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Revision as of 22:36, 18 February 2020 by Emceeaich (talk | contribs) (High-Priority)

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This is the main public page for all things related to, aka BMO, Mozilla's customized version of Bugzilla.

BMO is a core piece of infrastructure at Mozilla. It is used to track not only bugs and feature requests but also many other tasks across various teams.

The BMO source is a slightly modified fork of Bugzilla with many custom extensions. It is currently based on Bugzilla 4.2 but with many features backported from 4.4 and master. All the BMO devs are also involved in the Bugzilla project, and we contribute features and fixes upstream where they are generally applicable, that is, not too specific to Mozilla's particular needs.

Updates are usually deployed on a weekly basis and are listed on the Recent Changes page.


The team that works on BMO is called the B-Team, because of past affiliation with the defunct Automation and Tools team (A-Team).

  • dkl: Dave Lawrence (Owner/Engineer)
  • emceeaich: Emma Humphries, (Bugmaster)
  • kmoir: Kim Moir, (Manager)

The Low-level, security, and quality tools team contributes tooling, and development:

  • calixte: Calixte Denizet, (AutoNag)
  • marco: Marco Castelluccio, (BugBug)

We also also have some volunteers, that we consider to be part of the B-Team as well:

  • seban: Sebastin Santy (long-term volunteer, past GSoC student)
  • atoll: Richard Solderberg (Reviewer-at-Large, slightly borrowed from Mozilla IT)
  • kohei: Kohei Yoshino, (UX Designer)
  • ... and you can be one too!

There are also some people that still have some involvement with BMO, but their day-to-day attention is directed to other parts of Mozilla.

  • glob: Byron Jones
  • zeid: Zeid Zabaneh (Engineer)
  • mhentges: Mitchell Hentges (Engineer)

Past contributors include:

  • mary: Mary Umoh (Intern, Summer 2017)
  • gerv: Gervase Markham
  • mcote: Mark Côté
  • dylan: Dylan Hardison
  • imadueme: Israel Madueme (Engineer)
  • justdave: Dave Miller

New Users

Getting used to Bugzilla can be a bit daunting. We have a short introductory video available that is as gentle as possible. You may also be interested in the [MDN section about Bugzilla], which contains information more suitable as an introduction to a general audience. Of special interest is the MDN article, What to do and what not to do in Bugzilla, which contains instructions on getting elevated privileges.

New Bots

If you have a bot that uses BMO, be sure to add it to the BMO/Bot Registry so we know who to contact about it!

User Guide

We're putting together a user guide with helpful information on various aspects of Bugzilla. New and experienced users alike should benefit from it. There's a lot to go through, so please feel free to contribute!

Road Map

We keep a yearly road map with our medium-term plans (1-2 years), at a high level. Also see our current projects for some of the big items we are working on in the current quarter.

Browser Support For BMO

Full Support includes: The current versions of Firefox, Chrome, Chromium, Safari, WebKit, and Edge; and the latest Firefox ESR.

Limited Support includes: The previous versions of Firefox, Chrome, Chromium, Safari, WebKit, Edge, and Firefox ESR; and Firefox Nightly.

Internet Explorer is no longer supported, though some features may still work with IE 11.

See bug 1359310 and bug 1422435.

JavaScript and Analytics

JavaScript is required to use

The Do Not Track header sent by your browser is honored.

Third-Party Applications

Lots and lots of web apps and general tools have been written to interface with BMO. We have started cataloguing them. If you're looking for different ways to interface with BMO, check it out; similarly, if you are thinking about writing an app, check the catalogue to see if something similar exists that you could use, contribute to, or fork before setting out on your own.

There's one in particular that is particularly important: Phabricator, Mozilla's new and growing code-review tool.

More Information about BMO

Our discussion forum is [mailing list] [Google Group] [USENET].

We also have answers to Frequently Asked Questions and a slightly-but-not-too-out-of-date hardware diagram.

