You may know the term "cloud computing" or you may already be doing much of your business "in the cloud"...but whatever your use of the phrase or what it offers, there's more to learn about web-based computing at Cloud Camp.

Cloud Camps are offered by Google as a way to connect with regional audiences on various topics related to business in the cloud. Three upcoming camps – emphasizing the role of the cloud in increasing network security and reducing risks – will immerse participants in a morning of learning on eDiscovery, email security, legal issues and more. Space is limited, but our short online form will put you in touch with your local Google contacts so that you can see if this event is a fit for you.

Dates and locations follow:

Atlanta, GA – Tuesday, November 18
Philadelpia, PA – Thursday, November 20
Irvine, CA – Wednesday, December 3

Learn more about these Cloud Camps here.

Posted by Sundar Raghavan, Google Enterprise Team