiting a new city and need directions, when I want to send a quick email from a ski lift, or when it's just easier to reach into my pocket than fire up my MacBook.

These are some of the reasons why Google is committed to improving the mobile experience. The latest example, launched today, is Google Sync for mobile. This application for BlackBerry® smartphones keeps your Google Calendar in sync with your BlackBerry® calendar. So whether you update your schedule from your mobile device or from your computer, your agenda will be up to date however you decide to access your information later on.

You can download Google Sync for mobile by going to http://m.google.com/sync on your BlackBerry® browser. And for more about the other ways Google Apps users – including those without smartphones – can access their information on the go, check out the Google Apps mobile access overview.