If you're building an application or tool that interfaces with BMO, you may be interested in the following:

Looking for another way to access Bugzilla's raw data? Try the ElasticSearch cluster.

Contributing to BMO

If you'd like to help out with BMO specifically (as opposed to the general upstream Bugzilla project), you can find us in #bmo on If you plan on contributing patches, see the documentation in the README.rst. You can file bugs under the product. Don't file them under the Bugzilla product unless you are sure it's a bug in the general Bugzilla product. In particular, all administrative changes should be filed under (see below for more).

Policies and Procedures

Code Updates

Code updates are normally deployed to late Monday/early Tuesday, US/Pacific time, at no specific time, if changes need to be pushed out. Security fixes or other fatal type errors will always go out as soon as possible.

Updates are usually deployed on a weekly basis and are listed on the BMO/Recent Changes page.

Administrative Changes

If you need changes to BMO's configuration to support your team, project, etc., please consult this page before filing bugs:

BMO Administrative Processes

See also BMO on Mana (requires LDAP).

BMO Development and Other Processes

Custom Bug Entry Forms

In the past, BMO developers supported writing custom bug entry forms specific for the needs of different projects and groups within Mozilla. In order to focus more on other important features, we will no longer be providing that support going forward. For more information on why this change was made, see here.

There is a new custom form framework being developed by an outside contributor named Sebastin Santy. It is still in the early stages but it eventually will be very useful for users who want to create a customized bug entry form that can be used to submit bugs to BMO.

Current Projects

This table lists the bugs representing the current quarterly goals (and, near the end of the quarter, sometimes next quarter's goals). Those that were set at the beginning of the quarter are tagged with the keyword "bmo-goal". The BMO team also regularly gets requests for high-priority work items throughout the quarter; those that will take more than a day or two in total, thus potentially jeopardizing other goals, are included below, tagged with "bmo-big". The daily smaller tasks are also generally tracked in Bugzilla but not represented in the table below.

P1 indicates a critical project. P2 indicates an important but deferrable item. P3 is as P2 but more deferrable. Note that all items are important, and it is presumed that lower-priority items will increase in priority over time as high-priority tasks are completed, i.e., we don't plan to defer any of these tasks indefinitely.


Full Query
ID Priority Summary Status Resolution Assigned to
1309706 -- [meta] Tracking bug for migration of BMO attachments from the database to AWS S3 RESOLVED FIXED David Lawrence [:dkl]
1524700 -- Create Rules extension to replace hard coded edit rules currently in BMO bug_check_can_change_field hook RESOLVED WONTFIX David Lawrence [:dkl]
1553533 P3 [meta] Make the version field uniform across products RESOLVED FIXED Emma Humphries ☕️🎸🧞‍♀️✨ (she/they) [:emceeaich] (Pacific Time) use needinfo
1612290 -- Provide self-service UI for users to reactivate their account after being disabled due to bouncing VERIFIED FIXED David Lawrence [:dkl]
1613784 -- Add Root Cause Field as Program Flag RESOLVED FIXED Emma Humphries ☕️🎸🧞‍♀️✨ (she/they) [:emceeaich] (Pacific Time) use needinfo
1628590 -- [meta] Spring 2020 Triage Process Work RESOLVED FIXED

6 Total; 0 Open (0%); 5 Resolved (83.33%); 1 Verified (16.67%);


Full Query
ID Priority Summary Status Resolution Assigned to
817383 P1 SeaMonkey needs new (public) GPG key, in order to support signing releases properly ASSIGNED Edmund Wong (:ewong)
1171799 P1 bad A11Y/U7Y in PDF viewer toolbar ASSIGNED Calixte Denizet (:calixte)
1388361 P1 Add new dimension based on browser profile age ASSIGNED Mauro Doglio [:mdoglio]
1450787 P1 Decide what to do with the javascript.options.gc_on_memory_pressure pref on Android ASSIGNED Kayacan Kaya [:kaya]
1522282 P1 Delayed image loading on low end ARM devices ASSIGNED Sean Feng [:sefeng]
1524772 P1 Webcompat: Offline unavailable in Gmail ASSIGNED Ksenia Berezina [:ksenia]
1529131 P1 Shutdown profiles should include profiles from all child processes ASSIGNED Nazım Can Altınova [:canova][:canaltinova on phabricator]
1531004 P1 Skype for Web is not supported on Firefox ASSIGNED Dennis Schubert [:denschub]
1543783 P1 live site loads 1s slower in Fenix/GVE than Fennec 64 ASSIGNED Sean Feng [:sefeng]
1546601 P1 Develop an integration test for pre-release telemetry for late beta builds ASSIGNED Raphael Aurich [:raphael] UTC+02:00
1572000 P1 [meta] database backed global message index ASSIGNED Magnus Melin [:mkmelin]
1605353 P1 [wayland] missing scrollbar in panels when it's size overflows workspace ASSIGNED Jan Horak [:jhorak]
1617622 P1 create view in treeherder to aid in verifying infrastructure changes ASSIGNED Suyash Salampuria
1619202 P1 Delete TestPingServer test or move under client directory ASSIGNED Raphael Aurich [:raphael] UTC+02:00
1626342 P1 Use HTML buttons in MozDialog ASSIGNED Dão Gottwald [:dao]
1632191 P1 [meta] Web based stub installer - QA bug tracking ASSIGNED Cristian Baica [:cbaica], Release Desktop QA
1633249 P1 OpenPGP becomes extremely slow with many keys ASSIGNED Patrick Brunschwig
1634841 P1 No Show settings for messaging layer for Experiment Manager ASSIGNED Dan Mosedale (:dmosedale, :dmose)
1641690 P1 Private Relay Pricing and Acquisition mechanism ASSIGNED Kamyar Ardekani (he/him)
1657947 P1 New Metric Type: "Surface" aka 2D Distributions aka ... ASSIGNED Chris H-C :chutten
1659008 P1 Setting binary/octet-stream PDF files to open in Firefox causes a blank entry in application handlers ASSIGNED :Gijs (he/him)
1665566 P1 firefox hangs on certain webpages ASSIGNED Matthew Gregan [:kinetik]
1700827 P1 Remove or update probes expiring in Firefox 90: MIXED_CONTENT_DOWNLOADS ASSIGNED Sebastian Streich [:sstreich]
1708040 P1 Tagged PDF images need more information ASSIGNED Calixte Denizet (:calixte)
1716758 P1 An element with a redirect link has no effect when clicked ASSIGNED Calixte Denizet (:calixte)
1747357 P1 Allow storage for replicates ASSIGNED Greg Mierzwinski [:sparky]
1749048 P1 Implement ImageDecoder ASSIGNED Andrew Osmond [:aosmond] (he/him)
1757843 P1 Data Review for telemetry supporting Unified Reporting of the Urlbar ASSIGNED Nan Jiang [:nanj]
1762911 P1 Intermittent LeakSanitizer | leak at mozilla::net::AddStaticElement, AddStaticElement, InitializeStaticHeaders, mozilla::net::nvFIFO::nvFIFO ASSIGNED Valentin Gosu [:valentin] (he/him) {{ FYI: OOO 14 June - 4 August }}
1774427 P1 Print button doesn't respond on PDFs opened from Matrix chats ASSIGNED Calixte Denizet (:calixte)
1778392 P1 Fix narrowing conversion warnings for Imm32/Address/BaseIndex ASSIGNED Iain Ireland [:iain]
1786566 P1 Validate the content of the indirect buffer for DrawIndirect ASSIGNED Teodor Tanasoaia [:teoxoy]
1792154 P1 Cut/Copy options from the context menu freeze the page when used in Powerpoint ASSIGNED Ksenia Berezina [:ksenia]
1795049 P1 Right hand preference pane no longer flexes width based on content and available window space ASSIGNED Emilio Cobos Álvarez (:emilio)
1796646 P1 [meta] Debug Ping Viewer UI/UX Improvements Implementation ASSIGNED Bruno Rosa [:brosa]
1802710 P1 Strange find behavior on German PDF with umlauts ASSIGNED Calixte Denizet (:calixte)
1805058 P1 [hazards] malformed function and type names ASSIGNED Steve Fink [:sfink] [:s:]
1805644 P1 Speedometer 2 is ~5% faster with --disable-jemalloc ASSIGNED Paul Bone [:pbone]
1808330 P1 [perfdocs] Don't use sphinx-panels for dropdown anchors ASSIGNED Greg Mierzwinski [:sparky]
1813588 P1 [meta] Enable wayland testing in Gecko ASSIGNED Andrew Halberstadt [:ahal]
1815753 P1 To Access and to interact with Firefox push notifications using the Nvda screen reader ASSIGNED Nick Rishel [:nrishel]
1817774 P1 Investigate proper handling of auto-focus after navigation since bug 1444491 landed ASSIGNED Henrik Skupin [:whimboo][⌚️UTC+1]
1819047 P1 pdf comments displayed upside-down ASSIGNED Calixte Denizet (:calixte)
1830016 P1 Disable reader mode when a pdf is displayed ASSIGNED Calixte Denizet (:calixte)
1835869 P1 System design tokens depend on --button-{,primary-}bgcolor, which may be unset ASSIGNED Mark Striemer [:mstriemer]
1836258 P1 Add D-TRUST BR Root CA 2 2023 and D-TRUST EV Root CA 2 2023 ASSIGNED Ben Wilson
1840846 P1 Remove deprecated onLocationChange API in v128 ASSIGNED Roger Yang [:royang]
1844377 P1 Crash in [@ core::ops::function::impls::impl$3::call_mut] ASSIGNED Chris H-C :chutten
1844980 P1 "Select All" context menu option in Presentation Mode is clickable instead of being greyed out to reflect the disabled text selection function ASSIGNED Calixte Denizet (:calixte)
1845047 P1 Add SwissSign RSA TLS Root CA 2022 - 1 and SwissSign RSA SMIME Root CA 2022 - 1 ASSIGNED Ben Wilson
1845124 P1 Why did the number of network recoverable errors not improve after tooLateToSend? ASSIGNED Chris H-C :chutten
1851881 P1 [meta] Re-vendoring of WGPU into `mozilla-central` ASSIGNED Erich Gubler [:ErichDonGubler]
1852924 P1 H3 upload Speed still slow. Three times slower than other browsers. ASSIGNED Kershaw Chang [:kershaw]
1855042 P1 Add SVG versions of all shopping onboarding images ASSIGNED Shane Hughes [:aminomancer]
1856781 P1 Unread count for unselected mail folder with new mail fails WCAG 2.0 AA for contrast ASSIGNED solange
1857021 P1 Support for "account_deleted" message is missing from fx-webchannel ASSIGNED Jonathan Almeida [:jonalmeida]
1857823 P1 copy event no longer emitted by PDF viewer ASSIGNED Calixte Denizet (:calixte)
1859039 P1 applyMomentsPolicy has at least incorrect comments, may be sending wrong data ASSIGNED Shane Hughes [:aminomancer]
1863580 P1 Entrust: Add Entrust and AffirmTrust Root Certificates ASSIGNED Ben Wilson
1866518 P1 Assertion failure: !obj->runtimeFromMainThread()->gc.nursery().isInside(src.dataPointer()), at vm/ArrayBufferObject.cpp:2070 ASSIGNED Steve Fink [:sfink] [:s:]
1868376 P1 Fix failing raptor unit test when linking to mozperftest ASSIGNED Alex Finder
1873791 P1 Add support for bookmarks toolbar experiments ASSIGNED Negin
1874456 P1 jit::EliminateDeadResumePointOperands never worked as expected. ASSIGNED Nicolas B. Pierron [:nbp]
1876166 P1 [Experiment] Launch Import - Embedded Modal - all users ASSIGNED Jason Prickett
1878307 P1 [Experiment] [Intermittent] The Callout for Opted Out users from Control branch is displayed instead of Callout 1 in the Treatment A branch ASSIGNED Shane Hughes [:aminomancer]
1878572 P1 PDF Viewer is not localized in Firefox for Android ASSIGNED Calixte Denizet (:calixte)
1879035 P1 Unable to Free highlight over an already Highlighted Text ASSIGNED Calixte Denizet (:calixte)
1879104 P1 The Highlight Delete and Colors menu does not work if the submenu is on top of a different highlight ASSIGNED Calixte Denizet (:calixte)
1879429 P1 [toolbar redesign] [a11y] implement Talkback reading order ASSIGNED tchoh
1880101 P1 Investigate whether the tabstrip can be used vertically ASSIGNED Sarah Clements [:sclements]
1880380 P1 Add VikingCloud Root Certificates ASSIGNED Ben Wilson
1882384 P1 Ensure Ios Client are requesting/consuming mobile specific sponsored suggestions ASSIGNED Tif Tran
1884684 P1 (SHIP) Wpt test suite times out when SHIP (session history in parent) is enabled ASSIGNED Peter Van der Beken [:peterv]
1884970 P1 Close current tab button is missing an accessible name and role ASSIGNED Anna Yeddi [:ayeddi]
1885595 P1 Set up a JSActor that can construct feature callouts in content pages ASSIGNED Shane Hughes [:aminomancer]
1885632 P1 [Menu Redesign] Implement mobile/desktop site states ASSIGNED Gabriel Luong [:gl] (ΦωΦ)
1885636 P1 [Menu Redesign] Implement accessibility reading order ASSIGNED tchoh
1885640 P1 [Menu Redesign] Implement onboarding: show CFR when the menu is first opened. ASSIGNED tchoh
1885649 P1 [Menu Redesign] Implement Extensions menu onboarding ASSIGNED Sanchaai [:sanchaai]
1886215 P1 [Experiment] Callout 1 is displayed soon after opting out the Review Checker feature and dismissing Callout 5 ASSIGNED Shane Hughes [:aminomancer]
1886270 P1 [toolbar redesign] ensure telemetry isn't broken ASSIGNED [:skhan]
1887646 P1 [meta] Build / package / install loop is significantly slower than it should be ASSIGNED Gabriel Luong [:gl] (ΦωΦ)
1888964 P1 Assertion failure: !done(), at vm/Scope.h:1674 ASSIGNED Tooru Fujisawa [:arai]
1889356 P1 [toolbar redesign] Hide new nav toolbar in PWA ASSIGNED Petru-Mugurel Lingurar [:petru]
1890230 P1 [meta] folder corruption tracker for thunderbird 122+ ASSIGNED Ben Campbell
1891615 P1 [toolbar redesign] Implement CFR for forward and back navbar buttons ASSIGNED tchoh
1891650 P1 Expand/collapse controls on the Megalist cards are missing interactive role, accessible name, and state ASSIGNED Ryan Safaeian [:rsafaeian]
1892021 P1 Implement a credential chooser for IdentityCredentials ASSIGNED Benjamin VanderSloot [:bvandersloot]
1892762 P1 [toolbar redesign] Snackbar blocks access to address bar or toolbar ASSIGNED Petru-Mugurel Lingurar [:petru]
1895153 P1 [Menu Redesign] Implement "Find in page..." menu functionality ASSIGNED Gabriel Luong [:gl] (ΦωΦ)
1896775 P1 Set up a helper to invoke JS modules via the category manager ASSIGNED :Gijs (he/him)
1898053 P1 Unclosed BDC can lead to have too much depth in the text layer ASSIGNED Calixte Denizet (:calixte)
1898340 P1 Vulkan validation layer not available in WebGPU CI ASSIGNED Erich Gubler [:ErichDonGubler]
1898430 P1 [Menu Redesign] Implement "Open in Firefox Browser" menu item for custom tabs ASSIGNED Sanchaai [:sanchaai]
1899336 P1 Style pinned tabs and add new tab button with divider to vertical tabs ASSIGNED Sarah Clements [:sclements]
1899346 P1 Move all tools in the tabs toolbar when in vertical tabs mode ASSIGNED Sam Foster [:sfoster] (he/him)
1899357 P1 [Experiment] Configure and Launch Localized Add-ons Picker in First-Run Onboarding ASSIGNED Jason Prickett
1899754 P1 Support i10n variables on the Infobar component ASSIGNED Max
1902196 P1 [Menu Redesign] Add "Report broken site" menu item ASSIGNED Sanchaai [:sanchaai]
1902598 P1 riscv build failed ASSIGNED LuYahan
1903588 P1 Tooltip in alt-text button is overflowing with large strings ASSIGNED Calixte Denizet (:calixte)
1904080 P1 [Experiment] Configure and Launch 1-Click Set to Default in First Run Existing User ASSIGNED Negin
1904325 P1 [Menu Redesign] Support custom tab configurations for the new navbar ASSIGNED Petru-Mugurel Lingurar [:petru]
1904784 P1 find_task_id_batched(): Intermittent ConnectionResetError: [Errno 104] Connection reset by peer ASSIGNED Julien Cristau [:jcristau]
1905154 P1 Restore dialog should remain open and display "Restoring..." while a recovery is in progress. ASSIGNED Mike Conley (:mconley) (:⚙️)
1905611 P1 [REGRESSION] DarkReader's Filter+ mode is extremely low res with gfx.webrender.svg-filter-effects enabled (Nightly only) ASSIGNED Ashley Hale [:ahale]
1906949 P1 Add shell scripts for foreground resource usage ASSIGNED Kash Shampur [:kshampur] ⌚EST
1906983 P1 What's New page not displayed correctly after update ASSIGNED Martin Giger [:freaktechnik]
1907207 P1 Add enableUpdatedAddImage variable to pdfjs Nimbus feature ASSIGNED Calixte Denizet (:calixte)
1907434 P1 Update desktop's Fakespot suggestion integration with the Rust component ASSIGNED Drew Willcoxon :adw
1907468 P1 Use proper icon for each Fakespot suggestion ASSIGNED Daisuke Akatsuka (:daisuke)
1907637 P1 Extend timeout on WebGPU CTS tests ASSIGNED Teodor Tanasoaia [:teoxoy]
1907641 P1 [Toolbar Redesign] In landscape version, the home button shouldn't be present in the toolbar, there is a new tab button next to tab tray icon. ASSIGNED Gabriel Luong [:gl] (ΦωΦ)
1907646 P1 [Toolbar Redesign] Display the correct menu items in the tab counter menu when the navigation bar is enabled ASSIGNED Gabriel Luong [:gl] (ΦωΦ)
1907783 P1 Browsing data loss when using the new clear history dialog if Firefox is not closed gracefully ASSIGNED Harshit Sohaney

115 Total; 115 Open (100%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);


Full Query
ID Priority Summary Status Resolution Assigned to
1599274 -- [META] Deprecate XMLRPC/JSONRPC API and support only REST going forward NEW
1612286 -- Single sign-on through Mozilla IAM RESOLVED FIXED

2 Total; 1 Open (50%); 1 Resolved (50%); 0 Verified (0%);

Further documentation about goals above and other projects follows:

  • User Roles
    • Generate different user roles based on what tasks a user is trying to complete when using the BMO system.

Past Projects

Some of these will have on-going maintenance and improvements, but the initial deployment has been accomplished. Others have been abandoned or rejected due to various factors, noted below.